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    Shuffle of dreams - summary only

    by , 04-26-2015 at 05:36 PM (1647 Views)
    Shuffle of dreams - summary only (Non-lucid)


    As usual, I am missing to write a ton of dreams... I am traveling and that halves my time, so I summarize a few ones from previous days:

    - There was a military boat with all the evil of the world. I had a cannon to sink it and all the evil of the world would end.

    - I could "bond" with birds holding them on their paws. I did with a tiny bird and I could fly, the little bird lifitng my wight.

    - I was a monkey in the sabannah.

    - I had people sleeping in my own hotel room.

    - I merged somehow with a video game and I saw giant creatures around buildings.

    - I saw a huge forest that had a ton of Ganon walking around. It was dangerous to go around even though they did bother no one. People ended up killing them and I felt how pathetic was the human being.
    Verre likes this.

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    1. Verre's Avatar
      - I could "bond" with birds holding them on their paws. I did with a tiny bird and I could fly, the little bird lifitng my wight.
      This reminded me of something that I had trouble placing until I remembered that scene from Spirited Away. Have you seen it? So cute!

      PercyLucid likes this.
    2. PercyLucid's Avatar
      Nope, but definitely I will Looks cute and inspiring!