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    Old dreams and last night's dreams

    by , 05-31-2017 at 08:53 PM (789 Views)
    accidentally posted this twice

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    Updated 05-31-2017 at 09:00 PM by 93335



    1. gab's Avatar
      Don't worry, it's happening to others as well. Not your fault. But if you need help, just PM a mod or me, and we will take care of it. happy dreams
      rebeccaprophet likes this.
    2. rebeccaprophet's Avatar
      Thanks I am trying to do dream incubation. I chose a question I want God to answer or for my soul/heart to answer in my dreams/dream Visions and I'm going to meditate on it. Hopefully I'll wake up in the dream so I can understand God's answers better. Any ideas?