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    task of the year

    task of the year dreams

    1. The Great Sphinx (February 17, 2013)

      by , 02-18-2013 at 12:23 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      The Great Sphinx

      The first half of this dream is fragmented and lacks clarity. My dream recall hasn't been as great as it should be lately. I was wandering around a forest, far away from civilization. It was around autumn and the trees were different colors of red, orange, and yellow. I remember that almost everything I saw was very beautiful. That irritates me a bit because I can't remember it clearly. The beauty of the world around me is what made me lucid.

      At some point I came to a ravine with a river flowing at the bottom. Nearby was some kind of log cabin built near the edge of the ravine. I don't really remember the details except that it was pretty big and fancy for a log cabin. I walked inside and looked around a bit. There were several people living there. They were apparently a group of survivors from a recent apocalyptic event. They seemed to be pretty well set up considering how most post-apocalypse camps look like.

      I think I talked with them for a short time, but I don't remember much. I think they said I was a part of their group. It wasn't long before I was bored with them and wanted to go exploring again. I left the cabin and walked to the ravine. There was a wooden suspension bridge nearby that I could use to get across the ravine. When I walked onto the bridge it rocked back and forth a bit. So then I started shifting my weight to the left and right to make the bridge sway as I walked across it. It's more fun that way.

      On the other side of the bridge was a prairie. Far off in the distance I could see a man wandering through the tall grass. I ran over to him to see if there was anything interesting about him. When I approached him, he pointed a shotgun at me and said, "Stay back or I'll shoot." I told him that I was friendly and didn't want to cause any trouble. He lowered his gun and said, "Do you have any food on you? I haven't eaten in days and I'm starving." "Sorry, I don't have any food on me, but I do know a group of people who do," I said.

      I guided the man back to to the log cabin where there should be food. After we crossed the bridge, we were stopped by a man who appeared to be the leader of the group. He pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the man I was helping. "Who is this?" the leader asked aggressively. "A man who's starving and needs some food," I said calmly. "We don't have enough food for another person!" He yelled. "Calm down, and lower the gun. If you need to get rid of someone, get rid of me. I'm the one who brought him here," I said.

      Apparently we were thinking of different things when I said "get rid of me." He immediately pointed the gun at me and shot me in the right side of my chest. My chest was in pain and fell to the ground on my back. At least it wasn't my heart that was shot, but I think a lung may have been damaged. I was bleeding profusely from my chest and I was coughing blood. The man that I was trying to help crouched down to me and started putting pressure on the wound. He was trying to save me, but I don't think it would have done much good.

      My vision was starting grow darker. I looked around at everything around me and concentrated on my vision to keep it from going dark. As I was looking around, I noticed that I was wearing River's necklace for some reason. I remembered that her necklace could be used to teleport to a place you're thinking of. I held onto the necklace and started thinking about the desert. At this point the leader of the group stuck his gun to my head and decided that he would finish me off. Before he could fire, there was a flash of light and I had teleported.

      When the light faded away, I was staring up at a bright clear blue sky and lying in the sand. I noticed that it was much hotter here. My vision started to get darker again. I assumed it was because of my wound. I placed both of my hands on the right side of my chest where I was bleeding the most. I concentrated my magic there to heal the wound. As I did this, my vision slowly started coming back. After about a minute, I was fully healed and my vision was fine for the most part.

      I got back onto my feet and looked around. I saw a few pyramids very far off in the distance, but they didn't interest me. "Why did I teleport to the desert? There's nothing to do here," I said to myself. I then turned around and noticed that the Great Sphinx was behind me. At that moment I remembered the final task of the year. "Fix the nose, bring it to life, and ride it to the top of the pyramid," I said to help myself remember.

      I stood in front of the Sphinx and decided to use earth bending to fix the nose. I'm pretty sure the Sphinx is made of earth. I turned, stomped on the ground, and made a downward diagonal motion with my fist. As I did that, stone extended out of the Sphinx's face in the shape of a nose. It looked pretty nice.

      Next, I had to find a way to bring the Sphinx to life. The first thing that came to mind was the book of 500 spells I had. I summoned the book and began skimming through the pages. I stopped when I saw a spell named "Anima". Among hundreds of other spells, this one stood out to me. I think anima is Latin for life or soul, so it made sense to use this spell. I held my hand out towards the Great Sphinx and concentrated on it. I then shouted, "Anima!" and it started to glow a bit. After a few seconds, the Sphinx became alive and started to move. The ground shook as the Great Sphinx stood onto its feet and stretched its body.

      "Wow, that was impressive," I said. All that was left was to ride the Sphinx. I grew wings, flew up to the Sphinx, and landed on its back. "Go Sphinx! Ride to the Great Pyramid!" I yelled. The Sphinx then started running at an incredibly fast speed. I started to fall backwards, but I used my earth magic to root my feet to the Sphinx. Seconds later, we were at the pyramids and the Sphinx began running up the largest one. I then leaned forward and rooted my hands to the Sphinx to get a better grip. When we reached the top, the Sphinx made a pose and roared loudly. I guess it thought it was the king of the pyramid or something.

      After posing, the Sphinx stopped moving. I detached myself from its back and climbed up to its face. I stood on its nose and waved my hand in front of its eyes and received no reaction. "The Anima spell must have worn off," I said. I decided to cast the spell on the on the Sphinx again to see what would happen. After shouting "Anima!" the Sphinx glowed again. Its eyes blinked and it looked at me with angry eyes. It apparently didn't like me standing on its nose. It shook its head back and forth and I fell off. I landed about half way down the pyramid and started tumbling down. I think I rolled past my sister on the way down. Kind of makes sense for her to be there since she likes ancient Egyptian stuff.

      I woke up before I even got to the bottom of the pyramid. I can only land on my head so many times before waking up.
      lucid , task of the year
    2. Gorilla's Curse (February 16, 2013)

      by , 02-17-2013 at 03:32 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Gorilla's Curse

      Most of my dreams last night were vivid, but unfortunately this one wasn't. There weren't a lot of details and I hardly remember anything. Me, Chris, and Lucia were sitting in a New York City park. They were trying to help me with the New York task of the year. They were reading a book that I found in a dream about a month ago. The book was said to contain over 500 spells I think.

