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    1. first lucid in a while

      by , 04-05-2018 at 11:46 PM
      I am in a white car, in the back to the left. I cannot see the driver. I see a street of stores and I assume I'm in Pittsburgh (where i went to college), and that I go back and forth between Pittsburgh and where I live now. Then something clicks: I realize I don't live in Pittsburgh. I start to wonder if I am dreaming. Once I am certain I am dreaming, I jump out of the car without opening the door (what does that mean?). I walk around and then the driver comes out of the car and tries to stab me.

      I start to fly instead of fighting back. I am spinning out of control in the flight and I am scared. My body is acting like a tornado. So I breathe in and control it. I levitate down and up and propel myself forward, far away from the road of shops that realistically look nothing like Pittsburgh. I sense water, and I land in the water. I can feel gentle ripples/waves and the water is dark blue, almost black. I sense sharks around me so I levitate up out of the water. I am out of control again, I am flying fast and its like someone else is controlling my flight. I control the dream. I slow down, meditate in the air and wake myself up. I wake up and wish I kept flying, that I found some utopia to explore my unconscious mind and heart and soul. Anyways, this was my first lucid in months.

      I am doing reality checks hoping my dream signs (Pittsburgh, sustained flight, perfect gymnastics, figure skating barefoot, etc) appear at night. I am not ready to keep a real dream journal. I mean I want to, need to develop the discipline first. Any tips?
      Tags: lucid dream
      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. trip to a party

      by , 06-23-2017 at 10:45 PM
      I don't remember much. I let my dreams slip away, but what stayed with
      me was I was in the back seat of a van and Jenny is in the middle seat. My parents
      are in the front seat and I wanted to ask them to let me and Jenny switch seats because I'm tall but I sensed hostility from Jenny. Then my dad said that we are
      going to pull over for a food break. I think we are driving to a party. I wake up and
      then fall back into the same dream, I am in the same van but I don't become lucid.
      Since the van is the only symbol I remember, and what you manage to remember is usually the most important part of the dream, I'll focus on that.
    3. Dreams dreamed

      by , 06-20-2017 at 02:38 PM

      I was on a balance beam in front splits. I saw the beam and felt the splits, though I didn't feel like I was stretching. The beam was a tannish color, like most balance beams are. Then the dream slipped away, and I was surrounded by black and thought I was in Greenland. I thought it was near Russia. I was talking to some woman about New Zealand. I thought, 'I have to fly to NY to practice getting on an airplane.' I forgot that Peter wasn't in New York yet, I called him, which I normally wouldn't do because part of me is afraid of him. I realized where he is really living. I thought about getting my passport out of my safe, even though I lost the key to it.


      I was walking with a random guy outside. I think he was a symbol for my twin Stephen. We found a bright blue pool, still waters. The guy suggested going in and I said it's illegal we'll get caught. There was a black, grayish gate/fence. The fence was straight, not in a circle. There was no barbed wire on the fence. Suddenly, we were in the hotel that the pool belonged to . We asked the people if we could buy the pool. They said yes it/s 10,000 dollars. We said okay we put the money in your crack account. I don't remember what the hotel looked like.


      I was at a peaceful, light blue beach. I didn't see the sand, just the water There were no waves. I swam and walked around. Lots of people were in the water. I think it was a Florida beach, I've had Florida beach dreams in the past. Michael, Simon Peter, Jenn, and Andrew were there. Before being in the water we were in a random house or hotel. Then suddenly we were in peaceful water not thinking about the sharks that might be near us. Then suddenly someone announced that there was a crocodile in the water. It was huge, bigger than most crocodiles, and was red with bright yellow eyes. It wasn't moving, it was just there. I knew I was faster than it. I tan out of the water. All I was thinking about was getting to safety and getting my family to safety. And all the other people in the water. Part of me was afraid and I should have become lucid, but I didn't. I was/a,m faster than the crocodile. Is the crocodile my shadow side? A symbol for my fears, a symbol of whatever is blocking my family from being who we really are, my dark side, weak, unable to move compared to the bright blue waveless water representing my peace and tranquility? I found the shore and suddenly we were in a hotel room. A window was open and I was falling out of the hotel, head first. My waist up was in the air and my feet were in the hotel. Michael grabbed my legs and helped me get back in the hotel room. There was a bed and a couch visible. I knew the couch could roll out as a bed. I knew there must have been another bed somewhere. Jenn and I were arguing about who would sleep in the bed and who would sleep on the roll out couch. The fight subsided and I told her that I'd take the couch. I assumed we weren't in Florida anymore and were in New York helping Peter move in to his shared house in NY for graduate school. Maybe the beach was a NY beach, but I'm pretty sure it was FL because I've had FL beach dreams before, though those dreams happened a long time ago, The dream was both nightmarish and peaceful. I'm praying I have the dream again and become lucid and explore the sea and the monster crocodile and fly down from the window doing a flip and not getting hurt. Alas, that didn't happen.

      A different night I dreamed I was at a martial arts cult like group. They were teaching me martial arts and weird things happened. The dream slipped away all I know is they tricked me into thinking there was one true martial art. There's one true God, but as for martial arts, all of them work. I just happen to choose Kung fu and Okinawan Karate.
    4. Fragments left

      by , 06-11-2017 at 06:46 PM
      A martial arts group was seeking me. They said they would teach me
      parallel bars if I started a martial arts school with them, and that I would feel
      an experience people felt like when/after they die. I wanted to
      learn parallel bars. In the dream it felt like a cult and I was afraid.

