Non-Lucid Dreams
Morning: (somewhere along 5am-7am) I was staying in a mansion of sorts. Reminds me somehow of Victorias. There was very white pug that wants to be scratched on the belly. I was waiting for someone or some people. There were cars. The place feels familiar from another dream. Afternoon-Evenng: (around 5pm-7pm) I was looking for something. I ended up near or on the old place I was renting (doesn't look like it IRL). Some people are renting the place. I needed to get something there or do something. A massage? I went in. Lico was there? It wasn't him at first. There are two other rooms. One room was for business. I asked for the price. I got an answer but forgot it immediately. It was a decent, big office but mostly empty. I thought it'd be great to have the center there. It's in Mandaluyong. I went in. It was dark but not blinding dark. Just no light but I can see a bit. The landlady(?) handed me the papers but gave it to Lico first for checking. I asked again about the rent. I think I mentioned 18k, but I think she scoffed. I told Lico I'll just ask her when she's not busy since she seems to be going about. I left along with the others. I thought about how nice would be to stay in that place. Then I realized everybody left, and the place would be empty. I wondered if it's for rent now, and if I can get a discount. That would be nice: a place all for me. We walked down the stairs and along the street. It was evening, and it felt more like a medieval evening with its cobblestone sidewalk, not the light-filled evening of Metro Manila. It's reminiscent of a 3 a.m. Manila. Mostly quiet, few people about. A hint of danger. We kind of got separated, some of us walking with others. I was kind of in the middle. In the back, I saw two of ours (a male and a female) approach another (a couple of males). The approached male reminds me of a BL actor. They were all wearing black suit/pants/dress. We continued walking. We somehow ended up near the shore. And then I noticed that some of our group that went ahead are walking and almost drowning in the water. They just kept walking. Some of us realized and helped them. However, an old man and an old woman are already dead, and somehow both naked. Somehow it seems that some of us were possessed or pretended to be possessed and killed them. One guy in particular was walking and I felt like kicking him in the face. Not sure if he was lying. It was daytime then.
I was in a cabin of sorts. I was with friends. I baked/cooked a cake for another friend whose birthday won't be on till after a few months. I thought of putting it in the fridge. For some reason, they had some reasons not to put it in some fridge located somewhere. One was in that cabin but for some reason, we had to move. Something about disturbing the spirits. We also thought of putting in the house fridge but won't the person find it easily? We "went out" of the place using a special key and a special door. We traveled through the spirit realm (why?). And we walked and avoided and escaped the malevolent spirits of the realm. There were two particular spirits we avoided: one was a male shadowy figure that follows us and one white ragged woman who screams and chases us. I remember hiding behind some crates and avoiding her. There were also some "puppy spirits." At least they looked like puppies. They were used by a teacher and some children to practice escaping from. There "attack" in swarms. I was going through a door when a swarm rained in. I led them out the door with difficulty but without any negative emotions whatsoever. Somehow, I was caught and I felt my physical body turn to the left. I was told in the dream it's wrong and somehow spirits can enter that way. This part happened somewhere in between. There's no linearity in the dream (like in some dreams). I was with a family flying through space. We went through zero space, and we've "heard" about some delays in such a travel but thought they were rare occurrences and don't have any serious repercussions. There was a boy (third-person) in this family who seems to have such a delay and asked where the others were and what took them so long. For the rest, it was an almost instant flight. I was that boy (first person). We were being chased by other space fighters (I don't know the name of the small space ships used to harass bigger ships without causing a lot of damage due to the energy shielding). I had a hard time with the controls. I turn too fast so instead of arcing back, I end up facing the enemy almost face-to-face with our ship. The rest were away. I was eventually able to control it enough so I see... stars and space and space stuff instead of a poorly modeled image of the fighter or the nearby planets and moons. I felt elated. My ship was destroyed. I was possessed. I was in a familiar place. I think it's