      Chris and Lucia were fighting over the book and arguing about which spell to use. "We should use the gorilla's curse spell," Chris said. "Curses aren't good things! It could be permanent!" Lucia yelled. "Personally I think we should make a potion," I said. "Why?" Chris asked. "Well maybe it will only last a few minutes if it's a potion," I said. Doesn't sound logical now, but it somehow made sense at the time.

      I pulled a small vile of water out of my pocket. Chris then read something out of the spell book, but I'm not sure what he said. He cast the gorilla's curse on the water and it turned yellow. I then drank the potion. It tasted like lemon juice. After a few seconds, I instantly transformed into a giant gorilla in a puff of white smoke. I'm going to make a random guess that I was about 100 feet tall.

      I looked down and saw Chris and Lucia between my feet. I picked them up and dropped them on my right shoulder. "Now go climb to the top of the Empire State Building!" Lucia said. I walked through the city and made my way towards the tallest building. I was pretty much tip-toeing through the city, trying to avoid stepping on people and buildings. I'm pretty sure I didn't hurt anyone, but I stilled damaged a lot of cars and small buildings.

      When I came to the Empire State Building, I jumped onto it and used my gorilla skills to climb to the top. When I reached the top, there was a helicopter there. Inside the helicopter was Rick with an assault rifle. He pointed it at my face and started shooting at me. Luckily shooting a giant gorilla in the face will only cause minor bleeding, but it still hurts to be shot. I tried to yell at Rick to stop shooting at me, but a roar came out instead. Apparently my roar was powerful enough to blow the helicopter away into another building. The good news is Rick jumped out of the helicopter in time and grew wings to fly away. The bad news is he still wanted to get rid of the giant gorilla and called for back up.

      It wasn't long before military jets started flying by and shooting at me. Again, I will point out, it hurts to be shot. I managed knock down a couple jets before they fired missiles at me. The explosions from the missiles caused Chris to fall off of my shoulder. I tried to reach out to grab him, but I wasn't fast enough and missed. Lucia jumped off of my shoulder and dived towards the ground. She grabbed onto Chris and grew dragon wings. She then flew somewhere safe with him.

      While I was distracted by that, another barrage of missiles came flying at me. They knocked me off of the Empire State Building and I fell to the ground. I hit the ground pretty hard. My vision was blurry and I looked at my hand. I was in human form again. I'm not sure if I went back to normal before or after hitting the ground. I woke up shortly after I hit the ground.
      lucid , task of the year
    3. South Pole to North Pole (February 15, 2013)

      by , 02-16-2013 at 08:31 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      South Pole to North Pole

      I was on a ship heading to Antarctica. There was a lot of ice in the water, but our ship was capable of breaking it apart. We were only about a minute away from the mainland. It was summer and the sun was shining. I don't always notice the temperature in my dreams, but it was pretty damn cold. Luckily I like cold temperatures.

      The ship docked at a harbor that had been built on the beach. There were a few other boats at the harbor and many penguins. The penguins were working at the harbor doing things like loading and unloading cargo. It became obvious to me that the harbor was built and operated by penguins.

      The only human I saw was a woman on the beach. See was wearing a bikini and appeared to be sunbathing. I had to reality check at this because sunbathing in a bikini at subzero temperatures is pretty ridiculous.
      The reality check was successful and I became lucid. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the person might have been River. She tends to do weird stupid things like that.

      I decided to go explore the area and talk to some penguins. I jumped off the ship and landed on the docks. I was going to talk to the penguins in the harbor, but they looked pretty busy. So I left the harbor and went deeper inland. For the most part, everything was just snow, ice, and an occasional rock. Not too far away was a glacier that no doubt had something interesting at the top.

      I walked over to the glacier and inspected it. I felt the need to inspect a giant wall of ice for some reason. What I learned after inspecting it was that it was nothing but solid ice. "I bet I can use my claws to climb to the top of this," I said to myself. I transformed my hands and feet into those of a dragon. Being the idiot that I am, I chose to grow claws and climb the wall rather than growing wings and flying to the top. Well I guess it was more fun to climb it than it was to simply fly to the top.

      I pierced the ice with my claws and started climbing. It was fun, but there actually isn't a lot to say about it. After a few minutes I reached the edge and pulled myself to the top. At the top of the glacier I found a penguin base and a giant drill surrounded by several penguin soldiers. The drill was turned on and making a lot of noise. There was a penguin inside the drill who called out to me and said, "Greetings Dragonborn!" I recognized the voice and knew it was Sgt. Byrd.

      I walked up to the drill and yelled to him, "What the hell are you guys doing?" "We're about to dig our way into the north pole and establish a base in enemy territory!" he shouted. It was at this point that I remembered digging from the south pole to the north pole was a task of the year. "The north pole is enemy territory?" I asked. "Yes, it's the homeland of the polar bears," He said. Apparently penguins and polar bears don't get along. Or maybe these penguins are just delusional. Either way I decided to ask if I could help because I wanted to complete the task of the year. "Need any help?" I asked. "Yes, I'll dig and you can push," He said.

      I fully transformed into a dragon and powered up. Byrd started drilling through the ice and I hovered above the drill and began pushing it. Pushing the drill actually made a significant improvement in the speed and efficiency of the digging. I used my fire magic to heat the drill up so that it could melt the ice as it dug. We got through the ice pretty quickly and started digging through dirt. I then started to focus my earth magic in front of the drill to soften and push away the dirt and rocks.

      It wasn't long before we reached magma or some sort of hot liquid. I assumed that this was the outer core. "We have a bit of a problem!" Sgt. Byrd shouted to me. Apparently he didn't think he plan through enough and forgot that it gets pretty hot near the center of the Earth. The ship was starting to overheat, so I brought out my fury energy and created an energy shield around me and the ship. The shield would protect us from the magma and the heat. We moved pretty fast through this layer considering we didn't actually have to dig through anything.

