Lucid Dreams
Okay, here's my second lucid dream. I think it's the most amazing lucid dream I've ever had, but you know, I'm also pretty new. Enjoy. By the way: It's 9/10-11. 9, 10, 11. That's funny! Lucid Non-lucid Thoughts Walking on the water: Okay, this dream is really amazing. I controlled a lot of things, and I did one of my goals, which actually was the task of september. Okay.. Me and my dad were walking with my dog. It was night, and dark. I looked up at the stars, they were very brights. We passed a lamppost, and my dad said "I'm going to hold a party right here!". I thoughts it was weird, because I couldn't see a house. I did the nose-pinch RC (again ) and became lucid. I remembered the other dream, and wouldn't use more time at flying. Not for tonight. I was pretty calm, and I told my dad it was a dream. He wouldn't believe me. I looked at a house. "Okay, I wanna try to walk on the water.. But where is water?" I asked myself. "Oh, I can create a beach!"! I looked at a house. "The next time I'm turning around, there is a beach!" I said, and turned around. Yes, there was a beach. But the sun wasn't shining in there, and there was a lot of wind. Now my dad believed me, and we walked over to the beach. When we all were over, I looked back, but the road was gone. The wind blowed in my hair, and it was a little bit cold. I walked down to the water.. The water almost danced, and the wind was really annoying. Suddently it stopped moving, but the wind wasn't gone. But the water was calm. "Okay" I tried to walk on the water. The water was a little bit cold. My food walked thought the water, and I tried again. And again. And again. I became frustrated. I couldn't fly, and now I can't walk on the water! Then, my dad said "Think about, that Jesus did it.". I thought about it, and tried one more time. Amazing! I walked on the water! it was like a wet stone or something. It didn't liked it, it wasn't comfortable, but it was really amazing. then I woke up. Happy.
First of all, it amazing last night. There was a meteor shower. I just lay in the forrest, and looked up at the sky. It was so incredibly beautyful, you can't imagine! Oh, but I had also had an amazing night! I had 2 lucid dreams, and they were both the longest and most amazing LDs I've ever had. Especially the second. But I'll start with number one, and then I think I'll write the other one in a new entry. Lucid Non-lucid Thoughts A Dream Within A Dream: Okay, I had a dream within a dream. And a false awakening. In the first dream, wich I am in only a few secunds, I'm not lucid at all. Only in the dream, I dream in the dream. I know, it's confusing. I felt alseep in my bed in the dream. My family and I "woke" up in a dream. In the kitchen. The sun was shining, and the weather was perfect! Suddently, it hitted me, that it was weird, that we all were in the kitchen. I did the nose-pinch reality check, and became lucid! "YAY YAY YAY YAY!" I thought, but began to calm down, because I wouldn't wake up already. "It's a dream!" I told my family, and they got lucid too. I ran outsite on the grass, I was too busy with myself, so I can't remember what my family did. I wanted to fly, because it's one of my biggest goals. I jumped. Nothing happened. I really tried to think that I could fly, but it was almost too unrealistic for me. "Okay, what do I do?" I asked myself, and it hitted me, that I just could create some wings! I focused on the wings, and that I'll get them. After a while, I looked into the window. I saw some big, beautyful, white angle wings! [CENTER][/CENTER] I began to move them. What a vividness! I could feel the sun shining on them, I could feel the muscles in them and the wind agains them, when I tried to fly. It helped a little bit, and I could fly about 2 meters up, but I kept falling down. "I have to try this another time I thought, and gave up. I ran into the house, and talked to my family. And then.... everything turned black.
