The Redeeming Dreamer
Dream Signs
(Multiple signs per bullet are usually seen together in the same dream.)
- •"Third person" camera mode
- •Sad, somber mood
- •Star Wars
- •Video Games
- •Military-esque
- •Girl
- •Nuke
- •Forest
Reality Checks
- •Counting number of fingers on hands.
- •Trying to poke finger through palm.
- •Holding nose and trying to breath in.
- •Closing one eye and seeing if nose is there.
- •Reading time or text, looking away, and seeing if it has changed (do this twice for best effect).
- •Trying to remember how i got to where I am.
- •Seeing if I can use super magical powers.
Reasons for Lucid Dreaming
- •To have dream sex (much easier to get than real sex
). - •To fly around the universe.
- •To prevent nightmares.
- •To get over fears and anxieties.
- •To create awesome situations IN MY MIND!