      In a different dream I was doing gymnastics and eating dark chocolate.
      I can't remember if I could taste the chocolate but I think I did a little
      bit, not the same as in real life.

      All else slipped away. Hoping to write my dreams down tomorrow morning. want to
      get back into my dream journal and get a lucid dream. Really wish the dream progressed
      to the parallel bars so I could experience them at least in a dream.
    5. Burning building

      by , 06-06-2017 at 02:26 AM
      I am in a house I've never been in. I just assume it's my real house.
      There is a fire and we all run out. Fire men don't come, it's just us. I run back in to get my journals. I come out and "Susan" is there. I run back in to get all of
      my leotards and I run out. I want to go back in to get my computer
      because it has my novels on it but I see the flames coming towards the front
      of the house (I live in an apartment/town house so I know it's not my real house now) and that the flames would stop me from exiting this time. Going into a burning building isn't making me gasp for breath so I should have become lucid, but I didn't. I stood outside with my journals and my leotards next to Michael or Gabriel looking like Susan and my siblings. We wait for the fire to stop, we don't call anyone. Then the house is back how it was, as if it was untouched, and we all go back in. I forgot this dream and remembered it when I was watching supergirl seeing a burning building.

      Sometime in the past two weeks I dreamt I was going out onto my deck. All of the decks were connected; there were no railings. Our neighbors were outside grilling burgers on the left side of the deck outside of their house. We're about to start to talk and then the dream changed. I remembered this one when I went out on the deck and saw that the decks weren't conjoined like in the dream.
    6. Reocurring dream

      by , 06-03-2017 at 04:29 PM
      I had a nightmare I've had before. I am in a strange car and Lee (foster father) was driving me somewhere. I was in his car at least 30 minutes. Then we were on a bridge and he was very close to the edge and I don't know if there was water under the bridge. He was driving fast trying to kill me and him. I knew it was the second time it was happening but it didn't register that it was a dream.

      Suddenly I was on the ice wearing white figure skates, Lee was taunting me. I did a single toe loop jump and a cross leg spin. There were other people on the ice, only females but they were androgynous. Suddenly I was in a house talking to "Susan" but he or she wasn't Susan. I asked if I could go figure skating, and whoever it was didn't answer.

      This was a dream I've had many times. Bridges to me represent teleportation; going from one place to another very quickly. I was instantly on the ice and away from Lee. The ice is one of my dream symbols/dream patterns and if the symbol ice was interpreted symbolically it could have meant elvish heartbreak, but I've been waiting and waiting to do figure skating and I was sad in the dream because a part of me knew it was just a dream and I wasn't really on the ice. Yet the front of my mind didn't realize, or I would have stayed on the rink longer and blocked out Lee and looked for Michael and Gabriel and remembered what they looked like.

      My dream incubation question was: What is my path back home, to the place in Heaven I was born by the two first archangels, and when I will see Stephen. I don't think this nightmare answered the question but reminded me to be calm, as ice to me symbolizes peace (ice skating always calmed me down back when I did it). I'm going to wait for a series of dreams and going to keep on asking the question/meditating on my spiritual Christian path until God speaks to me in a dream.

      Updated 06-03-2017 at 04:37 PM by 93335

      memorable , non-lucid , nightmare
    7. Dream from a church retreat: turning point

      by , 05-28-2017 at 11:25 PM
      I fell asleep in the woman's cabin. Then I was on a windy path with tall grass around it.
      I was walking up it, holding a paper bag with books and clothes in it. (Primarily clothes). I noticed a little girl behind me aways away and I thought she was a demon. I knew at the top of the hill my friends were there. I didn't want to let go of the paper bag, but I decided I had to. I put it down and raced towards the people at the top/the end of the path. End of dream. That day, my pastor and I walked up a hill on the retreat, and I told him about the dream. He suggested that the little girl was the girl I used to be, and later in my life I realized that the people at the top were the future me and other friends I would have. The dream taught me that sometimes we have to let go of material things and let spiritual things and friendships matter more.

      Another dream I had earlier was I was at Julliard and I asked if I was a student there. Then suddenly I was in a grassy field and at heaven school, and they told me their music and dance school was better than Julliard, and I felt peaceful.

      A recurring dream I always have is being at university of Pittsburgh (which I attended in real life), not having my schedule, trying to get to the computer lab to print it out. The last time I had this dream I actually was able to print out my schedule, and then I was in a big classroom and they were teaching Islam on the screen, and I realized that maybe it was a dream. Later I decided it was definitely a dream (first lucid dream in at least two years), and I left the classroom and made the building disappear, through Jesus. Then I was walking in a grassy field knowing I was dreaming starting to explore. Someone started to chase me, I think he or she was muslim. Then I woke up or had a false wake up.

      A psychic dream I had was I was with my family in the middle of the ocean and Simon-Peter, my brother, was there and he was in a box that went down to the bottom of the Sea to explore it. Then I woke up.

      A long time ago, I dreamt I met a girl and we watched an art movie together and then painted together. Was a beautiful but not lucid dream.

      There are so many more that I forgot. I will try to remember them to post them here from now on.
