Gorilla's Curse (February 16, 2013)
, 02-17-2013 at 03:32 AM (1113 Views)
Gorilla's Curse
Most of my dreams last night were vivid, but unfortunately this one wasn't. There weren't a lot of details and I hardly remember anything. Me, Chris, and Lucia were sitting in a New York City park. They were trying to help me with the New York task of the year. They were reading a book that I found in a dream about a month ago. The book was said to contain over 500 spells I think.
Chris and Lucia were fighting over the book and arguing about which spell to use. "We should use the gorilla's curse spell," Chris said. "Curses aren't good things! It could be permanent!" Lucia yelled. "Personally I think we should make a potion," I said. "Why?" Chris asked. "Well maybe it will only last a few minutes if it's a potion," I said. Doesn't sound logical now, but it somehow made sense at the time.
I pulled a small vile of water out of my pocket. Chris then read something out of the spell book, but I'm not sure what he said. He cast the gorilla's curse on the water and it turned yellow. I then drank the potion. It tasted like lemon juice. After a few seconds, I instantly transformed into a giant gorilla in a puff of white smoke. I'm going to make a random guess that I was about 100 feet tall.
I looked down and saw Chris and Lucia between my feet. I picked them up and dropped them on my right shoulder. "Now go climb to the top of the Empire State Building!" Lucia said. I walked through the city and made my way towards the tallest building. I was pretty much tip-toeing through the city, trying to avoid stepping on people and buildings. I'm pretty sure I didn't hurt anyone, but I stilled damaged a lot of cars and small buildings.
When I came to the Empire State Building, I jumped onto it and used my gorilla skills to climb to the top. When I reached the top, there was a helicopter there. Inside the helicopter was Rick with an assault rifle. He pointed it at my face and started shooting at me. Luckily shooting a giant gorilla in the face will only cause minor bleeding, but it still hurts to be shot. I tried to yell at Rick to stop shooting at me, but a roar came out instead. Apparently my roar was powerful enough to blow the helicopter away into another building. The good news is Rick jumped out of the helicopter in time and grew wings to fly away. The bad news is he still wanted to get rid of the giant gorilla and called for back up.
It wasn't long before military jets started flying by and shooting at me. Again, I will point out, it hurts to be shot. I managed knock down a couple jets before they fired missiles at me. The explosions from the missiles caused Chris to fall off of my shoulder. I tried to reach out to grab him, but I wasn't fast enough and missed. Lucia jumped off of my shoulder and dived towards the ground. She grabbed onto Chris and grew dragon wings. She then flew somewhere safe with him.
While I was distracted by that, another barrage of missiles came flying at me. They knocked me off of the Empire State Building and I fell to the ground. I hit the ground pretty hard. My vision was blurry and I looked at my hand. I was in human form again. I'm not sure if I went back to normal before or after hitting the ground. I woke up shortly after I hit the ground.