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    Raspberry's Second Life

    Awake, Awake, Awake Again

    by , 02-14-2011 at 08:18 PM (641 Views)
    Last night was a blur. Never had more than one or two false awakenings at a time, but I had three.

    Awake Non-lucid Semi-Lucid Lucid

    I'm sitting on my old computer. I'm on some sort of girly chat website. The screen is lit up in pink and white. Some of the girls have left mean comments.

    I wake up. I keep my eyes closed, hoping for a DEILD. But what's that buzzing noise? No, it's not a buzzing noise, it's a kind of beat. That's not normal. I open my eyes. My bed is in the wrong place in my room, and my computer's on. I RC several times, now knowing i'm dreaming.

    Everything's blurry. The left side of my vision is upside down. What the fuck? I can't move very much. This isn't good at all. I manage to sit up, and try to shake the heaviness off.

    I wake up again. Again, I keep my eyes closed. But there it is again, that beat. I sit up, my computer's on. What? Ok, I'm confused. I RC, breathing through my pinched nose. I stick my finger through my palm, to be really sure.

    I jump through my wall, and down stairs. My dad's next to the stairs, which is unusual. In my false awakenings, my dad is no where to be seen. He asks where I'm going. I ignore him and walk through the door, not bothering to open it. Once outside, the sun shining, I jump on top of my neighbors house. I run and jump to the next one. The houses are not in their usual pattern, but who cares.

    I decide to see if I can summon Asher. I scream his name, looking around for him. In the field below, I see a dark clothed figure with black hair walking towards me. I grin, falling from the roof, and run up to him.

    He turns. This is not Asher. He's pretty cute though. I get closer. "Kiss me?" I smile, winking.

    Several moments later, my dad interrupts us. He grabs my arm, leading me away. I shout at him, but am curious to where he is taking me. I remind myself not to get too carried away by the dream, and to stay lucid.

    He opens up a sportscar door. When I get it, he turns to me and says "Listen young lady, that is unacceptable, kissing random boys!"

    I snigger. "This is my world, I could burn you to the ground and then go have sex with that boy if i wanted to."

    I wake up. I'm paranoid about false awakenings now. Once up, I find once again that my computer is on. This time is plays music. I RC, making sure, and then leap through my window. This doesn't take me to my garden, but to a railway track in the middle of a yellow field.

    I jump up, my town surrounds the field. As I fly, I make myself lighter, so it feels more floaty. Why not try something new? What about... Wings?I create wings, expanding several feet out of my back. Looking at them, I see that they're a light grey. I flap, but find it quite difficult to adjust too. Maybe I'll do this another time, and let them disappear.

    I want to jump off something. Freefall. Isn't that one of my goals? Yes, it is! I look around. Nothing is high enough.

    I was about to create a skyscraper, but woke up (for real this time).

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    lucid , false awakening


    1. Caden's Avatar
      I grin, falling from the roof, and run up to him.

      He turns. This is not Asher. He's pretty cute though. I get closer. "Kiss me?" I smile, winking.

      Several moments later, my dad interrupts us.
      WTH? It seemed like it was just starting to get good.