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    watching the signs

    by , 08-23-2015 at 04:00 PM (516 Views)
    Last night - and this morning had many NL dreams .I did wbtb around 4am - 5 and settled down for WILD ... during the process of falling asleep and as I got closer to wake up time I had various dreams where there was a strong buzzing in the dream and a weird feeling in my face and body - almost like it was morphing or shape shifting - this is something I am coming to recognise now from a few dreams as a sign - I am starting to see it is my self becoming more and more aware of the fact i am dreaming - the buzzing and change of feeling are part of a new intenseness that accompanies the realisation of " I am dreaming " I think - when ones does become lucid. I am hopeful that I am starting to notice this more and more which will result in more Dilds and Wilds

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