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    Visiting Candyland - kind of... oh and jesus of course

    by , 11-16-2016 at 02:32 PM (880 Views)
    this morning lucid was really enjoyable. i am pretty bad at inducing fantasy stuff so for me it was kind of a big success and a good educational experience.

    i have a wbtb of around 30min because my GF has to get up to work. we talk shortly, i get up for toilet and put on my sleepingmask and my earplugs [wax --> very comfy and silent enough when tight]. i lay on my back and decide to do some progressive relaxation (i normaly dont do) i see that my mind is not too focused but i continue as good as i can. i then start doing SSILD. since i like the idea of tactile senses i decide to mix it with SSILD. i do some short SSILD cycles. first watching then hearing and followed by "feeling" but this time i do some imaginary movement with my hands. then i continue with watch etc. after the short ones i do long ones. after some time i just do tactile movements and it feels pretty good but i dont know if this is enough to success a WILD and to be honest i cant imagine how to fall asleep like this and....

    ... i stand in my old child room. i feel super stoned and wonder how come that its so early and i feel like this and what to do with the rest of the day. i go to the window and see my reflection. At the hairline i have super light skin where in the rest of my face the skin is darker. i wonder why so? did i cut my hair recently? i am at the verge to lucidity but i seem unconsciously to decide to wake up because i notice that i fall asleep.

    i wake up and my body feels very heavy. i could go from here but i decide to turn to my side to have a look at my clock because i have an appointment later in the midmorning and i dont want to oversleep it. okay i have around 1,5h. this should be enough. i concentrate very lightly on sight i think and fall asleep very fast...

    ...i am outside with someone? [damn i should have journal earlier...] we go to a buildingentrance and a mail delivery girl comes. i hold her the door open and take something from her to help her. i tell her its no problem i can carry it up with her so we move up some floors and we talk about jobs and the earnings. i go down again and this time there is a moving stairway. for some reason one stair dont work appropriate and there are sparks and all. the broken stair moves into the floor and one can see that this is not good. i start running because i dont wanne know if it might explode or something.

    outside i get lucid and i meet my GF (that turns later to a friend A.) and the mail girl. i tell them "okay listen i have two goals: 1. visit candyland and 2. let me teach by somebody how to do short distance teleportation. what do you wanne do?`" both girls decide for candyland and so i go with it and "candyland it is! how do we get there?"
    we take each others hands and stand in a circle. i look down to the ground and we wave our hands once. for a short instance i start seeing some colorful things on the ground that might be some candy but instantly my rational mind kicks in "hey we didnt even teleport or changed location whatsoever..." and everything looks mundane again. we move around and the girls are in a good mood talking alot and jumping around. i still look out for some candy and instead of candy i see colorfull lights sparkling here and there on the ground. i try to hold the thought that we ARE in candyland already and all i have to do is find the right corner. i tell them "hey here is no candy..." and they answer "not yet..." and we keep going. we past by a christmas tree with some colored lights. the girls talk about some school stuff from the past i think. there is some not too pleasant metal/punk music in the background.
    i remember a DV-Thread where they talked about expectation and the example of sivasion with the summon of a banana. okay so i pretend to see some candy on the ground and pick it up and put it in my mouth. as expected i see feel and taste nothing... nevermind i chew and chew and dont stop chewing and imagine chewing some chocolate and after about 10-15 seconds i suddenly taste sweet and "candyland" or my version of it appears. i start seeing some egg formed foiled chocolates inbetween some grass [more like eastern-themed]. and not only one or two but now a lot of candy on the ground. i move around and see chocolate easter-bunnys and little santa clauses and several more sweets. i taste some and feel super happy about it.

    next to a building there is a big table and while i want to follow the girls into the building i notice the table and at the head of it Jesus sits there with some (2-4) people next to him. i smile big because now my "fantasy-Schema"-drawer seems to be opened. i jump over a chair and Jesus approaches me. i give him a high five and i think we exchange some words.
    but nothing religious i turn around and another guy with a big beard is there that remembers me of someone but we dont talk and i enter the building , phasing thru the door.
    and i awe again because this time two aliens approach me and past me. the one has purple and the other green skin. both have no hair and a little bigger and broader head. i smile around and move down some stairs. i approach a girl and say something to her but notice that its someone else. i turn around and see my two girls next to a showcase. while i move to them i think about how stable this dream is and that they still are here around. i hear them talking about some stone that are inside the showcase. something about if it is good or bad to take or use this kind of stones. i have a good mood and while they still debate about it i just phase thru the showcase and pick a stone on a chain outside. one of the girls that was against using the stone starts complaining and i phase my hand thru the showcase again and put the stone back. i look at them in detail. they look something like this:
    with some chains or mountings and adornments.
    i think about if i might use them as items for performing short distance teleportation? i say "hey girls listen stop this discussion i want to practice short distance teleportation. lets say i want to go there to the xY [i look around and try to find a pregnant location and point at something]" the girls laugh because i pointed on something else or called it wrong or something? "oh come on you know what i mean i want to get there how may i teleport there easy who can show me?" i think about my recall and how bad it would be if i lose something from it
    and instantly i wake up [damn it!]

    nevertheless it was a very very funny and enjoyable lucid from which i can learn alot about expectation and that a typical "teleportation" is not necessary to change the dreamscene. and that if you once open a drawer with the right schema everything will work on its own! i would love to experiment more with it. maybe my excitement will endure long enough to make a smart setup how to practice and experiment with it in future lucids!

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    Updated 11-16-2016 at 02:43 PM by 87116

    lucid , memorable , task of the month


    1. Serene's Avatar
      Good job! You made it to Candyland! For some reason I just haven't been able to get there. I love candy hehe
      RelaxAndDream likes this.
    2. RelaxAndDream's Avatar
      Thank you :-) but Like I said. It feels more like I made it kind of. It was not the typical candyland one would expect or see in the totm picture but I founded some candy on the ground.
      It would be way cooler to teleport in some way to get directly the new scene candyland. But I am still happy.
      You write you can't get there... Did you had some attempts? Links? :-) do you know what your problem is?