Stuck in another Dimension
, 01-31-2017 at 06:30 AM (976 Views)
Just a heads up, this dream literally felt somewhere between 1 day and 1 week long. When I awoke from it I was late for class so I couldn't recall all of it perfectly, but I knew for sure it was at least 1 day long. I'm not going to type all of it because so much happened, and it would take forever, but this is the summed up version.
1. I was somewhere walking in a stretch of grass on the side of a massive freeway. My mom, dad, and sister were walking in front of me. The sun was shining bright and the sky was clear. Suddenly my father turned around to talk to me, "It's your sister's first birthday son" he told me. "What in the fucking hell" I thought to myself. In my fathers arms was my sister, who now no longer looked 15 at all. She didn't look 1 year old, but rather she looked around 4 or 5 years old. Still, I was at a loss of words. "This can't be real" I told myself, but somehow, something inside of me simply KNEW that it was. I proceed to become extremely freaked out as I look around and enforce the fact that I knew that this was all real. My critical thinking skills were extremely high at this point. but I didn't become lucid.
My attention is weakened by the fact that half of the sky is now near pitch black. "There's a heavy storm coming in, we need to get back now!" my father yells. With that we all start running back from where we came. The clouds were approaching us extremely fast and definitely seemed to be going faster than us. A minute or so later the sky is covered in pitch black clouds and it looks like nighttime. It didn't rain though, contrary to my expectation. We continued running and minutes later turned the corner where we went inside of some building. The inside of this building heavily resembled the stock market building in NYC, but the color theme was different. People were everywhere, some were working, some were just socializing. I noticed that there were other families here as well, and they all looked rather concerned.
At this point I sit down somewhere, and my sister follows. As she sits next to me I regain deep thought about what is going on. "This has really happened. I'm somehow stuck in another dimension with no idea of how I've got here" I think to myself. A feeling of intense fright overcomes me and I begin to cry, harder than I ever have before. I feel so lost, with no idea of what to do. I exchange conversation with my sister after I calm down, and am surprised by her cognitive ability for her age. We had no problem holding a solid conversation, although I have forgotten what we talked about. It then hits me, my mother and father were acting way different from usual. Their personality far less energetic, and they seemed as though they were not happy with their life at all. This stressed me out even more.
I take my sister with me and leave the building. It is still dark outside. I walk around another corner and come to a dark two-story house. As I walk inside I recognize my boss. "Bryan, what are you doing here?" I asked. "We're having a get together party for all Walmart employees" he tells me. I see it in him too, he's acting way different. He just isn't acting like himself at all, and his personality mirrors that of my parents. I see many of my coworkers in the living room of this house. One of them notifies everyone that it is time for the toast. She begins talking and telling of how she's loved walmart so much. Other coworkers share their love for walmart, and I soon grow frightened once more. Everyone here is acting the same. It's as if everyone is extremely bored and unhappy with their lives. The energy in the room is dead and happiness and positivity are completely absent.
I take my sister and go outside in an attempt to regain my calmness and sanity. Everything is wrong. Everyone is acting different and mundane. Fast forward and I am now inside of a restaurant with my mother, father, sister, and all of my close friends. As we had all walked in, we tell the waiter we need a table for 8. She leads us to a table for 8 and we all sit down. My friends are all acting like they normally do, however, they sit at a different table than the one we were assigned too. I am now sitting at an 8 person table with just my family, and all of my close friends are sitting at another 8 person table directly in front of us. "Yo, what are you guys doing? Why aren't you sitting over here?" I ask them. "Dude relax it's not a big deal" my best friend Dylan says. All of my close friends then re-engage in conversation with each other, excluding me.
The waiter then proceeds to ask my family and I what we'd like to drink. She stood out to me, clearly. Her energy was vibrant and I could see it in her eyes; she was alive, unlike almost everyone else I had talked to so far. Her hair was long silky and black, and her eyes a piercingly glowing green. I've forgotten what my family members requested to drink, but I asked for water.
Fast forward by a huge amount of time and I am now at work. All of the lights in the store are off, and I can tell by looking through a nearby window that it is dark outside as well. The only light coming in is from the full moon far above me in the night sky. I see one of my other managers, John, taking inventory and just checking the store out. He is out of uniform and seems to not care at all that I am just standing, some 10 feet away from him, not doing any work. Seconds later a group of my coworkers come by and ask for my help on fixing some light-machine. I proceed to do my best to fix it. By the looks of it, the machine emitted strong neon red, green, and yellow lights when working. Much of it looked to be disconnected including the many wires that accompanied it. I did my best and attempted to reconnect everything with the help of my coworkers, but even then, the machine did not work.
Note: This is literally just a fraction of the dream. It lasted much longer than this, but as I mentioned earlier would take forever to type. The fear I experienced within this dream is still partly with me now. Right as I awoke from the dream this morning I literally almost cried due to just how scary this all was. I was also very disoriented as well as the dream felt more real than this waking reality. I feel that part of the fact that this dream was so long is because, in the dream, I knew that everything was real(definitely see possibilities for future use in my LDing journey). It was quite odd that even though practically all of my critical thinking abilities were present, I was not lucid.
Also, like I said, I left out many things. There were many other places and many long walks going to these places. One thing I know for sure now, is that anything is possible in dreams, as I've always thought.