Memorable Dreams
10/30/2013, 10:00-6:00 I woke up at 2:49, and couldn't go back to sleep for like 30 minutes. I then had these dreams: Dream 1: I was in school. I remember first watching the marching band practice. I don't remember their music; I just remember them on the football field. Afterwards, I went to the chorus room, where I was singing. I remember K.A. there, and I remember talking to her. She was walking with me for a while. We talked and laughed and smiled and stuff. She ended up giving me her number and going off to class. We said bye and went to our classes. I then went to lunch. The problem was the cafeteria looked like a large version of the junior high cafeteria. I saw a nerdy guy with a laptop doing a sort-of web vlog. He had a weird tube coming out of the computer, which apparently was his webcam. I then went over to him when he was sitting and playing a game. I talked to him for a while. We talked about video games and nerdy stuff, then eventually I asked him for his number to hang out. I told him to write it down on a slip of paper, and he did so. I then walked away, and the dream ended.
9/15/2013, 10:05-5:50 I got off the computer at 8:25 last night. Didn't meditate, too busy talking with my family. Went to sleep at like 10:05, couldn't fall asleep till 11:00. Dream 1: I was in a town, and there was an arena in it. I went into the arena and forgot the rest of what happened. There was also the number 20 somewhere. Wake-up (3:42): Got up to go to the bathroom and drink some water. Thought about having an LD and stayed up for 3 minutes till 3:45 (numbers are in order ). Then, I fell asleep around 15 minutes later, and had a "lucid moment". Woke up a few seconds afterwards, probably too excited. Dream 2: This one was pretty long. I was in a barn at first. Well, a barn that was somehow turned into a bar. I saw these four suspicious people. They were all fat; really fat. One was an Indian guy, another was African-American guy. There was also a fat white woman, and a fat white guy with glasses. They were all staring at me and talking to each other. So I left the bar and met my dad. We went to someone's house (a redneck-ish person) that looked EXACTLY like mine! Dad and I stayed there for a few hours, talking with the guy. There was also this cute curly blond daughter the guy had. I think I talked to her. All was well when, eventually, I saw the four fat people again! They were on the back deck of the house. My dad and the redneck guy were in the living room, talking, while I was with his daughter standing, staring at the 4 trespassers. They tried to quickly open the sliding screen door, but I quickly locked it with every lock there was (which, apparently, was that driving lock thing and three regular door locks on the side, more than it actually has). The 4 people then got angry, and entered the house through a secret door that I NEVER NOTICED before (sarcasm) that somehow went into the basement. I started screaming, "THEY'RE IN THE BASEMENT! THEY'RE IN THE BASEMENT!" Our parents and us quickly got up and went into the master bedroom. The redneck guy was trying to open the gun safe, when the four fat people came into the room, each carrying a pistol. The Indian guy then started pointing his gun at everyone, along with the white guy. The Indian was talking about something, probably to do with this being a robbery. He pointed his pistol at me, saying, "I'll shoot him!" (or something to that effect) and I then crossed my arms and rolled to the side, thinking he doesn't know where my chest is, if he shot me (lol what the heck was I thinking?). I then realized my arms were crossed and put them behind my back, palm in palm against the wall. My dad then said, "Okay. Let's go sit in the living room and negotiate something." (or, again, something like that) and all the adults left, leaving me and the girl in the bedroom. I tried to open the gun safe. It had a fairly sharp point at the top, and the top number was 2000! I then saw the girl go into the closet. I asked, "Why you going in there?" She said, "I don't want them finding me when I come back." I then decided to climb in with her. I then got this feeling we were gonna end up making out, and the dream ended.