      Things got a bit weird at the end of the outer core. The inner core was creating some sort of energy shield like mine that was keeping the hot liquid outer core at a distance. We were able to pass through this shield however, which was probably because of the energy from my shield. When we went through the energy shield, we fell a fair distance and landed on the inner core. I looked at it and it was made out of crystal. "It'll be impossible to drill through that!" Byrd said. "Wow, the Earth's core is made out of crystal!" I said.

      I noticed that the crystal glowed wherever I touched. I then remembered that usually happens when I come into contact with crystals. Dragonborns apparently have some weird magical connection to them. At that moment I realized that even though the drill can't dig through, I might be able to. "Follow me," I said. I put both of my hands on the crystal and started pushing forward. As I pushed forward, the crystal in front of me disappeared and I was able to create a tunnel. We made it through the inner core pretty quickly with the crystal disappearing on touch. It was pretty cool, but I wish I would have realized we could have walked around the inner core.

      When we got to the other side of the inner core, it was much like before, except gravity was working against us. The ship was built with a flight mode, so I didn't have to lift the ship, but I still had to push. Digging through the rest of the Earth was much like before, except we went through the layers backwards and flying up. I created a shield around us to protect us from the outer core, used earth magic to get through the dirt and rocks, and used fire magic to melt the ice of the north pole.

      When we reached the top, I felt pretty exhausted. I did a lot of work. I lied on the snowy ground and rested a bit. I looked around and I didn't see any polar bears. We appeared to be in Santa's village. "Looks like you'll have to build your base somewhere else," I told Sgt. Byrd. "This isn't a problem," Byrd said, "we'll just build our base a few miles out from here." I got up and said, "I'll help you set up your base if you want." "Soldier, enemy at 6 o'clock!" He shouted while pointing his flipper in my direction. "Wait, what?" I said while turning around.

      As I turned around, one of Santa's elves hit me in the face with a giant candy cane. I fell back onto the ground and he started beating me with the candy cane. Once Sgt. Byrd got out of the drill, the elf turned around and started running. I'm guessing the reason he ran away was because Sgt. Byrd had a rocket launcher. I saw a rocket fly over top of me and hit the elf. Luckily the explosion didn't kill him, but it knocked him out. It was pretty cartoony.

      I'm guessing the reason an elf attacked me is because me and Santa don't get along very well. More elves soon came and Sgt. Byrd started fighting with them. For some reason I was starting to pass out. I think it was due to the dream becoming unstable. When I passed out, I woke up.
      lucid , task of the year
    4. Vandalizing the Great Wall of China; Penguin Alliance (February 13, 2013)

      by , 02-14-2013 at 01:01 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Vandalizing the Great Wall of China

      My vision was blurry and the dream was pretty unstable. I could tell that I was in a mountainous area and that there was a large structure nearby. I could hardly see anything though. I did notice that there was a stone brick lying on the ground in front of me. For some reason I had the urge to attempt to lift it up with telekinesis. The stone started to wobble a bit and when I raised my hand, the brick floated up into the air.I became lucid around this point because I realized that telekinesis would only be possible if I was dreaming. It was also around this point that the dream became more vivid and stable.

      I tossed the brick around with telekinesis and played with it for a bit. When I got bored with that, I looked at the structure next to me. It was the Great Wall of China. As I looked at it, I remembered the China task of the year. I remembered that I was supposed to vandalize the wall. I began charging a ball of earth energy between my two hands. As I was building up energy, I sensed someone coming up to me from behind. I turned around to see who it was. It was Lola.

      Lola is apparently the captain of the police force in the Dragonborn City. That made me worry that my vandalism might not go so well. "What are you doing," she asked. "Nothing," I said. "It doesn't look like nothing," she said looking at my ball of earth energy. "Well what does it look like?" I asked. "It looks like you're about to blast a hole through the Great Wall of China," she said.

      I finally charged enough energy and I decided that it would be better to ignore her and complete the task of the year. I turned around and threw the ball of earth magic at the wall. It caused a large portion of the wall to shatter apart and turn to dust, leaving a wide gap in the wall. "Why did you do that?!" she yelled. "Oops, my hand slipped," I said. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't arrest you," she said. "Well I was going to fix it," I said. "Maybe I should just call the local authorities and let them take care of it," she said to herself. At that moment I remembered that I was also supposed to fight authorities with Kung Fu, so it would actually be a good thing if she called them. "That's a great idea Lola!" I said.

      She shook her head at me and pulled out her cell phone. As she was calling the local authorities, I started to use my earth magic to attempt to repair the wall. It wasn't perfect, but I think I did a pretty good job. By the time I was finished, 3 soldiers with spears had arrived on top of the wall. I grew dragon wings and flew up to the top of the wall. "Hello there," I said to the soldiers. They didn't seem very friendly however.

      One of the soldiers thrust their spear at me. I ducked out of the way and knocked the soldier to the ground with a leg sweep. Another one attacked me with a spear, but I blocked it with my arm. I then kicked him the side and tossed him off the wall. When the last soldier charged at me, I broke his spear in half with my arm and then punched him a few times. After that, they were all knocked out. "That was easy," I said.

      Lola flew to the top of the wall and landed in front of me. I knew she was going to arrest me and I didn't want to fight her. I already completed my goal, so I finally decided to cooperate with her. I raised my hands in the air to show that I surrendered. "Turn around and put your hands behind your back," she said. She pulled out a pair of handcuffs and put them around my wrists. "Your punishment will be to walk all the way around the wall," she said. "Wait, I'm not going to jail?" I asked. "No, I think this punishment is more fitting," she said. I looked in the distance and tried to estimate how long of a walk it would be. I came to the conclusion that it would be exhausting to walk that far. "Can I choose prison instead?" I asked. "No, start walking," she said.

      So I started walking along the Great Wall of China. I spent most of my time viewing the scenery. As I walked, the dream started to destabilize, and I woke up after about 5 minutes or so of walking. I call it a good thing.

      Penguin Alliance

      I was lucid right from the beginning of this dream. I was in Australia walking down the street of some neighborhood with my daughter Lucia. I was apparently there to meet up with a group of penguins. I was going to make an alliance between penguins and Dragonborns. Lucia was with me because she thought Australia would be fun.

