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    A few dreams from Monday

    by , 11-25-2010 at 02:31 AM (845 Views)
    State Street 1

    I have dreamed this before.

    I was with Joe. We were in a small city. We wanted to buy something from one of the shops, but we needed ID. They wouldn't except our driver's licenses, they wanted our permits. I hadn't seen my permit in years...I wouldn't know where to find it.

    We began looking around the city. There were old train tracks embedded in the city roads. We followed the train tracks as if they were our guide. The road ended. In front of us was a giant skyscraper and to the left of us was a demolition site. The demolition didn't have much recognizable debris left, it consisted mostly of grainy, blank sand looking stuff.

    We were barefooted, but we kept walking and went through the demolition site. We passed workers while trying to dodge the random shards of glass. The demolition site/alley way led us to our old school.

    Joe went to his old locker and entered a combination. When he opened it, boxes and paper flew every where from his locker. On the boxes and papers were written specific addresses and telephone numbers. Something was written on a napkin. It said:

    "You can't stop it now. The Bellcore is here."

    We found my permit in the mess of papers and decided to leave before anyone caught us here. As we walked out of the school, I noticed a few FBI agents. They were trying to secretly take pictures of us. We rushed down back down the demolition alley way, and tried to walk on a ledge to prevent our feet from getting severed from the glass. We had a new partner with us now. He was much older than us.

    We reached State Street and turned the corner to a pair of FBI agents. They instantly shot our partner several times. He was bleeding from the mouth and stomach, dead.

    No Protection for the Broken Hearted

    I was on some weird island, and I was robbing a bank with my group. The bank was a small brick building with tiny windows. I was just assigned to shoot anyone who got in our way.

    Of course, all of the sirens went off and the police showed up. I began shooting them, but I didn't anticipate that there would be people inside the bank with guns as well. They shot at me through the windows, and I could literally feel their bullets missing by millimeters.

    The citizens were ganging up on me, so I abandoned my post to seek shelter somewhere safer. I ran with blood stains down my shirt. In the height of the moment I had not felt their bullets pierce my skin. I kept running. Everyone was evacuating their buildings. I thought how silly that was, that just almost guaranteed their deaths.

    I ran to a school, the children were also evacuating. In the first large room I saw one of my teachers staring into a fuzzed out TV mindlessly.

    I walked into the room on the left. The room was gray and there was a single child laying on the floor. I assumed that this child was mine.

    "Get off the floor." I said. The child didn't move.

    "There's no protection for the broken hearted." I don't know why I said that, but then again I also don't know why I robbed a bank. I was a man in this entire dream.

    Washed Up

    I was at the ocean. It was beautiful. There were many people in the ocean, but it was strange because most of them were wearing their clothes. I waded in the ocean and felt the strong waves hit my legs. I went deeper, and the waves got stronger.

    I was maybe in to my neck and was trying to ride the waves to breathe. A strong wave came over and pushed me to the bottom of the ocean. I tried to swim upwards to take a breath but another wave hit again. This pattern continued for awhile, until I passed out from lack of oxygen.

    I woke up with my face in the sand, Inception style. I had washed up in some unknown part of the beach where there wasn't anyone else.

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