The Dog Poo
, 09-26-2011 at 12:59 PM (590 Views)
I remeber 2 vidid, long dreams from last night, and they were both very weird. But this one, doesn't make any sence at all.
The Dog Poo
I was writing a letter. It was for my friend, who has birthday. I was going to a birhtday party later same day. It was a weird card. I went over to some "friends" (I've never met them before, I swear!) to see what hey was going to give her. They was in the woodwork room, and was about to make something to her. I thought "Yeah, that's smart, but mine is even more smart!". I showed them my gift. It was a DOG POO! But I didn't thought about it, and they didn't either. They said "Wow, a dog poo! That's a brilliant idea!" and I thought the same. I thought, that she would be so happy for it! And she did.