      "Why do you want to make an alliance with penguins?" she asked. "Experience has taught me that it's better to make friends with a penguin and not enemies. They can also be very dependable," I said. I have no idea what experience I was talking about, but I'll take my word for it. Maybe I was thinking about the Penguins of Madagascar or Sgt. Byrd from Spyro.

      We walked up to a house that I somehow recognized as the penguin's base. I walked onto the porch and knocked on the door. I heard a male voice from the other side say, "Who is it?" I stated my full name and said why I was there. "Okay, you're safe. Come on in," he said. I tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "The door won't open," I said. "Oh I forgot, that door is broken. You'll have to use the penguin entrance," he said. I looked down and next to the regular door was a small door built for penguins.

      I opened the tiny door and crawled through the hole into the house. Lucia then tried to crawl through, but she got stuck. I grabbed both of her hands and pulled her in. Once we were inside, we were greeted by a penguin who actually did seem a lot like Sgt. Byrd. "Welcome to our base," he said saluting us. When Lucia saw the penguin, she immediately picked it up and hugged it tight. "It's so cute!" she shouted. "Unhand me soldier!" He yelled. "She's not a soldier, she's my daughter," I said laughing. "I don't care what she is, I want to be put down!" he said. So Lucia put him back on the ground.

      Sgt. Byrd showed us around the base. On the outside it looked like an ordinary house. On the inside however, it was like a military or spy base for penguins. "Wow, penguins are pretty cool," Lucia said. Byrd then led us to room where penguins were monitoring their spy cameras. One screen that stood out to me, was a camera monitoring a great white shark. "We'll gladly agree to your alliance," Sgt. Byrd said, "but only if you help us out with a small problem." "What do you need?" I asked. "A great white shark has gone mad and is constantly terrorizing the Great Barrier Reef. It's throwing the ecosystem far off balance. We need you to get rid of it using any means necessary," He said. "Sure, no problem. I've fought with sharks before," I said.

      Me and Lucia crawled back out the penguin door and walked outside. "The first thing we need to do is get to the beach," I said. We got into a car that I had apparently left on the side of the street. I stepped on the gas and started driving in the direction that I thought the beach was. We were driving down a hill with a stop sign at the bottom, so I stepped on the brakes. The brakes weren't working however and I tell that we were going to crash. I held onto Lucia and the car crashed into a tree. Luckily we weren't going too fast and neither of us got hurt.

      "I am never driving another car again. Something always goes wrong," I said. "So how are we going to get to the beach?" she asked me. We both got out of the car and the first thing that came to my mind was an ATV. I summoned an ATV in front of me and mounted it. "This is much better," I said. "How is that better?" she asked. "So far I haven't had any bad luck with these things," I said. She sat behind me and held on. I began driving in the direction of the beach again and the dream skipped ahead.

      I drove the ATV onto the beach and we got off. I looked off into the distance and saw River in the ocean riding a sea turtle. When she saw me she smiled and waved at me and I waved back. Nothing she does really surprises me anymore. Next thing I know, Lucia is wearing a bikini and running towards the ocean. She picked up a a sea turtle that was swimming in the water and started riding it like River. It was at this point that I remembered that one of the tasks of the year was to ride a sea turtle at the Great Barrier Reef and bite a shark. It's great when the dream finds a way to put you in a scenario that encourages it.

      I ran into the water and searched for a sea turtle. I saw a large one swimming out into the deeper waters. I swam over to it and grabbed on to it's back. "Can you take me to the great barrier Reef?" I asked the turtle, "I need to save it from a shark." The turtle made some sort of grunt sounds, which I assumed meant "yes". The turtle dove under the water and took me with it. At first I was worried about drowning, but then I remembered that I can breathe underwater.

      Before I knew it, we were at the Great Barrier Reef. I could see great walls of coral with tons of different kinds of fish swimming around them. It was like a city for fish and marine life. As we swam around the reef, I asked the turtle, "Do you know where the shark is?" The turtle then turned and started swimming in another direction. Off in the distance, I could see the great white shark swimming towards us. I got off the turtle and told it to get somewhere safe. I then transformed into a dragon, hoping that it would help me swim better.

      When the shark got closer, I remembered that the task was to bite it. I thought that was crazy at first, but considering I have dragon teeth, I figured I might be able to bite the shark just as hard as it could bite me. The shark came charging at me with it's mouth wide open. I dove out of the way and it missed me. It then circled back and charged at me again. I took a swipe at its snout with my claws and it stopped attacking me for a moment. I then charged some poison magic into my teeth and bite shark's back. After being poisoned, the shark had no fight left in it and fell to the ocean floor. I think it was safe to say that it was dead now.

      With the shark problem solved, I decided to swim back up to the surface to check on Lucia. Lucia had apparently managed to catch a sea turtle that was like twice my size. She was using the turtle to surf along the waves. I don't really enjoy things like swimming or surfing much, so I decided to swim back to the beach. The turtle that helped me out earlier came back to the surface and let me ride him back to shore.

      As we got closer to the beach, my vision started to become blurry. When I stepped onto the beach, I could tell that I was starting to lose touch with my senses and that my dream was becoming unstable. I tried to fight it, but it wasn't long before I fell to the ground and woke up.

      Updated 02-16-2013 at 03:37 AM by 32005

      lucid , task of the year
    5. Crystal Crossbow (February 12, 2013)

      by , 02-13-2013 at 09:05 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Crystal Crossbow

      I don't remember much of the beginning of this dream. The earliest thing I remember was sitting at a workbench in a smithy/workshop. The smithy was located within the Dragonborn city. I seem to be having more dreams there, which is a good thing. I was planning to build a crossbow out of crystal. Chris was also there to help me out.

      There was a crossbow blueprint spread out across the table. I looked at the blueprint and analyzed it, but I don't think I actually understood much of it. I started the process by placing a bucket full of crystals inside the forge. Chris shoveled some coal into the flames while I worked the bellows to pump air into the forge. As I was pumping, Rick walked into the workshop with a few guns.

      "Hey Rick, what are doing here?" I asked. "I come here every so often to repair broken weapons," he said. Rick laid an assault rifle on a workbench and began searching for tools and parts. "So what about you guys? What are you up to?" he asked. "We're smelting crystal in the forge. I'm attempting to craft a crystal crossbow," I said.