the place in the "first" part of the story. I was kept in a room, and I felt different. I felt like I was glowing and there's a tingle throughout my "skin." I overheard that a woman (a friend?) was partially possessed. I went out/through the walls and doors and approached her in a room. I "absorbed" whatever was possessing her and I left. I felt stronger. I think this is a separate story but somehow still connected to the possession dream. I was at home. It was evening and very dark. We went home and closed the gate, but somehow, someone forgot to close one of the two gates. There's like another perimeter around the house, and there are two boys/guys just outside the inner perimeter, which means the outer one was open. A child was talking but I could barely understand. Mom was saying something too complaining about the other gate not being locked. I was outside the house. It was morning, or at least daytime. Someone was teaching me how to fly properly. I was able to "jump" on the first level with his help and then jumped the next two after. I looked up and saw the clouds. I was elated. I wanted to fly about the clouds and stay there. I was partially lucid and happy to be able to experience that. Everything was falling apart. Buildings were crumbling down. Alien attack? It was like a game in 3D. I used my possession skills to hold back falling buildings and debris. I felt powerful. I woke up feeling powerful and in control. --- Notes: - I went to sleep feeling down. After a few days of anxiety due to an overwhelming addition to my required subjects to take to finish school, I had my previous dream that really brought me down. I could barely do anything so I went to sleep. That was around 7:30 pm. I woke up around 10:00 pm. I thought the dream was so long I could swear I woke up around 3 or 4 am. - I felt powerless these several months, from failing to finish some courses I need to proceed with my long-term plan to being unable to complete Inktober or start NaNoWrimo (again). I think I was trying to regain control by putting an enforced structure (school). - There were a lot of mental chats that had no image. I was talking to myself about the meaning of the dream within the dream. A short while after(?) waking up but still lying down, I thought about how I reclaimed a part of myself (through possession and self-destruction) and it made me (feel?) stronger. Questions: How do I know this feeling of control is not as illusory as the feeling of lack of control? Both have real-life repercussions if wrong, and even if right, how do I distinguish what's within and without my control? How do I know I'm making the right decisions if my senses and mind betray me? For now, back to basics: simplify.
I was in a story. I was looking for a book or a series of books. It slowly slips away as I type. But I was on some sort of small island, but it's developed. There were buildings, houses, towers. Even a mansion I think. But there were still a lot of trees. I was traveling from one area to another looking for something. Or avoiding something. The mood was mysterious but not scary. Inside a house/building, I talked to a woman and a man (a butler?). I forgot our conversation but it's about the "mission." I think of gathering books. I remember mentioning I was in the part "The Tower." I roused myself from the story and "woke up." I was walking and a dog was jumping about nipping me by the hem of my shorts or by the legs. It wasn't painful except for the feeling of anticipation that it's supposed to feel at least painful.
I was hanging out with some people. An office. I was being chased by my classmates from high school. I was with a male friend, but they're after our "group." (not sure what group) Two of my classmates chased me and my friend in a forest-like area that's reminiscent of USLS's small forest near the coliseum. Friend said he'll draw them off, but I worried that they'll still chase me. For some reason, they didn't. After a while, one did. I was trying to post on social media that I'm being chased and including the names but I didn't know yet who were chasing me until they got close enough. I was avoiding one taking the phone away while I was running and typing.
I was going away. I was on the road. Or rather, a dirt road, with trees and grasses on both sides. The left is lighter; the right is denser. The dirt road has marks of tires on it and heavy use. There's a house/store on the left side. There's a sparse conglomeration of houses on the left side. I think I visited one of them and stayed there. A little bit further down the road is a temple with a huge reclining Buddha outside. The head is closer to me. I think I joined or will join the temple.
I was traveling. I was on a boat. I thought it was just a short travel, then we went to the open sea and saw tall waves. I was excited.