The Night of Awareness. I'm pretty proud! Last night I was very aware in my dreams, and some of them were very vivid. 1 time I was close to become lucid, 1 time I'm not sure about, and 1 time I became lucid! I'm going to tell you about them all 3! Thanks for reading! Lucid Non-Lucid Thoughts The Party: This is the first dream. I'm not sure if it was a non-lucid or a lucid, and I can only remember the end of the dream. I really have no idea, but I'm just going to mark it with blue anyway. I was talking with some people. It was in a big room, and there wasn't so much light. Somewhere I remember it as a party, but everything was just grey and black. They were drinking something, maybe a beer. I don't drink, and I walked away from them. I often talk to myself, and I said to myself: "The alarm is probably going to wake me up soon, if not it's weird" And then the alarm began to ring, and I woke up. Scary. Tennis Awareness: This is the dream, where I almost became lucid. If I haven't woke up, I'm pretty sure that I would had became lucid. I was standing in a room. Some DCs was playing tennis. The room was warm, and people were sweating. The floor was yellow, like the floor in the P.E room, and there was theese weird football things, and lines on the floor in different colours. One of the DCs, who I've never seen before, came over to me. She had her blonde hair in a horsetail, and was sweating. Suddently, the music turned off, and there wasn't one person who said anything, there was completely silence. She said to me: "Look at the colours. Look at the floor. Look at all the details. This could be a dream. Remember to do it." and then I woke up. The Sunny Tree: This is the lucid one. I was lucid in a very short moment, but when I get lucid more often, I have to train to be there for longer time. This was a kind of a nightmare, because I cried and wasn't so happy, and I think the dream is too personally. So I'm just going to post the end of the dream, the lucid-part. Okay.. ...I walked out of the door, and out in the awesome weather. The sun shined on my skin, and I could feel the cold wind. I remembered Puffins SAT technique, and began to look around on the details. The tree was really green, and it was very beautiful. It almost danced in the wind. It was amazing. Suddently, it hitted me, that I didn't knew this place. And how did I get here? "This could be a dream!" I said to myself. I tried to remember how I get there, but I couldn't. Yes, it was a dream. I was just about to do a RC, just to confirm that it really was....when I woke up.
I woke up last night, and couldn't move. It must have been a SP. After some minuttes, I decided to go back to sleep. Without writing my dreams down in my dream journal. Then I woke up this morning, and could only remember one little dream. Or, I remembered many details, so the dream became long enought, but it's still not good enough. Let's hope my recall is better tomorrow. I'm going to write a dream I had yesterday, it must be 29/9-11 (or 9/29-11, the first one is Danish). A voice from the sky I found myself in a big building. Me and my class was making a play, and mine was about a dead man. I was standing front of a tombstone, and walked down the stairs to tell my friends about the play. When I came up, I saw the man. He was 100% alive, and smiled and if you asked someone, he has never been dead. I looked really confused at him, because I couldn't understand it! And he looked confused on me, because I looked at him. Suddently, I head a loud woman-voice from the sky. She said.. This is just a dream. It's a lucid dream. You can control everything. "Is it a dream?!", I thought, and then I woke up. ( )
I got my first Lucid Dream last night! Yesh! Okay, I had 2 FAs: I found myself in my bed. It was dark, so I turned the light on. I'm sitting in my bed, and suddently I remembered, that I had to do a RC. I blocked my airways, and tried to breathe.. And I was breathing!! I became lucid. I saw how the light became brighter, but my room wasn't so vivid. I could feel, that I had got too excited, and that I probably would wake up soon. I wanted to do something funny. I pushed my hand through the wall. It was so weird, it was an amazing feeling! I laughed. I "woke" up in a castle. I was alone. I wanted to tell someone about my LD, but I couldn't. And then I woke up for real. And danced my chandler-dance!
I thought I might should write my first lucid dream, I had when I was 4 or 5 years old. I was in my room. I was really afraid. Me and my friends were in the bed, and jumped on some plates. There was an evil cup, which tried to eat us. It yelled and had a very deep man voice. I jumped down on the floor, and ran out in the living room. I saw a teddy bear in the chair, and some flags. It was my birthday! But where was my parents?.. No, they would never leave me on my birthday like this. Never.. I heard the cup again. It said, that I had to come back! I stopped op. This was a way too weird! And then.. I realized that I was dreaming, and became lucid. I didn't knew, what it was, or that I could control it. I just had to wake up, because I was still really afraid. But first, I saw how vivid it all became. The sun shined on the teddybear, and I thought, it was so amazing. The cup stopped yelling at me, and there was nothing else than silence. I thought, that I one day HAD to come back to this place, where everything was so vivid and beautyful. (And here I am, haha, I'm training for it, little me!) I blinked.. Nothing happened. I became nervours. What if I couldn't wake up?! I blinked a second time.. .. And found myself in my bed. I was both afraid, but also happy. I thought it was so amazing. And I guess that's why I still can remember the dream in so many details. Especially the lucid part. I'm training to get another LD, and I hopefully will soon. Maybe tonight. I promise, I'll write it in here as soon as I gets one! Have nice dream. *Doing a reality check*