      After about a minute, I figured the crystal was melted. I grabbed the bucket with tongs and laid some kind of crossbow shaped mold on the table. I poured the molten liquid into the mold until it was filled. There was still some liquid left in the container, so I placed it back in the forge to use later. When the liquid in the mold cooled a bit, I picked it up with the tongs. I thought about hitting it with a hammer on the anvil, but I figured that would do more harm than good. So I submerged the crossbow in a tank of water so it would completely cool and harden.

      I laid the crossbow on the table and opened a box next to it that contained crossbow parts. Most of the parts in the box were small random metal pieces that were obviously important. I had no idea how they worked or what to do with them though. I had a feeling it would take me a while to figure it out. "Chris, go ahead an use the remaining crystal to make some bolts," I said. "No problem," he said. Chris then pulled out another mold for bolts and began pouring the liquid into it.

      I started looking through the parts and figure out how each one functioned. After studying them for a while, I finally yelled, "What the hell am I supposed to do with these?!" Rick then got up and looked at my problem. "Don't worry, this is simple stuff. Let me show you where everything goes," he said. Rick apparently knew a lot about weapon mechanics and was very skilled at putting them together. Rick showed me how to attach the trigger, the bowstring, the other parts of the firing mechanism, the shoulder strap, and the reflex sight.

      "Yay," I said once we were finished. I picked it up and looked at Chris through the reflex sight. He was apparently making the final touches to the bolts at the anvil. "Hey Chris, check it out," I said. He jumped when he saw the crossbow pointed at him and said, "Don't point that thing at me!" "Sorry," I said and swung the crossbow over my shoulder. "I'm done with the crystal bolts," he said and handed me a quiver of about 20 bolts. "Thanks Chris," I said. "So what are you going to do now?" Rick said. "I think I'm going to go complete the Roman task of the year now," I said.

      I ran outside and grew dragon wings. I started flying in the direction that I assumed was towards Rome. After a few minutes of flight, the dream skipped. I think I forced the dream skip so I could get to Rome sooner. It was now night time and I landed in front of the Colosseum. Before I walked in, Krystal teleported in front of me. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I was just about to ask you that. I'm here to fight to the death with gladiators," I told her. She stared at me for a moment before I said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine." "I'm coming with you to be sure," she said. I didn't see a point in arguing it, so we entered the Colosseum together.

      The Colosseum was a bit different from what I expected. There were thousands of fans seated around the Colosseum. There were very bright lights above to keep the area illuminated. Rather than an open arena, there were stone walls in the center that created a maze-like area to fight in. The thing that stood out to me the most though, was the jumbotron floating above the arena. "Wow, things have changed a lot in the last couple thousand years. Check out the giant TV," I said.

      A man started talking over a mic, but I can't remember what he was talking about. He was trying to get the spectators excited for the most part. When the competition began, I entered the maze through the entrance on the left and Krystal entered the one on the right. So much for staying together. I readied my crossbow and walked through the maze cautiously. Despite the lights around the Colosseum, it was fairly dark within the maze. I activated my dragon sight to help me see better.

      I wandered through the maze for a while without encountering anyone. As I came to a corner, I heard someone coming around from the other side. I stopped and tried to remain silent so that they wouldn't sense me. A wolf then came around the corner and jumped at me. I was going to shoot it, but I realized it was Krystal in wolf form and stopped. She knocked me to the ground and she was probably about to rip out my throat. She realized it was me though and got off of me.

      "Let's try not to split up again," I said getting up. I took point and we kept on moving through the maze until we reached the center. In the center was an open grassy area. There was also a pond, a tree, and a small building of some sort. Four warriors had been battling there, but two of them had been slain by the time we got there. All that was left was a man and a woman who were apparently a team like us.

      We had the element of surprise, so I aimed at the woman and fired my crossbow. She sensed the bolt coming though and blocked it with her sword. After that, I had a feeling my crossbow wouldn't be of much help, so I summoned my crystal sword. Krystal fought with the woman and I fought with the man.

      The man fought with a giant battle axe and the force like a Jedi. He liked to use those force powers to push me and throw me around a lot. After a minute into the battle, he pulled my sword away from me and then launched me through the wall of the building. As I got up, I saw him crawl through the wall with his axe. He kind of looked like he wanted to chop off my head. I quickly grabbed my crystal crossbow and pulled the string back. I loaded a bolt into the crossbow and charged it with fire energy. By the time I was ready to fire, he was only a few feet away from me and he began to swing his axe. I fired at him, and when the crystal fire bolt hit, it exploded. The explosion knocked me back across the room and destroyed the other warrior. "Holy shit, it's like firing a rocket launcher!" I said.

      I got up and walked back out of the building to help Krystal. She was still fighting with the other woman and didn't seem to be doing too well. I pulled the string back and loaded another crystal bolt. I imbued this bolt with wind energy to increase its speed, power, and accuracy. I looked through the reflex sight and aimed at the woman. I also slowed down time to improve my aim. When I fired, the bolt went straight through the woman like a bullet.

      After she was defeated, the guy with the mic said, "Now it's time for the zombie round!" Immediately after that, zombies started to gather around us. It was a bit unexpected. The dream started to destabilize as we fought the zombies. I managed to kill a good number of them with wind and fire bolts before I woke up.
      lucid , task of the year
    6. Angel Falls TOTY (January 5, 2013)

      by , 01-05-2013 at 09:31 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Angel Falls TOTY

      I lost stability in the last dream and woke up. I used it as an opportunity to perform a DEILD. I wanted to go back into the dream I was just in because I realized the place would be very good for the Angel Falls task of the year. I rolled over and tried to think of the scene of the last dream I was in. For some reason a scene from a dream I had the night before came to mind though. When I went into the dream, I ended up in that scene instead. The scene was a house next to a river that had been wrecked by a dragon. It was a cool dream so I might write it tomorrow.

