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    My old lucid dream, many years ago.

    by , 09-16-2011 at 04:50 PM (644 Views)
    I thought I might should write my first lucid dream, I had when I was 4 or 5 years old.

    I was in my room. I was really afraid. Me and my friends were in the bed, and jumped on some plates. There was an evil cup, which tried to eat us. It yelled and had a very deep man voice. I jumped down on the floor, and ran out in the living room. I saw a teddy bear in the chair, and some flags. It was my birthday! But where was my parents?.. No, they would never leave me on my birthday like this. Never.. I heard the cup again. It said, that I had to come back! I stopped op. This was a way too weird! And then..
    I realized that I was dreaming, and became lucid. I didn't knew, what it was, or that I could control it. I just had to wake up, because I was still really afraid. But first, I saw how vivid it all became. The sun shined on the teddybear, and I thought, it was so amazing. The cup stopped yelling at me, and there was nothing else than silence. I thought, that I one day HAD to come back to this place, where everything was so vivid and beautyful. (And here I am, haha, I'm training for it, little me!)
    I blinked.. Nothing happened. I became nervours. What if I couldn't wake up?! I blinked a second time..
    .. And found myself in my bed. I was both afraid, but also happy. I thought it was so amazing. And I guess that's why I still can remember the dream in so many details. Especially the lucid part.

    I'm training to get another LD, and I hopefully will soon. Maybe tonight.
    I promise, I'll write it in here as soon as I gets one!

    Have nice dream. *Doing a reality check*

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    lucid , nightmare


    1. funnky's Avatar
      vey cool story man. i hope u have a ld tonite.
    2. Pandabear's Avatar
      Thanks! Hope you gets one too.