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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    The Dark Tower – River Crossing

    by , 12-16-2017 at 06:04 AM (361 Views)
    2017, 12-14

    The Dark Tower – River Crossing

    I am with Roland, Susanna, Eddie, Jake, MoSh. We are all making our way along a very old road. In the distance up ahead I can see what looks like a city. It looks like the type of city I would see in my own world, but it is clear that is not where we are. Eddie seems to think it looks like New York. I am not sure what city it could be, but I get a bad feeling about it. Part of me thinks we should go around it, but another part says there we have a train to catch there. We cannot go around. Before we get there however, we approach a small town. The town looks to be abandoned with many buildings that are falling down. Roland however says that he has a feeling there are people there. Eddie asked if they’re friendly? Roland asks if a strange dog may bite? In other words, he doesn’t know. We start making our way through the town at a rather slow pace. The purpose is so that they don’t feel threatened by a quick approach, but also we don’t look like we’re scared and easy targets. We come to an intersection. It crosses at right angles to the one we’re on. Roland picks up a rock and throws it at a metal box that’s hanging over the street. There is a loud clang, a bell rings, and a flag pops out of the box. It is a green flag that says go. Eddie thinks it is an old version of a street light, Susanna thinks that Roland just did something stupid, MoSh seems occupied with something that he sees off to the left. He is looking at what appears to be a large courthouse or church.

    As MoSh is watching the building, a couple of people emerge. One of them is an old man, and he is leading an old woman. The old woman seems hesitant and nervous, but the old man seems quite excited to see us. The old woman keeps asking if we are harriers? The old man says no, he’s never seen a harrier with a weapon like that. He is indicating the guns sticking out of Roland’s holsters. The ones with the sandal wood grips, clearly they are distinct weapons of a gunslinger. We approach the two, and the man looks at the guns in awe. He says that we are no harriers, but there is a gunslinger with us. Roland speaks to them in a very respectful manner. I think he is using what they call the high speech, but I can’t be sure since my translator translates everything pretty much equally. As he speaks to them, the old woman’s face lights up. She says that he is a gunslinger. I take a closer look at her and see that she has no eyes. That is how come she did not know for sure he was a gunslinger until she heard him speak. Roland lets the blind woman feel one of the guns. We follow the old people back through the courthouse. Behind it there is a hidden oasis. They have a beautiful garden back there, and I can see they also have areas where they grow their own crops. They keep it all well hidden from the main streets so that roving harriers do not become aware of it.

    There is some more old people there. Two of them are twins, and the first thing that pops into my mind are Fred and George Weasley when they tried to cross Dumbledore‘s age line and became old. There is an elderly woman there who seems to be their leader. She is no doubt the village elder. She asked us if we will come break bread with them, and then palaver. She says she can see we are on a quest, though she knows not what we are seeking. Roland says that we are seeking the Dark Tower. She makes the sign of an evil eye, and says that is an accursed place. She says no one who has gone seeking the Dark Tower has ever returned. I feel like telling her that we are going to change that, but I don’t see the point. I noticed that MoSh is talking to a couple of the people. I can’t hear what he saying though. At this point the elder and one of the some of the others lead us through into a beautiful garden. It is here that we sit down and prepare to have our meal. There are no seats or tables, but it is very nice setting. The woman who is the leader announces our presence to everyone who is gathered. She announces Roland’s arrival as the return of the light. It is clear they hold gunslingers and very high esteem.

    The meal, which proves to be a wonderful thing, starts off with a drink that is some kind of a spiced cider. Roland warrens Jake not to drink much or will be carrying him out. I don’t generally like alcohol, but the stuffs pretty good. I noticed for the first time that there is a Billy Bumbler following Jake around. I hadn’t noticed Oy was with us. The people bring us food, and I feel rather bad about eating any of it since I don’t really need to eat in the dream state. But that seems like a rather lengthy thing to try to explain to them, and if I don’t explain and just refused to eat I’ll appear rude. So I decided at some point after this I will restore some of their food supply in exchange. I guess it’s a good thing that I came to an acceptance of eating some of their food because the desert is some kind of amazing cake that I don’t think I could’ve said no to. Soon in the meal is done, as if to announce its completion Eddie let out a loud burp that is acepted as a complement to the chef. The chef deserve lots of compliments. Then most everyone else leaves, because they say it’s time to palaver. The elder is asking if we won’t stay the night, but Roland seems to think we need to move on quickly. They’re also suggesting that we should go around the city, which they have named blood, but Jake seems convinced that we have to go through it. I remember from the books that we have a train to catch.

    The rest of the time is spent exchanging stories and getting as much information about Ludd as possible. There is a single bridge leading in, and once inside there are two groups, the Greys and the Pubes that are always fighting and will no doubt both want to take Jake. There is also talk of Blaine the Monorail. Stories of this train indicate it can go faster than the speed of sound. These people tell of seeing it go by on the railway in the distance and then hearing a huge explosion shortly after it passed, which sounds like a sonic boom to me. They say the train hasn’t traveled for many years, though they can’t seem to agree on how many years. The blind woman insists she has heard a train leaving Ludd and heading in the opposite direction. While the other people in the town don’t seem to believe her, I am thinking she is right… being blind would enhance her hearing and if the wind was blowing right she might have heard even the distant sounds of the train leaving. My mind has wandered somewhat while listening, and I notice MoSh is nowhere to be seen… I wonder if he wandered off or woke up. I don’t have much time to wonder before I wake up.

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