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    Log 871 - Summer-ish Lucid Dream Competition 2017 - Day 16

    by , 09-17-2017 at 05:20 PM (482 Views)
    Got a few scraps and a briefly lucid dream to note.

    WBTB, where I spent 10 minutes meditating before drifting off.

    Scrap Group 1
    Memory of a lucid dream gone kaput. I could barely remember Dragon Ball characters or other media figures being involved.

    Dream 1 - Summer-ish Lucid Dream Competition 2017 - Day 16 - Part

    The visuals were clear. I was a crewman in a civilian submarine. This was a large, dome-like vessel, equipped with 360 degree pivotable propellers and supported by underwater surveilance drones as part of her navigation system. Besides me, at least seven others serviced the craft, of which an older, stern blonde haired woman was its captain.

    We descended to the depths of an illuminated ocean. I'd random thoughts on comparing this sub to Batman's submarine, when I gained awareness. I crossed my fingers, and hoped I'd find my guide, E, floating around. Soon, one of the remote drones caught sight of a massive figure. This was indeed my guide in the form of a pale, colossal mermaid, or more appropriately, "whale-maid", given her tail's horizontal orientation and lack of scales. My fellow crewmembers scrambled to open communications via said drone, and were genuinely surprised at being able to have a conversation with my guide. After a talk, all parties agreed to meet at some location.

    I got too engrossed in this story, and lost awareness. Anyway, the crew and I eventually arrive at the ocean floor, where we find an entire functional contemporary town, of all things. Despite all the neon signs and buildings, the place looked unusually barren. E was similarly nowhere in sight. Again, we spoke remotely, during which she clarified her dwelling in mountains so as to not frighten the local populace.

    Once at the correct location, I finally spotted my guide's silhouetted form within eyesight. Even past the shadows, she appeared unusually haggard. Still, I (unconsciously) corrected her appearance when she approached us. It seemed E was very intrigued with the sub. Perhaps too much, as she took to innocently mishandling random components. Such curiosity risked harm to my crew, especially at those depths. We had no choice but to use the ship's (then revealed) electroshock-weaponry to release ourselves from her grasp.

    Don't recall much else until the dream ended.

    Scrap Group 2
    Another WBTB where I meditated for a bit. Dreamlets transitioned to various dreams unconsciously.

    Walking around my neighborhood at daytime. Fallen trees and other debris hindered my stroll.

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    Updated 09-18-2017 at 03:23 AM by 89930

    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