9/6/2013, 10:10-6:25 Regular Dream Lucid Dream Awake I went to sleep after meditating, repeating the mantras, "I remember that I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming," and, "I remember my dreams when I wake up." During meditation, I repeated those mantras, too. I took a drink of water, went to the bathroom, and went to bed with the air conditioner on. Dream 1: I remember a Sith base, and people running around it. I was watching from the ceiling, but it was really a camera dream, without me being in an actual body. I watched as the base was apparently under attack. I woke at 3:21 (with a reality check of course). My dog seemed to need to go outside, so I went out with him. It was cold out there. As he took a piss, I looked up at the stars, and tried to sort out any constellations I could find. None. I then got back inside, drank some more water, took another piss, and went back to bed at 3:26. I couldn't really sleep because I was thinking of too much about my dream from last night AND my dog was barking a lot. I eventually got frustrated and put him in my neighboring room, where my grandma was sleeping. I eventually got back to sleep. Dream 2: I remember playing Empire: Total War. That is all. Dream 3: This one was a false awakening. I went out of my room and started reading a book on the living room couch. Then I started noticing that the house was vibrating! I went downstairs into the basement and noticed that the house wasn't completely on the ground. It was lifted up slightly by a piece of wood. "That must explained the vibrations," I thought to myself. I probably thought the boiler was making the house vibrate, combined with the house lifted up slightly. (In real life, it probably was the train passing.) I eventually noticed the illogical sense behind this, and turned lucid. A sudden rush of energy and vibrations came over me. I heard a sound similar to a helicopter starting up as I turned lucid, too. I suddenly imagined the TARDIS (probably as a reality check). I suddenly saw the TARDIS levitating off the ground, and me, as a camera, rotating around it as I lifted off the ground. I then tried to do something else, but I "pressed the wrong button", and accidentally opened my real eyes. I woke up to the sound of my dog barking again.
9/2/2013, 10:00-7:10 I woke up twice. From 3:26 to 3:30 I was up, and drank some water. I also woke at 4:55 till 4:59, and also drank some water then. I did a mantra the second time: "I realize I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming." I had three dreams and a possible dream fragment: Dream 1: (10:00-3:26) I moved into an apartment above the bagel shop in the town I live. It kind of looked like a hotel I went to once on vacation in Virginia. It was dark and a little dirty. Dad, Mom, and J were there. There was also music playing, too. I forgot the lyrics I heard. Dream 2: (3:30-4:55) I was at N's house. We were playing a Halo game. It didn't seem like anything I've played before, so it probably was an imagined Halo 5 game. I don't remember what we did. After going to N's, I apparently visualized the track at school and started running there. Dream 3: (4:59-7:10) I was in a giant city. The streets were vacant, though. I was being chased by the police and probably the military. I found many very awesome vehicles lying around the city. One was a "hover cycle", with a giant gun on the front! There was also a jeep, probably. I also eventually was able to hijack a tank from some guys, Mercenaries style! I remember skyscrapers around the area with the hover cycle and jeep, and residential suburb buildings around the place I hijacked the tank. The military and police were constantly shooting at me and following me, too. Dream 4: (probably 4:59-7:10) I remember something about a water park.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:48 AM by 58207
8/28/2013, 11:00-6:00 I had no dreams I remember in the beginning of the night. I woke up at around 3 and after that, I fell asleep and remembered some dreams: Dream 1: A South Park episode. Butters was being a detective with sunglasses and a cool black jacket. In the beginning, he also did some cool things to put them on. Sort of like the thing the Matrix people wore when they were going to take over the tower from the suit guys. (Love that scene ) So Butters went on his way, and he eventually found a real criminal. There was also an adult real special agent in the exact same outfit on the case, though. Butters in the end caught the bad guy, and him and the adult special agent were in a warehouse, where Jesus appeared out of thin air! He then gave a speech about why the bad guy did it and then said "You'll always be my special agent." The adult one asked "Me?", but Jesus said, "No, Butters." Butters was smiling and happy that Jesus said that. This is what Butters' costume looked like. Dream 2: This is more of a continuation of the last dream. Butters was doing more special agent stuff. He went after a new bad guy, but in a different uniform. He looked more like a cop this time, with beige shorts, beige shirt, sunglasses, and a star on the shirt. Another guy in the exact same uniform (adult, and an actual special agent, if you wouldn't have guessed) was already on the case. The exact same thing happened. Butters caught the criminal, and Jesus at the end said the exact same lines. Only this time, the background was an apartment building hallway. It was white-ish in color, and had a few lights. This is what Butters looked like this time. Dream 3: Spongebob was in a cage with a child. Some people were trying to see how well he would treat the child. There was a chart that had a bunch of categories to the right side of the "camera" (third person dream). So the people said to Spongebob to start, and Spongebob started BEATING up the kid. He bitch slapped him and then started punching him for no reason. He might have kicked him a few times. The thing to the right of the camera was going wild. It first said easy in green, then tough in orange, and so on every time he hit the poor kid. Spongebob was also screaming something to the kid every time he hit the kid. In the end, I remember him screaming "Emanstitution!". Whatever that means, I don't know. When he was done, he asked "How'd I do?". The person in the room said, "Look what I drew," And left. He apparently drew some messed up smiley faces with their mouths in spirals around their faces. They kind of looked like this: There was also a few triangles in the categories. That's about the dream. Some other stuff might have happened afterwards, but I forgot it.
