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    Log 458 - Plane Flip and Other Assorted Stories

    by , 07-31-2016 at 06:03 PM (647 Views)
    Created Sunday 31 July 2016

    Spellbee's Summer Lucid Competition 2016 - Entry 2

    There were many dreams today, including a DILD after my first WBTB. However, I've forgotten much of the others, and even of those three that I could identify, two of them are only fragments.

    Before the following, I do a 45 minute WBTB, which turned into an hour and 45 minute WBTB instead.

    Dream 1 - Plane Flip

    The visuals were pretty clear. I was a passenger in a small car, being taken down a long road at daytime. Grassy hills remained in view at my right. Driving the vehicle was my uncle, Felix.

    We stop at a red light. My uncle cuts ahead a bit, but backs up when he "remembered" his previous traffic citation. This all seemed very familiar... Anyway, he eventually makes a long right turn into a long, curved highway ramp. Soon, a large bridge is in sight. The George Washington Bridge, I thought, heading to New York. As I look around for the cityscape, I instead find the shadow of a mountainside in the distance. Just then, I realized I lived a few thousand miles away from this area, and thus, attain lucidity.

    I fly out. The dream starts fading into brown. So, I stabilize and anchor myself by muttering "deeper". In time, the environment reforms. I'm then floating over a grassy flatland with the distinctive blocky textures of Minecraft. Eh, done that. I grumble "deeper" a few more times, and willfully drop through the ground.

    As it turned out, this plane was only paper thin. I'm unexpectedly "flipped" into another area, its gravity completely reversed. After readjusting myself, I see I'm hovering high over a series of grass-topped, narrow plateaus. Still had the same cheap, boxy textures as before, if a bit brighter and clearer. Let's go deeper.

    Dived head first through the ground again with the intent to "flip" planes once more. Once inverted, I see I'm ducked down on a pebbly brook. This time, the visuals were realistic, though a bit dimmer. Still, this was much better overall. I played around with the water, splashing it around and letting it drift past my hands. Got a little too caught up with this; couldn't help but appreciate its lifelike, cool dampness.

    Well, I snap out of this after a minute or so. I tried looking around, only to find I can't move my neck. Stay calm. Just move on. I used my "Codec Device" to call my dream guide, E, but there was no response. Then, seconds after I gave up, a small, 8-bit figure appeared in view from my left. This seemed as a lady in a black cloak. She spoke to me in white text, though the words scrolled too fast for me to accurately read everything but her name (only remember it was an adverb; "Still", I think?). I'm quite certain this sprite-lady gave a snippy explanation as to why my guide wasn't going to show. She walked off-view immediately afterwards.

    Then, a bright spark bounces around in front of me. This begins shattering the environment. I maintain my grasp for half a minute before the dream collapses entirely.

    Scrap Group 1
    Waking up in a hotel room on a fluffy, pink covered and white bed. Next to that was an even smaller, pinker bed designed for children. The area was a bit messy. Mom and dad were nearby.

    Found several large roaches around the house, encountering them in some very unlikely spots each time (besides the laundry room). As I wake up, I feel a creeping sensation. I'm uncertain if it's real or not, and hesitate. Eventually, I blew air at it, where I then feel and hear the distinctive humming of large insect wings. Oh crap. I freeze in panic, and, once possible, instinctually try brushing it off. There's nothing there, just an illusion.

    Dream 2 - "Reality" Bites

    The visuals were clear. I was sitting in my home's dining room at daytime. Levon was nearby.

    As I was eating a meal from a bowl (porridge, I think), my lower left-most flat tooth snaps right off. I spit it out, and taste a distinctive mixture of blood and wheat. After staring at it haplessly for a few seconds, I rush to the bathroom. A look in the mirror did indeed confirm what I feared. I couldn't believe any of this, prompting a breathing test, yet this "proved" the "reality" of the situation.

    Still, I refused to accept any of this. As denial, I began running out the door to fly. Mom concurrently opened the door from the outside. Anyway, I leaped in the air and... faceplant. Hard. How embarrassing. The others muttered in confusion. Seeing as I couldn't humiliate myself any more, I just practiced some handstands, much to the further confoundment of everyone else.

    I wake up soon afterwards.
    DreamCafe11 and Elaineylane like this.

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    Updated 07-31-2016 at 06:34 PM by 89930 (clarify second phasing)

    lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      : 3 I like how you change the settings. Its a different approach from what i'm used to seeing people do.
    2. RelicWraith's Avatar
      Thanks for the comment! To be honest, this came completely out of the blue. But hey, whatever works, right? Heheh.