I was gathering with a group of people, training or preparing for something. I was practicing my flips or trying to practice my flips. It became a Team Fortress themed scene. We were preparing for invasion. I was trapped in an outdoor area that they (the military?) are going to close soon. I was hurrying to the exits, but it looks like it's too late. I saw the guards closing the exits while running on a plaza area. I reached the closed gate. Nearby, a guy wearing white buttoned shirt and glasses called to me to follow him, presumably to their hiding place. I followed him. It seems there are monsters that come out during this time, and the citizens have to hide. I was in their hiding place. The hiding place became mobile, like a tank. They were busy chatting about it more with excitement than fear. We passed by some areas where there are body parts and blood lying around. Somehow, I realized I was the monster, so I felt I have to leave and move away or everyone in that tank will die. When we were nearing the border gate, I saw a woman arguing with a guard (female?). I'm not sure if she wanted to leave or stay, but she looked fearless. Then we heard a roar or something. From the opening of the building to my right, something came rushing out. I jumped out of the tank, turned into a monster, and clashed with the other monster.
I was looking at a room, dark and shadowy. I just entered it. There is light coming from the two open windows to my left. The room is a kitchen, an old one. Everything is made of blocks/old cement. The color theme is faded yellow and smoky black. The rest of the room is under the cover of darkness so I couldn't see what else is inside, apart from a small part of a table at the center. The only thing I can see clearly was the stone floor lit by the sunlight from the window. There was a woman standing on a stool in front of the nearest window. She was wearing a long black dress. She was facing the window but her upper body and head was out of my range of vision. I think she was cleaning the upper area of the window. I was walking with a girl towards the door on the other end of the room, but she was a little bit in front of me. I was a young boy. The girl said "You called their names too soon, Annie." "Oh, dear. But it was already their time," the woman answered, in her apologetic, somber voice, as she continued her work. We walked past her, but as we approached the next window, there again on the stool is the woman in her long black dress. We walked on. Just as we were about to reach the door, the girl went ahead. I felt the woman's hand on my right shoulder, and she whispered: "Run." I smiled without looking at her. "Thanks, Annie. But I don't want to run anymore."
Updated 06-28-2016 at 10:28 AM by 47454
The mood was anxious. It was night. I was with friends. We met somewhere but then decided to take a friend's car going somewhere. We passed by some buildings then the place became unfamiliar. The owner asked the driver where we were and if we would pass by some place (I don't remember the word) through this route. The driver answered, and the owner was satisfied. I thought the place looks familiar now. We ended up having to go down by a checkpoint. For some reason, we had to stop and go down and eat. It was an outdoor eatery. The military at the checkpoint said some demeaning things to those who don't want to volunteer for the military and praised those who do. I remember then there was a list that we supposedly signed a while back. Those who want to enlist will choose to stay in that area. Those who don't want to can leave after. I got worried if I chose to stay, then I mentally changed my answer in that list. I was riding an elevator. At first, it went straight up, or I just didn't notice it moving anywhere but up. I was with friends. Not sure where we were going. We stopped at a floor. We went back to the elevator to get somewhere else. I was with one friend. We were going up the elevator again. This time, I felt it tilt to the side, and I felt gravity pulling me down. Then it kept moving all over the place. My friend was holding on to a horizontal bar at the chest level inside the elevator to keep himself from moving, and he was still "standing" on the "floor" even while the elevator is upside down. Arrived at an office. He invited me there but turned out he was applying for work and I'm working for the same company. I said hi to a few people, even one who's about to leave. I was supposed to talk about an incoming meeting but felt like I had to hurry when my friend said we're about to leave. I went out the office and looked back. I saw our local head, but he looks like Obama after years of being president: tired, grey haired. I waved but he was just frowning. I wondered, should I be here in the first place? I went to the next room and went right to some sort of a "fun" room: there were sofas, clothing, bean bags, etc. People were lining up to go into the comfort room. Interestingly, the person's outline inside is visible. It's like there's a yellow glowing line inside that makes the person's outline visible through the wall. I saw the outline was sitting then stood up. I decided I'd rather look for another comfort room. It was still night. -- I took ibuprofen + paracetamol before I fell asleep for the pain in my head. I recently told a friend about an opening at work. I'm anxious about going back to our hometown. I'm anxious about the dirt that went into my fingernails.
