Banishing a spirit and beating the god of wine to a drink contest
, 01-25-2015 at 12:28 PM (1612 Views)
25.01.2015Banishing a spirit and beating the god of wine to a drink contest (DILD)
I was called to check one home's paranormal activity because apparently, the people living there had a very hard time every day, hearing noises, feeling drained and very tired. As soon as I got into the house I could feel that the energy was pretty bad and pretty low. I also checked on the auras of the people living there and I could see they had several negative sentient beings to them.
I toured around the house sensing the energy and to get started to perform a spirit banishing ritual. Since the tenants were in a negative energetic shape, I felt that I had no other choice but to banish whatever spirits were lurking in there. I told them to follow me as I was cleansing the house but just do not touch me nor look directly at me, just to gaze and follow my steps behind me.
Everything was going fine ultil I entered into a room and sensed a very strong spirit who apparently was evil. He was at first showing like a being of light, as I saw white orbs around the room, but the energy emanated from these was awful.
I closed the door behind me asking them to stay outside and I was getting ready to fight them with a behavior like, "Bring it on." (This is not done this way in waking life, but well, it was a non-lucid dream...) I started to channel white light directed to the different orbs and they would just vanish away, making the banishing ritual a success.
The people of the house was very happy and they invited me to some sort of dancing event. At first I was watching the event, but then, I found myself dancing break dance and other weird modalities. However, the music was soft and classical and there was some sort of trainer/guy who was getting pissed at me and he told me, "I am tired of this, I quit!"
I realized the nonsense of the whole dancing thing, so I realized I was in a dream. I did a couple reality checks to make sure I was indeed dreaming and to score points. I checked my hands, and I had a mising pinkie and my second reality check was a gravity test, which I floated for a few moments knowing that indeed I was in a dream.
I took off flying, to make my dream stable. And took a nice flight (It was a nice smooth flying, so I will not count it as advance flying.)
I considered if doing the ToTM or since this month I have been so busy with work and still did not do them, to go ahead and do a ToTY instead. I remembered one of them, where I had to challenge Baco/Dionisius to a drinking contest and win it. So i decided to land and pretend the god of wine was going to be there. As I was landing, I saw a table similar to alice in wonderland:
And there was some guy with grapes on his head and he was huge. I told him if he was the god of wine. Upon saying yes, I told him to do a drinking contest. I saw a lot of different bottles of wine and different liquors. I recalled that I was going to do the basic ToTM as well, while I was at it. I also recalled someone did an anyone dare to drink a whole bottle of vodka down.
I grabbed a bottle of wine and chucked it in one blow. It tasted similar to raspberry juice, but I felt nothing really going on. The same I did with the bottle of vodka, and this one tasted like water, but if like the water was extremely cold, almost frozen. I felt heat in my throat but nothing apparently seemed to happen here.
The god of wine did not seem to be very thrilled with this, so I just kept drinking, one bottle after another. My dream stomach started to bother me for some reason, but the dream imaginary was the same (maybe a little blurry, but I blame dream quality to it.) Suddenly, the god of wine turned into an old teacher a had years ago, who I a vodka-only drinking contest. I saw how he was throwing a bottle of vodka away saying, "I can't, I am going to puke." I asked him if he was still the god of wine, to make sure, he said yes and that he felt pretty bad, that he was done.
I was happy I got a few things done in this dream. I started to focus on more personal dares but I lost the dream and woke up abruptly.