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    I finally did it! Yesh!!!

    by , 09-17-2011 at 07:14 AM (767 Views)
    I got my first Lucid Dream last night! Yesh!
    Okay, I had 2 FAs:

    I found myself in my bed. It was dark, so I turned the light on. I'm sitting in my bed, and suddently I remembered, that I had to do a RC. I blocked my airways, and tried to breathe.. And I was breathing!! I became lucid. I saw how the light became brighter, but my room wasn't so vivid. I could feel, that I had got too excited, and that I probably would wake up soon. I wanted to do something funny. I pushed my hand through the wall. It was so weird, it was an amazing feeling! I laughed.
    I "woke" up in a castle. I was alone. I wanted to tell someone about my LD, but I couldn't.
    And then I woke up for real.

    And danced my chandler-dance!
    WDr likes this.

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    1. WDr's Avatar
      Yay for the Chandler-dance!!! and congrats!
      Pandabear likes this.
    2. Pandabear's Avatar