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    The Redeeming Dreamer

    Connecticut is the Roof of a Temple

    by , 09-18-2013 at 11:15 AM (560 Views)
    9/18/2013, 10:00-6:00

    I tried to say mantras to LD in bed before going to sleep, but no lucid dream. I woke up once at 1:49 till 1:52.

    Dream 1:

    My family and I were driving to Connecticut. We ended up at a forest. There was this temple. My dad was driving on top of the temple when he said that we've made it to Connecticut. I wanted to get out of the car, so I did. Then the car fell onto the other side of the temple. It started to tumble down the temple and into some trees, with my dad, mom, and brother still inside. They were then outside of Connecticut :/. My family was perfectly fine.

    I then found an opening into the center of the temple (Connecticut) and I jumped inside. I found this little statue, a few pedestals, some statues on the pedestals, and a window looking outside. My brother J was then outside the window. I grabbed the one statue not on the pedestals and put it on one. Immediately, there was a Canadian goose that flew down and started attacking my brother. There was blood everywhere. The dream had a sad feel to it.

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    Updated 10-15-2013 at 09:47 PM by 58207