I was playing board games in a cafe with friends. I know some of them I think. There was one person who I asked out but declined. I was in Rizal Park. Lost? Water area. I kept forgetting something on my way to the airport. Eventually, it was evening, and my flight was that noon, not midnight, so I missed it. My sister was there. I told her I'll just get a ticket to travel this weekend. I was in a game. I was on higher ground. I need to get to another platform but there was a considerable gap. My niece was able to get across it (not sure how since she did it out of view), but it seems impossible. I looked for another way. The mood was gloomy, sad, dejected.
I had precognition ability. I was in a forest. There's a rhino-alligator. There ARE rhino-alligators. One tried to chase me. I jumped on a tree stump. It didn't chase me there. I think I tried to fly. I was in school. I was flying around but only on roof level. Sis and Nimz were there. Night. I was traveling with friends. I was in Bacolod. The jeepney dropped us along Lacson St near Ramos. We had to go down and take a trisikad (bike with sidecar). We ate somewhere. Outdoors. We walked. We were going home. We walked out (?) of the hotel to the street. There were cars. I think we were going to take a cab.
I was in a room, in a house/apartment I was renting along with a couple of people. I was talking with someone, a classmate from high school. I tried to give him suggestions and solutions but he seems intent on just focusing on the problem. I got annoyed at him. I was moving about fixing or arranging things in the apartment while we were talking. There was a (birthday?) party. There were balloons and some food on the table. I was at home in our hometown with sis and mom. It was night. When the scene transitioned, the classmate "moved" to the outside of our fence. We went to our small store. Mom mixed Emperador rum, Coke, and Mentos. I told her that seems dangerous. I was on a train. Keyword: racist.
I was in a game or playing a game. The setting is a dystopian future. I was alternately watching and being in the game. There were cameras in various places, even in rooms. There was one room where there are two guys talking to the camera. They're acting like they're just some typical guys fooling around but away from the camera, they were plotting something. Escape. Top-down view. Reminds me of Mario RPG.
Morning I was in a Warframe game. There is a massive Grineer offensive. Evening 10:14pm I was looking at a computer. I was chatting with someone. Mom? Mom was asking me to go home and help. I told her I am. The screen theme is black with some scattered windows. I woke up in the living room. I heard someone. I went out the yard and saw mom in the backyard getting a pipe off a dog house. I went to her. I told her I didn't hear her come in or that she's coming. She said dad told her I'm her (or that dad opened the gate). I told her "But dad is dead." Then I realized it's all a dream, and I immediately became lucid, the dream improved in quality but I felt I was also quickly losing the dream. I hugged mom and music was playing in the background (lyrics, something like "Sana naman"). It sounded happy but for some reason, I felt very sad. A photo popped out or slipped off from somewhere and it covered my entire view. The background is inside a church and the focus is on a woman sitting on the pews, facing towards the right where the altar would have been but it's not the picture. She was reading something, and a white book is covering her face so it's unclear. I felt it was supposed to be mom but she looks more like our aunt (who we call "mommy"). --- Notes: - I've been thinking of going home for a while now. - Dad died a little over a year ago. - Our 10-year-old dog died this month.
Morning dream: I was at a school. I have a duty. Shin. Game . Withdraw. Afternoon dream: Night. There were zombies. We were going to take the train. I saw the train: it's a bullet train, and the sides are open but people inside don't seem to be flying out nor do they seem worried. The mood is like that before or after heavy rain. The surrounding looks destroyed. Some buildings were leveled; none were more than 1-storey high. I can see the debris all over the place, but the train looks new and undamaged. We walked. We took a bus? We passed by the airport. I saw Jm on the stands, like in the sports arena. People there are waiting for their plane. He's going to take a vacation outside Manila, I thought. He didn't see me but he was looking at something in my direction. We went on. I was going to take the plane too. I was going home. --- Notes: - The Afternoon dream happened in a 1-hour 45-minute sleep. - I took phenelephrine before sleeping but also coffee. The medicine was stronger than the coffee.