      I was in the dream, in the wrecked house, and I was lucid. I looked around and realized that this place wasn't where I wanted to be. I was tempted to stay in this scene and continue from where I left off the night before. I thought about it for a moment, but decided that I should do a task of the year. I gathered some energy in my hand and made a swiped at the space in front of me. This swipe ripped open a hole in space-time and jumped in. The portal took me to the void. While thinking of the scene from the previous dream, I opened up another portal while focusing my memory on it. I jumped through the new portal and fell into the new scene.

      I was on top of a mountain now. It was very flat and open there. I could hear the rumbling of the waterfall, so I walked towards it. I looked over the edge of the cliff and saw a rain forest below and a river running through it. Next to me was the waterfall which I assumed was Angel Falls. At the bottom of it was a large pool of water that emptied into the river.

      My task was to jump off of Angel Falls. So I simply did that. I jumped off the cliff and into the waterfall. I slid along the outside of the waterfall as I fell. I landed in the pool of water at the bottom, which was very deep. I went down pretty far below the surface. Luckily I can breathe underwater in dreams. The pool of water was surprisingly calm.

      I swam back up towards the surface as quickly as I could. As I got closer, I noticed there were a few people swimming in the water. When I came to the surface, I looked at them. I recognized one of them as River, my dream guide. River was excited to see me and impressed by my jump. I can't really remember the actual conversation though.

      On land, I saw a couple men loading some crates onto a truck. They seemed suspicious to me I guess. I used the dragon morph on my eyes to give myself dragon vision. Dragon sight gave me the ability to see auras/energies. When I looked at the crates, I noticed that there were a few shadow men stuffed inside. It seemed like they were trapped inside, which I thought was hilarious, but it was also very strange. Something just as strange in of the crates was a large bell. The reason I thought it was strange was because only magical or living things should have an aura.

      I started swimming over towards the shore so I could question those guys about it. As I was swimming over, I heard a roar and looked up at the sky. I saw a large group of dragons flying over us. It was just like the group of dragons in the dream I had the night before. A dragon then came down from over the mountain and landed on a nearby rock. I could tell it was about to breathe fire at us. I immediately grabbed River and dove under the water. The fire hit the water, but we were safe. A few seconds later the dragon just flew off and forgot about us.

      I rose back up to the surface with River and swam to the shore. The men with the crates were now gone. I chose to chase after the dragons. I called to River for her to follow me and ran into the rain forest. I just kept on running in the general direction that the dragons were flying. I wasn't running through the forest for long before the dream destabilized and I woke up.
      lucid , task of the year
    7. Sputnik TOTY and Advanced TOTM; Helen's Eruption TOTY (July 3, 2012)

      by , 07-04-2012 at 01:03 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Sputnik TOTY and Advanced TOTM

      The earliest thing I can remember is falling out of a portal and flipping onto my back. I landed in the middle of a forest on the grassy floor. My dream guide Krystal then hopped out of the portal and landed next to me. Portals, Krystal, and a forest were enough to convince me I was dreaming. I got up off the ground and asked her, "Where are we?".

      "Russia," she said.

      "Soviet Russia?" I asked jokingly.

      "Yes, and you'll be going to space," she said seriously.

      "Wait, what?" I said confused.

      She guided me through the trees to an opening in the forest. There was a launch pad located there. On top of the launch pad I could see some sort of pod or satellite that looked like a lot like Sputnik. Off in the distance I could see a couple towers. I was assuming the people in the towers were the ones who would launch Sputnik and observe it. Krystal climbed up a ladder to the top of the launch pad and I followed her.

      We walked under Sputnik and she stopped to give me instructions. "There is a certain book I need you to find that can only be found on an alien planet. The book will be marked with the symbol of a circle and a plus sign on the left side of the circle. This satellite will take you to that planet," she said.

      "Isn't this a little much for for a book?" I asked.

      "It's a very valuable and ancient book, so please do this for me," she said.

      "Fine, help me get into this thing," I said.

      She pressed a red button on the bottom of the Sputnik. A hole in the pod above my head then opened up. She lifted me up into the hole and I climbed in. It was a tight space full of wires, buttons, and screens. Krystal then summoned my cat and tossed him up through the hole. I caught him and he started purring.

      "Your cat is too much trouble, so he's going with you," she said.

      My cat hissed at her and she growled back at him before closing the door. After 10 seconds or so the Sputnik started vibrating and I knew it was about to launch. I held on tightly to my cat as I felt the G forces on us increase. It stopped after a few seconds and I had a feeling I was in space. I looked at one of the screens and it was showing what was outside of the satellite.

      We appeared to be revolving around the Earth pretty fast although I couldn't feel it. The sputnik flew out of orbit and started moving towards another planet that looked kind of like Earth. After a couple minutes we entered this new planet's atmosphere and fell towards the ground. As I started to fear a crash landing, I looked around for a landing button. I took a guess and pressed a yellow a button. The speed of the Sputnik slowed down a lot until it landed lightly on the ground.

      Now that I had landed I wanted to get outside and look around. I couldn't figure out how to open the door again though. The door then opened seemingly on its own and I fell out of it with my cat. I looked up to see that a girl had pressed the button on the outside of the Sputnik. She looked similar to a human, but there were a few differences. Her skin was a kind of pinkish purplish color. Her hair was a dark blue color and she had pointed ears like an elf. The girl also had a tail.

      "Hello?" I said to her confused.

      "Hi! Are you an alien?" she asked curiously.

      "Yeah I guess I am," I said.

      "That's so cool! But why are you here?" she asked.

      "I'm looking for an ancient book with a circle plus pattern on it. Can you help me find it?" I asked her.

      "I'll help you if you take me to the festival this afternoon," she said winking at me.

      I had a feeling she was hinting a date to me. I then remembered that one of the tasks of the month was to go on a date with an alien. So of course I agreed to go on a date with her.

      "Sure, I'll go with you," I said to her.

      She smiled and helped me get up off the ground. I looked around and realized I was in a forest. These trees weren't like Earth's though. They were full of all kinds of different colors and held many strange fruits. I won't go into detail though because unfortunately I can't remember them in detail. It would probably take me a long time to finish talking about them if I could anyways.

      My cat soon jumped on top of me and rested on my head. The girl then guided me through the forest and the dream scene skipped after about 10 seconds. We were now inside a town walking down main street together. The town looked very similar to Loudonville during the time of the fair. There were many people walking around and enjoying themselves at the festival. The women on this planet all had characteristics like the girl I was on a date with. The men were also similar, but they had blue skin and red hair.

