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    Jellyfish, first posted dda-ld

    by , 08-15-2013 at 12:38 PM (856 Views)
    8/15/2013, 22:00-6:45

    The dda-ld ("didn't-do-anything lucid dream") is a stupid dream where you suddenly have the realization that you're dreaming, but your brain is a d-bag and says, "You know what? Let's not have a lucid dream." and you end up waking yourself up, effectively screwing yourself out of having a lucid dream that you actually do something in, hence the dda-ld.

    I have actually had many of these stupid dreams in the past. This is just the first one I've decided to post. So here it is, the dda-ld:

    Lucid Dream
    Non-lucid dream
    Woken Up
    Sleep Paralysis

    Dream 1:

    I remember a jellyfish. That is all.

    The DDA-LD:

    I then woke up at probably around 3:00 in the morning, having to go to the bathroom. I got up, took a piss, stood around for a few seconds for the WBTB effect, then went back into bed. It was a bit cold, so I couldn't go to sleep right away. I was then laying there when suddenly I started feeling the rushing, vibrating, and the hypnagogic hallucinations of sleep paralysis. I remember some HH of me looking at porn on the computer () and then an icon suddenly appeared in the bottom right corner that I couldn't get rid of. I became scared I was gonna get found out. Then I suddenly woke up in my bed. I kind of knew I was dreaming, but I wasn't sure, so I tried to create something; a sound, an object, a smell, anything. Whenever I tried to create anything, all that would happen was the rushing sound and vibrations, which I was thinking were like me trying to concentrate on creating something. I then gave up on that and instead, my brain said "screw it" and tried to wake me up the same way I woke up in a prievious LD: by doing the nose plug reality check, and got too involved with the breathing of my physical body, that I wake myself up. That didn't work this time, so I just closed my eyes to connect with the physical body, and I woke myself up.

    So that is my DDA-LD. Technically, I'd call it a DDA-WILD because of the sleep paralysis, but it still is a DDA-LD. Though, this isn't a total failure, since this actually is the first time I've had a WILD.

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    1. DarkKiky0's Avatar
      I have had dreams like that, where I wake up after realizing that I was dreaming. I get annoyed when this happens, but I also have a lot of dreams where I keep dreaming fulling knowing I'm asleep, that I can change things, and do whatever I want but I just don't. I think it's because I enjoy seeing where my dreams take me and I also want to see what my subconscious is trying to tell me about, and trying to control things would tamper with that. I really love dream interpreting. I learn so much about myself, so when I do have a DDA-LD I'm not particularly bothered too much. That was a very interesting dream btw.