Taking A Big Risk
, 03-18-2015 at 04:34 AM (350 Views)
1. I was upstairs in my house, and it was daytime. As I am walking down my hallway I suddenly become Lucid. At that same time, everything becomes sort of chaotic. Time seems to move faster, or at least everything seems incredibly sped up. I start walking down the stairs, but I only move one step down before I stop. I see my mom walk as though she was racing, into the foyer and then into the library room. A doubt comes into my mind, "What if I'm actually not dreaming?" I ask myself.
It then occurred to me that I could test to see if I was dreaming or not by jumping over the top of the stairs and see if I landed safely or not. At the time this sounded like a great idea. I then climbed over the stair rail and jumped off of the top of the stairs. A rush of adrenaline hit me as I realized that if this wasn't a dream I would be screwed. Thankfully, it was a dream. As I jumped off the stairs I started floating down to the floor slowly. What a great feeling that was. My mom said something to me, but I didn't really care. I then walked into my living room and saw my dad sitting down in his recliner chair watching T.V. This was no surprise to me. I decide to walk around the rest of the house just to see if anything has changed.
I walk into the dining room and here I find a girl about my age. She looks at me in a deeply sexual way and it arouses me. I go over to her and strip her down. She is completely fine with this. We then start banging. Somehow, both of us got teleported into my kitchen, and now we were just banging in the kitchen out in the open. I looked over to the living room and now my dad was gone. My focus now went back to the girl and we kept going at it. I looked down the hallway that connects my dining room and the kitchen and at the end of this hallway I see a mirror. In the mirror I see myself banging the girl, and it matches my every move. Suddenly, I start to see the girl's stomach inflate in the mirror. It kept inflating, but it stopped eventually. Now she looked like she was pregnant.
I stopped for a moment, "Wow that's not good. And actually, I should really be working on dilating time and finding certain DC's. Ahh I'll do it in a bit" I thought to myself. I then continued banging the chick regardless of the fact that she looked pregnant (why did I do this? why??? D: ). Suddenly my mom walks into the kitchen and sees us banging. As she notices us, the entire house starts shaking like an earthquake. I stumble onto the floor, and I can tell that if I don't focus I will wake up. At one point the earthquake gets so bad that I fall again and now I can feel myself leaving the dream and waking up. I stop myself from waking up and enter the dream fully lucid once more.
The earthquake still hasn't stopped and now my vision gets blurry and grainy and it causes me to wake up.