Spec Ops Mission, School, Carnival in Parking Lot
, 10-12-2013 at 03:36 PM (577 Views)
Dream 1:
I was in school, in a parking lot. I was starting a carnival in the parking lot. The parking lot wasn't real, and it was a pretty small one. I was doing it with N. S. There were only shops in the carnival. Three in total. I was very lazy towards the carnival and I completely neglected it. Barely anyone came to it. I then started walking around in a forested area near the parking lot. I then walked to the sidewalk and saw Ms. D., who was walking away from the school. I said hi to her, and walked toward the school. I then walked into the building and got to the third floor. I saw Ms. B and Mr. C, and Mr. Br. They, along with the school principal, Mr. R., were gathering in a room on that floor. I think the room was fictional, too.
Dream 2:
I was in a helicopter with a spec ops team. I was part of the team. We were sent to do a mission. When we landed, we eventually got to a rocky area with a natural arch. There was a Middle Eastern building next to it. We then went passed the arch, and fought some insurgents for Covenant technology. It was all purple.