Log 1334 - Fly and Sell, Fat Ape, Gas Station Zombie Attack, LOTR Odyssey, and Jocks Scraps
, 12-23-2018 at 11:51 PM (409 Views)
Created Sunday 23 December 2018
More fragments, but at least I recalled something...
Scrap Group 1
Various dreams of my flying around and selling weapons.
Watching a documentary on apes. There were clips of a particularly obese orangutan that could nonetheless climb and swing around like the best of them. Cut. Me and my nephew visit a zoo with said orangutan. We arrive at its enclosure, to find it planted halfway face-first through a mud pit, lifeless. Guess even apes fall from trees. I was about to burst out laughing, but withheld only because my nephew was quite upset.
At a gas station. While wondering how I got there, I noticed buses and other similarly large vehicles barricading the exits. I crawl through a schoolbus, to discover a horde of zombies right outside. Perspective warped between live-view and a top-down ASCII, classic roguelike representation of such (in the vein of Cataclysm - DDA). I scout around for the safest exit possible.
In a fantasy story, a mix between The Odyssey and The Lord of the Rings. As the former, much of the journey occurred on sea, whereas similar characters (and even their live actors) for the latter were present. While we entered a cave city, one of the sailors (in ancient sailor manner) tried to force himself on a local, a pretty woman with tanned skin and black hair. His leader (played by John Bernthal) beat the sicko half to death for his trouble. I "remembered" the literature not having such a just outcome. Later, a wizard (played by Jason Alexander) tried impressing a lady by creating a magical clone of her. This only disgusted the woman. A sailor quipped "you shoulda just make a little dog or something".
At some restaurant. I chastise some jocks for making lewd jokes. Woke up soon after.