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    Dream Logs DWN-12

    Log 564 - Phase Toss

    by , 11-04-2016 at 05:23 PM (535 Views)
    Got one DILD to note, as well as some highly vague fragments before that. I may have also achieved a TOTM.

    Scrap Group 1
    In a beach with my family?

    Something about a party in an unknown house.

    Dream 1 - Phase Toss

    Scene 1 - That Other Player's a Jerk

    The visuals were a bit blurred. I falsely awaken on a wide, non-descript platform outdoors. Nothing but a clear blue sky was visible past its edges.

    This starts with something gross and weird. I'd prefer to forget about that. Later, I wander around, and find rows of floating, cubical buildings constructed of light colored materials. These were mostly featureless, just some squared holes for windows and low-walled balconies. I made a wide jump to a ledge, when suddenly, some guy came out and punched me right off. Thus, I fall to my doom.

    I "respawn", and figured this must be a game. Still, I was feeling unusually vengeful, and made numerous attempts at the guy's life. Yet, whenever I'd approach, he'd get the better of me and send me plummeting. I resort to punching holes into the walls and floor of his home while he was out of view purely to spite him. Somewhere between this petty griefing, I gain awareness. The scene distorts just as quickly.

    Scene 2 - Ironic Vision ft. Zangief
    Start in the void. My eyes were shut completely and refused to budge. Good thing I remembered to merely "see" past my lids. A new environment formed within seconds. Found myself in a room with a handful of people around me. Rows of pews were just ahead. Oh, a church. Indeed, some man was giving a religious speech in Spanish. Didn't concern myself with as much. I just floated around to look for more interesting things. It seemed no one else could see me. Just as well. The visuals blurred up momentarily, but "closing" my eyes even more fixed that.

    Next, I turned to a wall decorated with picture/display frames. Just remembered the phasing task. First, I tried peeking though the walls, but some invisible force near them kept repelling me. Ditto when I tried floating through the ceiling. So, I looked for a way around this, when I noticed an imposing figure just beside me: Zangief from Street Fighter. That was unexpected. Still, I didn't hesitate to ask for help in this matter. He nods in agreement. In an instant, he lifts me by the back of my shirt, and tosses me right through the ceiling.

    Now, I was cramped inside a small opening surrounded by wood constructions. Oops, too far, I only needed my head to go through. The ceiling was close enough, so I tried peeking through, and, this time, did so easily. Eh, not much to see. Past an air grate to the right, this was just a narrow, white, featureless enclosure.

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    Updated 11-08-2016 at 04:53 AM by 89930

    lucid , non-lucid , task of the month , dream fragment