8/25/2013, 9:30-6:00 Notes: I finished reading a book about body language before going to sleep last night. Dream 1 : I was in town, walking around thinking about open body language. I was correcting people who had closed body language in the park area in front of the funeral home, and in front of the general store. I walked from the park area to in front of the general store. I most remember this conversation some old guy in a suit was having with some young guy in a suit. The old guy had his arms and legs crossed, and I think his coat was buttoned. He was also facing the young guy directly. I went over to him and told him he had to keep open body language if he wanted to be friendly with people. I uncrossed his arms and legs and told him about keeping his palms up. The old guy just continued his conversation with the guy, barely noticing me. There was also a lot of dialogue I forgot in the dream. Dream 2: I was at the Malverne middle school across the street from the high school. I think there was like a rock and roll festival going on there. Many guitars were inside the school. Also, when I went outside on the auditorium side, it was raining and there was a GIANT guitar on the area in front of the auditorium. Someone came up to me and said it was raining, so the guitar didn't work. The person pulled a string to show this, and the guitar didn't make any noise. I was watching the guitar for a while until suddenly, a nuke went off! To the southwest, I saw a mushroom cloud of fire rise from the ground. It wasn't an iconic mushroom cloud. It had too wide of a base and not enough top area. It sort of looked like this: After that, I ran back into the school, and the dream ended. Dream 3: A false awakening. I woke up in my bed in Malverne to my mom and dad talking in their room. My brother might have been there. That's all I remember. Dream 4: Another false awakening. This time, I woke up in a white house with white walls and everything pretty much white. When I got up, I remember my parents talking in their room again, wherever that was :/. I also remember saying something to them with an intercom next to my bed. Then, I got up and walked around for a while. That's all. Dream 5: I don't remember this one very much at all. I'm not even entirely sure it was a dream. I remember machinery: like gears and stuff; giant gears. I remember climbing up them and jumping and stuff up a mechanical tower.
Nov. 9, 2012 4:00am-6:00am (the time period for all these dreams) Before these dreams, I would like to say that I woke up to go to the bathroom at around 2:50am. My dad was also on the computer in the other room at this time, and I couldn't fall back to sleep until 4:00am, which is when these events take place: I can't remember anything about this dream other than I gained lucidity at the end of it, then woke up immediately due to excitement. I didn't realize it when I woke up. When I woke up, I barely moved if at all. I was confused about why the dream collapsed. I went back to sleep almost immediately. I remember something about my mom in this dream; no idea what :/. What I do remember is being in a hotel with my grandmother. She was sleeping in the hotel room's bed on the left side when facing the bed. I was standing right next to the place she was sleeping. There was a bubble-like force field around the bed. It was spinning very fast and was colorful and a little transparent. It was called a sphere of confusion and, for some reason, it was associated with my grandmother. I walked around the bed, careful not to touch the force field. When I got to the other side, I walked through the force field. When I did, I gained lucidity and became trapped in a void of blackness. I felt as though I was kind of falling, but not really. I quickly woke after that. I didn't move at all when I woke up. This time, I realized the reason I couldn't keep the dream going was due to too much excitement. I fell back to sleep after a few seconds, and quickly started dreaming. This time, it was a false awakening. I got out of my bed and did a reality check (probably looked at the time). I became lucid. This time I remembered I had to stabilize the dream, so I looked at my hands and rubbed them together. Then my third lucid dream of my life really began. I started to imagine a scene where I could see naked women (lulz I'm a huge pervert in LD's). I closed my eyes and imagined a beach. When I opened them, there was a beach, with all the waves and ocean. I found an empty lawn chair with an umbrella up and sat in it. Soon after, I was watching some horny-looking naked women walk up to me in slow motion. One I remember very well was a naked Hispanic chick with the biggest breasts in the world, pretty much. They were humongous. They were as big as really big beach balls. I think she was the last one I saw. After that, I wanted to have sex. For some reason, I imagined a theater; an opera theater. I was in the rightmost path for the seats, very close to the stage. People