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    The Redeeming Dreamer

    Lucid: Crawling out of bed; Toddler Pisses Everywhere!

    by , 09-20-2013 at 11:36 AM (589 Views)
    9/20/2013, 22:00-5:00

    I was reading the book "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreams" a lot before bed. I also meditated a bit. Also, I drank some water before bed, and thought some mantras in bed before sleeping. All of this got me two dreams and a lucid!

    Dream 1:

    I was in school. I was sitting in some teacher's class, to the left side of the class room. I was noticing a girl to the right and one desk behind me. That's all I really remember.

    Wake Up:

    I woke up at 3:43, and stayed up until 3:46. Pissed and drank some water during that time.

    Lucid Dream:

    Regular Dream Lucid Dream

    I was in a dream about politics. I think there was something about Obama's Affordable Care Act in it. There also might have been something about someone's butt. I think these two absurdities, combined with what I did before sleep, caused me to become lucid. I remember feeling a small rush of energy this time, so I wasn't really that lucid, but lucid nonetheless. I fell out of bed, trying to go through the floor of my bedroom, but I just landed on the floor and started "lagging" in and out of the floor :/ . I then tried to crawl to my door, but the dream faded before I could get there.

    Dream 2:

    I was in this sort of hotel-children-summer-camp thing. I was one of the mentors. This kid, who looked exactly like L from this summer came over to me and said he had to pee. I brought him to the bathroom, and Lucas and I went in too, for some reason. L started peeing, but he then "couldn't control" it, and he started pissing EVERYWHERE! He pissed on the walls, he pissed on the door, he even pissed on ME! Then, while this was happening, a black kid came through the door (probably another kid from this summer) and saw what was happening. He just closed the door and ran, while the bathroom was getting pissed on by the damn Lucas doppelganger. The dream ended there.

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    Updated 10-15-2013 at 09:45 PM by 58207

    lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
