Log 472 - Mystic Skirmish and Other Assorted Stories
, 08-14-2016 at 08:38 PM (607 Views)
Created Sunday 14 August 2016
Spellbee's Summer Lucid Competition 2016 - Entry 16
There's about four dreams I remembered today, one DILD very early on, and three NLD later in my sleep. Most of said NLDs are scraps at this point.
Dream 1 - Mystic Skirmish
Only remember the end. The visuals were a bit blurred. I was wandering in a fog-laden deciduous forest. Some forgotten event sparked lucidity minutes beforehand.
At one point, I start powering up DBZ-style, surrounding myself in a golden aura. Such energy allowed me to fly through the area with ease. Soon, I encounter a floating figure glowing with a similar halo, only blue. A member of Team Mystic, no doubt. This was a lady with dark, straight hair, and dressed in a ruffled, white and blue-lined ball gown. Furthermore, her eyes were obscured, whether by bangs or some other means. At the time, I remembered exactly who she was, but such knowledge has faded from memory...
We exchange some threatening remarks (more like ribbing, actually), and then engage in battle mid-air. Amusingly, all of our attacks mirrored each other, repelling us both away on each blow. On the third strike, we clash with a (literal) flying knee. We get locked in a sort of pushing match. Eventually, we extend into a full kick, the force of which blasts us hundreds, if not thousands, of yards away in opposite directions, well past eyeshot.
So, afterwards, I fall face-first on bare dirt. As I dust myself off, I start thinking of all the points I've racked up in this dream. Seems I had the funny idea that I've got some TOTMs done, but whether that was forgotten or just a false memory is difficult to say at the moment.
I awaken immediately afterwards. I'd doubts of my experience, but a quick (unwitting) DIELD allowed me to relive, and thus, reconfirm, pretty much all of what occurred.
Unintended WBTB turns into several hours without sleep. WILD attempts unsuccessful.
Scrap Group 1
In a park with my brother, Gregory, my niece, Annette, and my nephew, Milo. I tell Milo a (false-memory) story of my getting swept backwards up a slide, this somehow caused by a storm. Gregory is certain I'd actually gone downwards.
False awakening in an unknown bedroom within an apartment. Mom and Gregory are around. I feel terribly ill, and rush to the unlit bathroom. Nausea ensues. Mom barges in, and complains of the mess I was making, though she did admit Gregory had it way worse when he was afflicted with this illness. I yelled at her to leave. When I turn on the light, I find the area's much bigger, and there were also numerous other toilets around. A sizeable group of people enter. I'm completely exposed to them all. So embarrassing. A boy points and laughs, and his mother tells him to hush up. I wonder why there weren't at least some partitions around. This may have linked to the next dream.
Dream 2 - Mutant Lizard Meat
The visuals were a bit blurred. I was scrounging around in the ruins of a downtown area. Clearly, a post-apocalyptic scene. Two other companions were with me, one an unknown dark haired woman, and the other a familiar acquaintance, if not one of my brothers.
All of us were hungry. In fact, we were literally reduced to eating crow, which we lured with rotted meat and killed with pointed sticks. I roast and eat one of such birds, which tasted like stale, unseasoned chicken. A while later, I get a bad stomach ache, though it passes. The woman, after doing the same, wasn't as fortunate. She complains of terrible pains behind her eyes and in her tongue. I asked if she'd cooked it properly. That's when she reveals it wasn't the crow causing this. Instead, it was meat from some (mentioned, but not seen) bipedal lizard-monster we'd killed at an earlier date that infected her. Figured this was merely curiosity on her part; our group wasn't THAT desperate. The woman's eyes start bulging up to inhuman degrees, and she claimed her tongue was growing far out of proportion. She must have been mutating.
Suddenly, a distant thundering shakes the ground. A glance at remote skyscrapers revealed the silhouette of a massive reptilian creature. Right, as if things needed to get more interesting...
Not much else happened until the dream ended.
Tired enough to go for an afternoon nap, but still couldn't sleep despite my exhaustion. Rats.