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    Superhero Treon and Rainy Day at School

    by , 04-22-2015 at 03:24 AM (380 Views)
    1. I was inside of school, walking to get to my next class. On my way to class, I decided to cut through the cafeteria and use it as a shortcut. As I walked down the cafeteria, I looked through the glass curtain wall and saw that it was raining heavily and that the ground was extremely wet and muddy. I continued walking anyway to get to class but before I got to the doors to leave a big, tall old man walked in front of me and blocked my path. "Hey could you please get out of the way?" I asked him. "You're not going anywhere" he tells me.
    I turn around and sit down at an empty lunch table a few feet behind me. The entire cafeteria is empty besides me and the old man. I look through the glass curtain wall and this time I can see through the window of a nearby portable. In the window I see my friends Patrick and Alex. They both see me and Patrick makes a funny face at me while waving his middle finger at the same time. Alex looks at me from behind Patrick and is laughing because of it. I smile because of how dumb they act sometimes, it cracks me up. I try to tell them that I will be in class soon using hand gestures and mouthing my words since they can't hear me over the rain and also considering they are in a portable.
    I look back at the old man. I analyze his outfit. He is wearing a light yellow polo shirt and light gray jeans. He also has a lanyard on his chest and a backpack on for some reason. I look up at the clock and it reads something like 1:20. I realize that I am now 20 minutes late. "Seriously man, come on. I need to get to class now" I tell the old man. He then gives me a stern look and then walks away. I walk out the door and as I do, Patrick and Alex walk out of the portable and meet me on the sidewalk. It has stopped raining now, but the ground is flooded with water. I get out my phone and point it at the water surrounding the sidewalk so I can see how deep it is. My phone tells me that the water is 5.8 meters deep.
    The water is slightly brown and really murky. Patrick kneels down next to me and pushes me, but as he does he grabs me so I don't actually fall into the water. "Holy crap Patrick get me up" I say. My body is literally an inch away from touching the water. Patrick laughs. "Dude seriously, this water is 5.8 meters deep!". He then pulls me back to my feet and I stand up.

    2. I am at lunch in the cafeteria at school. Sitting next to me are 2 of my good friends, Trey and Lucas. Alot of other dudes are sitting around us, but I'm not sure if I know them or not. We start socializing and I take off my backpack off of my back and open it to get my lunch out. I pull out a Swiss roll. Lucas looks over and sees it. "Dude I'll trade you something for that" he says. "Nah man, I don't do trading haha" I tell him. "Dude come on, I really need one of those right now" he replies.(I know this makes Lucas sound really fat). I open up the swiss roll out of its packaging and suddenly I hear a voice yell, "Hey come here! Stop right now!".
    I look up and I see an Assistant principle chasing a student. The student is a big dude with short black hair and a really loose red t-shirt. This dude is walking really fast away from the Assistant Principle and constantly ignores his calls for him to stop running. Me, Trey, and Lucas start laughing.

    3. I am inside of school(wow, for the 3rd fucking time) and I am waiting outside of a class with my dad. We are waiting for a group of little kids because we are supposed to take them somewhere. The hallways of this school are dead and there seems to be no one else around. I tell my dad that I am going to go to the restroom and with that I walk around the corner and go to the restroom. The odd thing is, I notice that there is only one restroom in this school, there isn't a boys and a girls restroom, just one all together one. A push the blue door in front of me open and walk inside.
    The floor is blue as well and is covered with a soft pad. I look in front of me and notice that this restroom is massive. It looks like its the size of a classroom. Everything in this restroom is either blue or white, but mostly blue. Suddenly someone walks out of one of the stalls, and it's my friend Treon. He is wearing a gray cape on his back. "Bro, what's up with the cape?" I ask him. "Ah you know man, just trying to get that superhero look going on" he says. "Ah yeah that's right I gotchu" I say. Suddenly a few more dudes that we don't know walk out of the stalls next to us. It is at this point that I turn to look to my left and notice that girls are also using this same restroom as well. In fact, I see at least 5 girls using the restroom.
    Oddly enough, I am shocked enough by the situation that I forget to do a reality check(I won't miss it next time). I walk down the restroom to find a stall to use. I quickly find one and I walk in. As I do so, I look at the toilet seat by habit and see that there is piss all over the seat, how disgusting. I walk out of the stall and look for another one. I then notice how low the walls are for each stall. I can see over every stall that I go inside and I am only 5'10. I end up going to the stall next to the one I was just in.

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