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    Zukin's Dream Journal! <3


    by , 08-18-2010 at 03:32 PM (890 Views)
    I was at a party for "inventors". Each person wore a costume that he or she invented. The costumes each had a special function unique to the others. I don't remember what I was, but I remember how my costume zipped up so tightly it was hard to move my arms. I had a large thing on my head. I believe the function of my costume was speed. I might have been a small ice cream cone for all I know.

    I left the party and walked down the road. Behind me I saw someone following me...Who was that? Taking a closer look I saw it was someone else in a costume. Their costume was green and had a large afro. I kept walking down the road until the guy in the green costume had finally caught up to me. He pushed me to the ground.

    "Hi!" He said.

    "...Hi?" I responded...Trying to get up. It was pretty hard considering I couldn't move my arms well.

    "You're it!" He said, tagging me. Ok this was so not fair. I needed to unzip my costume if I was going to play this game and I couldn't unzip it seeing as I couldn't move my arms that far!

    "Wait! Unzip me!" I said. He came back and unzipped my costume so I had a little more leeway for my arms. Before he could run away I tagged him. We played Tag for awhile until we came to a hilly, grassy area. We sat down on the hill. Beneath us people were fighting. He showed me how we could control the people with our minds if we tried hard enough. He was right.

    We were now playing a game, my people against his. We morphed our people into dragons and elves and watched them battle against each other. When we decided we were done he morphed into a...thing...that was really tall. I'm not sure what it was. It was made of pretty neon colors and it had bones like a human. I climbed onto his shoulders and he carried me home Piggy back style.

    I was at my grandmother's house now with my cousin. We were sleeping in the same bed like we used to when we were kids. He fell asleep fast and started chanting something rhythmically. It sounded less like a song and more like a poem or even a curse in a different language, it was beautiful in a sinister way.

    A worker on a TV set opened the door and told us that they were looking for extras on their set that could pretend to be sleeping. My cousin told me that he'd meet me there later, and to go ahead.

    The long hallway from my bedroom linked up to the store where they were shooting the new film. The man who was leading me to the set told me to take my headphones off. He showed me to a room with blue lighting and a bench at the side. On the bench were the other extras, waiting for me to arrive. In front of the bench there was a cage where the main actor was. He was supposed to do some sort of stunt and we were to show "enthusiasm" (not!) by sleeping.

    I sat down on the bench between two guys. The guy I was supposed to be leaning on to feign sleep gave me a crazy look.

    "Woman, you need to get rid of some of that HAIR you got." He said. I pushed my lush locks to one side so it wouldn't get all in his face.

    "Careful," He said again, passing me some kind of small metal piece. He dropped the metal into my hand and I examined it carefully. It was at most 2 inches long and no more than 3mm in diameter. It was made of a bright steel and at one end a tiny piece of lead was perpendicular to the small rod. Like an L.

    "What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked. It was buzzing gently in my hand.

    "Hold it up to your lips and wait. It will bring you into the dream," One of the female set-workers responded. I hesitated...

    "I don't need to be pulled into the dream, I can fall asleep here quickly enough."

    "Just do it, woman," Said the guy next to me. I pulled the tiny metal rod thing to my lips. My whole world was instantly PSYCHADELiCIZED.

    The TV in front of us was warped in purple swirls like you would with a brush on Photoshop. Everyone on the bench stood up in amazement and looked around...

    "Are we in the dream...?" I asked. No one responded, they were all too amazed. I couldn't wait to tell the people on DV about this new drug.

    "Wait...Are we all in the dream together or not cause that's pretty epic if we are all in this dream thing together right now..." I went blabbering on. I looked at my hands, they had different amounts of fingers.

    I left the room where we were shooting the video. I found myself now in a larger building with a sky high ceiling. There were many people in the building. It looked like the main room of a mall. I tried to fly...Grr why couldn't I? I thought I got soo good at it from being dragged around so much in my lucids [/sarcasm].

    The dream was very vivid. I walked up to a DC and told him to teach me how to fly. He was my friend's brother in real life. He gave a puzzled smile and put his left arm in and in his left arm out and shook it all about...arrgh.

    A man in a black suit came up to me and gave me a receipt. The dream was stable enough that I could easily read the receipt, look away, and read it again and the words were all the same and perfectly normal. That didn't sway me from the notion that I was dreaming however. The man read aloud as I read the receipt:

    "The stalking starts now. You will complete a set of trials which may take 30-50 tries. You are looking for a female. Everything will add up to 3/5. THE STALKING STARTS NOW." I'm pretty sure that's what the man said. On the receipt (which I tried to recreate paint, and brutally failed) it was signed WakingNomad. What the hell lol?

    I'm not entirely sure that's accurate. It may have been that I had 3/5 trials, I'm not sure but apparently I was looking for someone to help complete the first trial. I shoved the receipt into my pocket and looked around the room. Half the population was female...Maybe I should try to find Nomad first. I envisioned him standing behind me. I turned around but there was no one there. This was going to be hard.

    I walked around the mall, asking questions to strangers. They pointed me into a green house. I walked through a narrow pathway in the green house looking for any human life. I passed a man with a watering can who eyed me strangely.

    I exited the green house and found myself in a dirty city. I asked a man if he knew where I could find Nomad. He pointed down a dark alley. A white car pulled up in the parking space. I ran to the car (there was someone following me at this point, telling me not to go near the car). Inside were a bunch of druggies. Dirt covered their faces. They looked like they were on meth.

    False awakening into my dark dark cold room. I don't want to open my eyes in the dark!

    False awakening again into a brighter room. It was still dim. A floating purple square had an illuminating light with a video of people working out on it. I jumped into the bright panel and
    lost lucidity.

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    Updated 08-18-2010 at 03:39 PM by 25781

    lucid , memorable


    1. Baron Samedi's Avatar
      what an amazing dream! weird... i was in a clown costume, and i kind of stalked you... just trying to get you lucid!