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    The Dream Magic Experiment

    Zombies of the Crypt

    by , 08-03-2011 at 01:56 AM (628 Views)
    I was with some people, fighting zombies in a courtyard (reminds me of the courtyard area of the old Mortal Combat game). I'm immortal, and I'm fighting together with other mortals and immortal. It was a grey and hazy afternoon.

    I was in the streets at night, with mom and sis. We were arguing, with me being told to do all the chores because my sis is sick or something. I told them, yeah, and I should also start working so I can buy them rice and pay for the bills. They walked away, to watch a movie or something, and I went "home" to the stronghold.

    I took to the walls to watch how the zombies, trapped inside by the walls and gates, are faring. It was another hazy afternoon.

    I met some guy. A guard? I went inside and fought the dozens of zombies that came out using a gun and a sword. The gun is not very effective, so I switched to a sword and did one-hit kills.

    There were kids, or small people, inside, and we tried to protect them. I recall a blue-colored clothing on one of them.

    Then there was a chase. Ravens? Climbing zombies? The Left4Dead type of zombies that has long tongues and exploding bulk?

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