were in the seats, watching the show, but I wasn't paying much attention to them. On the stage, there were many sexy women in very skimpy outfits dancing for the audience. There were also some props on the stage: a piano, a very long table, and an art canvas. The women were standing on top of them. The one woman who really stood out was a woman in her 20's standing on the part of the table closest to me. She had the skimpiest outfit on, which was very transparent fabric. You could see everything on her. This made me horny, so for some reason, I made my way to the bathroom, which was a public bathroom. They were on opposite sides of the theater, with the women's bathroom on the left and the men's bathroom on the right. I didn't go directly into the women's bathroom, but I went into the men's one because it was closer and I had the intention to sneak into the women's bathroom from there. When I entered it, there was a giant glass window that divided the men's from the women's. I saw a really beautiful girl who I had the intention to have sex with. I walked over to a hallway that went INTO the women's bathroom. It was then that I lost my lucidity. I couldn't remember much in the theater after I lost lucidity (I might have gone behind the stage and seen a very sexy show, with pink and blue lights). I do remember ending up at a mansion. Apparently, there was a business party going on there. Everyone was very classy and wore suits and dresses. I found this cute Korean chick (probably to do with this Korean girl I knew from second grade) with a red dress in the lower floors. She was being asked out by some random guy. The Korean chick said yes to him, and I naturally felt jealous. She then came over to me and said "Come on," like we were very friendly. We went over to the lowest floor (because the mansion was just one giant room, really) where there was a desk. Someone I know from school, named Jn, came over and asked out the Korean chick. He was dressed really fancy with a suit and tie and everything. She said she already had a date, and Jn said "Okay," and walked away. We then talked about stuff I don't remember. I eventually turn around and see that the parking lot (which is also on the lowest floor) was flooded. People were panicking and trying to get to their cars to drive away. The place I was was perfectly fine though. The dream ended there and I woke up.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 08:02 AM by 58207
Nov. 5, 2012 6:10am-7:10am I lived in a city; a very strange city. It contained many different "districts". Each district was very different from the others. It was a very fun community. The mayor of the district I went to hosted local events almost every single day. In the beginning of the dream, I remember that our district, District 180, became occupied by an army. They fought in our district for a while. I was one of the soldiers, actually. The fighting felt very much like a video game. The army came from the desert that was to the west (?) of the district. I lived in the district for one week. In District 180, there was a giant ramp that the locals called the "Throughway-180". It was a giant steep ramp at first that went down at around 50 degrees, then came to a very abrupt horizontal slope. After that, it went back up at the same 50 degrees. There are also a lot of teenagers in that district. The week I stayed there, there was an event where a teen went down the Throughway-180 via skateboard. This guy ended up falling off the skateboard and rolling down the rest of the ramp on the first part. I was on a hover-cycle behind him. There was also a dungeon that people went into a lot. I didn't know much about it, just that it was a dungeon with many monsters that ran deep underground. Also, the city had something to do with Chicago.
Updated 11-09-2012 at 10:25 PM by 58207
Oct. 8, 2012 4:30-6:00 I was in Jy's house. I was talking to her about many things that I can't remember. I was glad that I was finally able to hang out with her. I also might have gone upstate to my family's property up there with her. I was also working out a lot more. My dad acted very much like a trailer trash redneck. At my house, I remember Jy coming over, just sitting on the couch, and talking. My dad also brought up a lot of topics. Some very weird and awkward. Jy seemed very attracted to me, even though in real life she currently has a boyfriend that she says she's in love with. We'd tease each other, play around with each other, and flirt. We also went to a lot of parties. She said I didn't have her now as my girlfriend because I was too passive in middle school and didn't have enough courage to ask her out. We also went to many parties. We were especially talking a lot in this dream. I can't emphasize that enough. I love her. More in the dream, but also a bit in real life. Maybe my unconscious mind is trying to tell me that I actually do love her.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 08:16 AM by 58207