      There were different kinds of vendors set up on both sides of the street. Carnival rides and games were stationed around town. There was a lot of confetti and balloons floating around in the air.

      We visited a food vendor that was serving a weird pink goo in a cup. I have no idea what it was called because their written language was different. The sign had 2 small circles with a triangle above them. I bought each of us a cup, even the cat. I pulled a silver coin out my pocket and handed it to the man. I'm used to buying things with silver or gold coins in my dreams.

      "What's this?" the man asked.

      "That's a silver coin. Silver and gold are very valuable where I come from," I said.

      "I'll keep it as a souvenir to remember this year's festival!" He said.

      We started walking down the street again while eating the pink goo. It tasted like cherry and it was a bit sour. We talked about some things, but I forgot most of what was was said. I do remember that she told me her name was Stella though. She also said she would now show me where I could find the book I was looking for. She walked inside a building that I assumed was some sort of library. She quickly came back out with a large brown book that had the circle plus symbol on the front. She handed it to me and I slipped it into a backpack I just noticed I was carrying.

      To be fair with her, I continued the date we were having. It was pretty fun. We walked farther down the street, we came to an intersection. A parade was taking place there. A lot of exotic music was playing as they went by. After about a minute though, one of the marchers saw me. He realized I was an alien and apparently he doesn't like them.

      "Alien!" He shouted and pointed at me.

      Everyone in the parade then stopped and stared at me. They too started shouting "alien!" and gave me angry looks. I had a feeling I wasn't welcomed by them and that they might turn hostile.

      "It was nice meeting you. You might want to run now," she whispered to me.

      I took her advice, held onto my cat, and started running back up the street. The parade chased right after me when I ran of course. I ran away a pretty good distance from them before my cat jumped out of my arms. He ran over to some girl who seemed to be taking in the scenery. The odd thing was, this girl was a normal human girl. She crouched down to pet him and he was happy about it. I wasn't too happy about it though because we still had to run. After calling him a few times he came back to me. I remember I ran back towards the forest, but the dream faded away after that.

      Helen's Eruption TOTY

      I was walking down a dark tunnel with an orange glow at the end. I walked closer and closer to the light until I came into an opening. I was inside a cave where in front of me lied a lake of lava. Some distance into the lake I could see a large piece of land above the lava like an island. This certainly wasn't an everyday thing and it caused me to wonder if I could be dreaming. I used my personal reality check where I simply try to feel whether I'm in a dream or not.It was successful of course and I became lucid.

      I activated my dragon sight ability to zoom in and look at it in more detail. Over there I saw a pink dragon sleeping next to a large treasure chest. She was only about 2 times my dragon size, so I assumed she was still young. There were many large crystal formations growing out of the ground on the island. I saw a man who appeared to be some old sage or wizard resting against a large crystal too.

      Past experience has told me it's not a good idea to mess with a dragon who's guarding treasure, let alone a sleeping dragon. I still found that island to be the most interesting thing in my dream however. Despite the dangers of it, I decided I would attempt to go over there and have a look around. I leaped forward over the edge of the cliff and transformed into a purple dragon. I then flapped my wings and started flying over the lava. I was aiming to simply turn into a black dragon, but I turned into a purple one with little effort somehow. I'm more powerful as a purple dragon though, so that's good.

      I flew over to the island and quietly landed behind a crystal structure. I wanted to be very stealthy as long as I was hanging around a sleeping dragon. When I stepped back out into the open, the dragon quickly awakened even though I didn't make a sound. She opened her eyes and stood up, looking down on me. The sage also awoke and he approached me.

      "What are you doing in my volcano?" the dragon asked me.

      "Just looking around and exploring the world I guess," I said to her.

      She growled at me and apparently didn't trust me at all. Probably a wise choice since I have the habit of stealing treasure. The sage then placed his hand in front of her to make her back off.

      "Helen, where are your manners? Hello, I am the great sage of this volcano. This is Helen, my dragon friend who is the guardian of the mountain."

      "I'm just a wandering dragonborn. It's nice to meet you," I said to him.

      He then came closer and whispered to me, "She's not the type to let you out without a fight. Look for a powerful orange crystal hidden in caves. It will make you powerful enough to defend yourself."

      He said this with the intention of helping me of course and to keep Helen from killing me. Helen has very keen hearing however and seemed to have heard every word of it.

      "Like I would ever give you the chance of defeating me!" she yelled.

      The crystals around the island started to glow brightly. Helen was clearly absorbing their power and planning to attack. Helen charged up her attack and then released a beam of energy from her mouth towards me. I quickly dove to the right and rolled out of the way. The energy beam appeared to be made out of plasma or lava. Very fitting for a dragon who lives in a volcano I suppose.

      Helen flew up above the island and started shooting more lasers at me. I was just barely able to dodge them and I was having a hard time planning my next move. Then out from behind a crystal structure my dream guide Krystal ran out into the open. She had two clones that she had made with her on each side. The two clones jumped up into the air and kicked and punched the dragon. The real Krystal ran towards me while Helen was distracted.

      "You do not know anything about stealth!" she yelled at me.

      "Sorry, I'm clearly not as good as you." I said.

      Helen swiped the two clones with her claws and they disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. I grabbed onto Krystal and started flying away from the island with her. Meanwhile, Helen started controlling the lava around the island and sent a large wave of it towards us. When I landed back on the mainland of the volcano, I quickly turned left and ran into a tunnel with Krystal. The lava started flowing into the tunnel so we kept running. After exiting the tunnel I noticed another tunnel higher above the ground with an orange glow. I grabbed onto Krystal again and flew up there to get away from the lava.

      We took a moment to rest in that cave. As we were resting I remembered that there was an orange glow in there. I looked around and found the orange crystal that the sage was talking about. I grabbed the crystal and absorbed its power. I felt a lot of energy inside me and felt confident that I could defeat Helen.

      "I'm going back to fight Helen. You should be able to find a side tunnel out of the volcano while I'm distracting her," I said.

