Shared dream experiment.
, 05-11-2014 at 01:53 PM (552 Views)
It is more than half of year ago I had this lucid dream:
I wanted to try to drag my wife into shared lucid dream. As I was in bed I took my wife onto my body so she was laying on me. And I took her into hug. She was tired so she went to sleep fast. I started with relaxation exercises and then I started concentrate on imagining of ring. I made that ring to grow, and made to appear second ring inside first, then third inside second... and so on. It was as if I flew through dark tunnel composed of light rings. It was felt as if my wife was an anchor. I dragged her with all I had through tunnel. It was tiring.
Then we flew out of tunnel into night. We were on large field(or meadow) and some half kilometer away was a forest. From that forest a dense fog was creeping near ground into meadow we were on. In between trees of forest we could see lights of Gothic looking castle. The moon was full and shining bright. There was howling of wolf somewhere afar.
My wife was shivering in fear. I hold her close to me and I told her: "Everything is OK. This is lucid dream. Nothing can harm you. I'm here with you."
We started to walk to forest. It was nice night. I liked it. My wife not so much. Every few moments I tried to soothe her. It looked like she is forgetting where she is. I repeated again and again that we are in a dream, that she hasn't to fear anything, that anything can harm her. That I will take care of everything.
We got into forest. The castle was a museum. I tried to find a way how to go inside. My wife lost awareness(or I stopped to concentrate on her being there enough) and vanished in a short time after that... I was walking around for a short while and eventually lost concentration and woke up.
My wife didn't remember anything of this experiment. It is possible that that dream wasn't shared.
It was hard to get my wife with me into a dream. Maybe it is because I was creating that way for her without her input. Or maybe because my concentration was divided between creating rings and flying through them and my wife in a hug...
I didn't find dream surrounding ghostly at all. It was peaceful for me. I found it even romantic as my wife was there with me.