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    Zukin's Dream Journal! <3

    helen it's time to die

    by , 12-07-2013 at 08:26 PM (546 Views)
    helen it's time to die

    15 years of age with long black hair
    living in a mansion, mother's dead. and her mother too.
    there's so many little doors but when I touch their handles
    dead voices scream in my ear dont be opened!
    like alice in wonderland
    alice with knives
    voices start screaming in my ear
    helen, it's time to die!
    I don't know where the voices are coming from
    maybe, the little doors will hold the answer
    I open the door and walk down the stairs
    it's flooded, I dive beneath the water
    into endless hallways of black cats
    I come to a room
    where the dead are having dinner
    my grandmother, a shriveled black skull
    the dead tell me
    helen, it's time to die!
    we are starting a revolution
    where the dead will rise
    an army

    playing cards blow around our table
    spades hearts clubs diamonds
    I see visions of their suicides
    we need a virgin

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