      "Alright, I can sense light up ahead, so I should be able to find a way out. Please try not to die when you fight her," she said.

      "I'll do my best," I said.

      I ran back the direction we came from and Krystal ran further down the tunnel. I came back to the lake and quickly flew over it back towards the island. Helen was already expecting me and started shooting lasers again. It was a bit easier to dodge her attacks now that I had the freedom of flight. When I came to the island, I landed on it to dodge one of her lasers. I ran across the island towards her. She aimed another laser at me, but I countered it with a powerful ice breath. The collision created an explosion. I jumped through it while focusing all of the crystal energy I gathered into my fist. I punched Helen with an explosive force and she was launched into the wall of the volcano.

      It definitely wasn't enough to kill her, but she was dazed by the attack. This bought me some time to escape. I realized that the main exit of the volcano (the top) was actually right above the island. I started flying straight up above the island as fast as I could before Helen could get another chance to attack. Suddenly the volcano started to erupt and I still had a great distance to fly before I would reach the top. I soon did reach the top though and I climbed up onto the snowy summit.

      Just as I was starting to slide down the mountain, I noticed a very large bulge in the side of it. The snow started melting away over it and I realized I wasn't in a good position. I quickly surrounded myself with a shield of fury energy as bulge exploded. The shield protected me from most of the explosion, but the blast sent me flying down towards the forest below. I braced myself for impact and put all of my energy into defense and shielding. I crashed through a tree and hit the ground hard before sliding through the forest and knocking down several more trees.

      When I finally stopped rolling and sliding across the ground, I took a moment to regather my thoughts on what just happened. I slowly got up off the ground in pain, wondering how the hell I survived that. I was bleeding in several places and aching all over. I didn't die though, so I was happy for that. I looked back up towards the volcano and realized that it was Mount St. Helen. Everything suddenly made sense after that. I even started laughing because I thought that was kind of funny.

      I leaned back up against the tree and started healing my wounds. My vision was already getting blurry by this point though. I knew I would wake up very soon.

      Updated 02-23-2013 at 08:09 PM by 32005

      lucid , task of the month , task of the year
    8. Basic TOTM; Television Transmission TOTY (July 2, 2012)

      by , 07-03-2012 at 05:59 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Basic TOTM

      I was walking down a dimly lit hallway in some creepy old house. From one of the rooms I could hear the sound of a man crying. It walked into the room and it was very dark. I saw the crying man sitting on the floor holding something broken. Though I never met anyone like him in waking life, I recognized him as a friend in the dream.

      The idea of crying over a broken object was completely silly to me. So I sat down next to him and started crying to make fun of him. His crying was contagious though and I couldn't stop. Another man who I recognized as a friend walked into the room and he also started crying. My crying turned into laughter for a moment because I thought the situation was even more silly. I quickly went back to crying however.

      Chris then came running into the room.
      I quickly became lucid after seeing Chris because I of course recognize him as my main dream guide. He had this really crazy excited smile on his face and looked like he was about to explode with energy. He ran in waving his arms and holding giant muffins. Chris then handed me a vial filled with an orange liquid that sparkled. I had a feeling he wanted me to drink it, so I removed the cap and took a sip. It tasted kind of sweet orange juice.

      I stopped crying and my vision started to get blurry and warped. When my vision became clear again everything was brighter and very colorful. I also got an extremely happy and funny feeling. As I started walking around this new world, giant muffins as big as my head started popping up out of nowhere. This is sort of what I imagine being high is like. My vision also reminds me a bit of the new "pyro-land" feature on Team Fortress 2.

      I looked at the other two guys and noticed they had also taken a sip of Chris's potion. They had really crazy smiles on their faces and I probably had one too. They were also prancing all about the room while collecting muffins. The mood of the dream was right for it, so I did the same as them. I started eating the muffins and they were very delicious. I think I ate about 3 of them. The dream began to fade as the effects of the potion wore off.

      Television Transmission TOTY

      Unfortunately I can only remember the later half of this dream. I was already lucid and I was walking around a dimly lit mall. It looked like it had been abandoned for ages. Not a single person was in sight. Everything was filthy and broken. Plants were also starting to grow into the mall from the outside.

      I walked up the stairs of an escalator that was no longer functioning to the second floor. It was most likely due to the building no longer receiving power. On the second floor an electronics store consisting mostly of TVs caught my attention. I peered through the window glass to look inside. It was dark and full of broken electronics and a complete mess.

      As I was looking through the glass I felt someone's presence to the left of me. It felt like Chris's energy. I turned to look at it and I saw Chris stepping out of a portal in the wall. We didn't say anything, but yet it still felt like we had exchanged greetings. Chris pulled out some sort of electronic panel out of a backpack he was carrying. He pointed it at the store entrance and pressed a few buttons. A blue particle field quickly formed in front of the store entrance.

      Chris mentioned something about this being a time field. It became obvious that he wanted me to walk through it. I probably would have walked through it even if he told me not to. So I stepped through the time field and felt a strange vibrating and tingling sensation. The store also change from dark and destroyed to bright and well tended. I looked at a sign that read, "Grand Opening!". I had apparently traveled back in time to the early days of the mall to when this store first opened.

      There were still no people around there except for Chris who followed me through the time field. I looked around the store and it looked like they were only selling very old TVs. Well old in our time anyway. Everything in the store seemed to hint to me that these were the very first TVs to exist. "Want to see the very first TV show?" Chris asked. "Sure," I said.

      Chris walked over to a TV sitting in the back of the room. He flipped a couple switches and then turned a nob until images started to appear. There was no color and no sound to it. It looked as if two ghosts were moving around the screen. I wasn't quite sure what they were doing. The transmission ended after about 15 seconds. Chris then pulled out what I assume was a checklist and marked something off. "Well that's another task out of the way!" he said. It must have been a list of the tasks of the month and tasks of the year.

      I wandered around the room some more and played with the time field a little. There wasn't really an objective in the dream anymore however. The dream started to fading after Chris marked the task off the list. I can't seem to stay in dreams long after completing whatever goal had been set in the plot.

      Updated 07-03-2012 at 08:16 PM by 32005

      lucid , task of the month , task of the year