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    task of the year

    task of the year dreams

    1. Log 2701 - TOTY 2022 - DIY Instant Garden

      by , 09-23-2022 at 08:58 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 23 September 2022

      Woof. Quite a big gap since the last time I posted. Well, better get to it then.

      Spoiler for Lots o' text:

      Updated 09-23-2022 at 09:05 PM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , task of the year
    2. Log 2472 - TOTY 2022 - Lighting The Argent

      by , 02-05-2022 at 08:53 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 05 February 2022

      First LD of the month, which just so happens to be a successful TOTY as well.

      Dream 1 - TOTY 2022 - Lighting The Argent

      Scene 1 - Void Drop Start Again
      The visuals were dim and very blurred. WILD transition in bed. I wasn't quite sure about this at first, as my attempts at imagined movement/detachment felt hollow. Indeed, when I rolled off the bed, I warped right back. This kept repeating, until finally, I found myself descending into the void. A yell of excitement escaped my lungs from how unexpectedly intense this experience was. Warp.

      Scene 2 - Lighting The Beacon
      The visuals were brighter, if still slightly blurred. I was in the hallway of what seemed an office building. I turn to the nearest room, where I find it was the main office for a high school. A fairly long queue was ahead. For a moment, I got caught up with this plot. Recalling the TOTY snapped me out of it. And so, I called out to the receptionist, a light haired middle aged woman.

      "Hey, do you know where The Arcology is?", I asked, not realizing my mistake (I personally call "The Dream Embassy" "The Arcology", though for the sake of this task, it wasn't my intent to ask that).

      "Sure. It's nearby, but..." But I rushed out before she could finish.

      I go all the way down the hallway to a back door, colored light green, a lever handle instead of a knob. I try opening it, but it wouldn't budge. Just then, the door's latch lock, and the door itself, somehow opens up on its own. Was someone at the other side, I thought? I was about to step out, but the door slammed shut again. It took 15 seconds more of effort, before I could finally step outside.

      Glaring light blinded me momentarily. When my vision adjusted, I found a concrete wall interposing. It was massive, over seven stories tall, and was topped with barbed wire. Really made the place look more like a prison than a school... Anyway, I begin levitating up. It was a clumsy ascent, especially given the narrow space, but it didn't take long to free myself from such confines.

      Now, I was flying high in a clear dawn sky. It would've been so easy to lose myself here, but I had a task to complete. Down below seemed to be a town built on rocky hills. I followed its roads, when it abruptly ended at cliffs. Beyond that was the calm waters of a teal sea, part of which was trapped in a bay-side city many miles wide, the silhouettes of towers visible in the horizon.

      At a peninsula just beyond the town lay a most interesting site: a very wide yard. Stone-carved constructions were strewn about, including low walls, benches, and statues most abstract. Many of these features were of ancient design, yet showed no signs of wear. The rest of the architecture quite surreal. Most tellingly, there was no outward signs of modern technology, nor of greenery.

      This was it. This was the Arcology, or at least, a part of it. Quickly, I land in a stone garden. I walk beneath a strange balcony formed of spiral arches, following its pathway towards the center of the space. There stood an engraved wall, much like a memorial wall, though I could read nothing of it. In front of that was a statue atop a tall pedestal, one of the tallest structures in this site. This statue depicted a stone framework of a globe, held in place by stone bands. This didn't seem to depict earth, as none of its landmasses seemed familiar.

      In all honestly, the site looked a bit more quaint than I expected. I look past its borders, when I come to a shocking realization: there was no visible borders. All its constructions encompassed the landscape well past anywhere within eyesight. In fact, as I looked closer, the above mentioned city was actually also part of this locale, as noted by its similarly designed buildings. I could barely take in the vastness of it all. Simply incredible.

      I appreciate the view as long as I could. When satisfied, I allowed the dream to begin deteriorating. But, I then recalled I wasn't quite done yet! I called out to the dream, asking repeatedly to return to The Arcology. Or rather, the Dream Embassy, as I finally corrected myself. A minute of uncertainty passes, but eventually, I returned just under the globe statue, almost exactly where I was.

      There, I begin the next phase of my goal: to light a beacon for all dreamers to see. Charging energy between my palms, I form an orb of light, powering it until its about 3ft in diameter. I then make an overhead throw to launch it at the top of the statue. With a burst, the white light erupts into a beam that pierces the heavens. Against expectation, this ray, rather than remain in state, blinks repeatedly. With each flicker, the light would swirl and arc into aurora-like ribbons, before racing into places unknown. What's more, some of these arced lights found themselves on the surface, zipping and dancing around like ghosts.

      I was left mesmerized by the view. Before I knew it, I woke up.

      Updated 02-05-2022 at 09:04 PM by 89930

      lucid , task of the year
    3. Log 2427 - Task of the Year 2021 Task V

      by , 12-23-2021 at 06:20 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Wednesday 22 December 2021

      Got quite a haul today.

      Spoiler for A lot of words; implied NSFW:

      Updated 12-23-2021 at 06:43 AM by 89930

      lucid , dream fragment , task of the year
    4. Log 2408 - A Handful More of TOTY Task Attempts

      by , 12-03-2021 at 09:50 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 03 December 2021

      Got a number of LDs today. There was a lot of other content, though I couldn't keep it in memory for long.

      Dream 1 - TOTY Task Attempt - Office Raider

      The visuals were dim and blurred. FA in bed. Said darkness didn't go unnoticed (the sun had long risen by that point). As such, I immediately regain awareness.

      I stumble out the door and into a black void, where I fly backwards at high speeds. This warps me into the poorly lit hallways of a fancy office building, a structure made of grey marble, potted palm trees decorating each doorway. Such extravagance gave me a negative impression of its keepers.

      In any case, this got me to thinking of the hero task, and, specifically, that I was raiding a villain's HQ. Once again, I called to Dryad to accompany me, whom answered the summons immediately. In this dream, she appeared as a withered birch, a head of leafless twigs for "hair". On my cue, we peaked through a doorway, and when the coast was clear, dashed past it. We repeated as such for each openings. Along the way, I had music from Metal Gear Solid sound in the background to suit the mood.

      Upon arriving at an intersection, we were alerted to footsteps coming from behind. And so, Dryad and I ducked behind a tree to see who was arriving. In steps a heavily armed man, his body fully concealed in a suit of black polymer armor.1 If we didn't act fast, the guard would spot us for sure. Searching my person, I happen upon a pistol. I took aim, and fired, ending the man's life in an instant. Didn't feel too good about doing that. But, a greater concern lied in having caused an alert via gunshot. Luckily, this went unnoticed... for the moment. My companion and I hid the body at our hiding location, and continued our way.

      Further ahead, we notice a wall safe at an alcove. By chance, it happened to be unlocked. I reach in, to find a metal orb the size of a soccer ball. It was peculiarly flexible, and seemed to have some kind of liquid inside. Was this the thing we were looking for? I messed around with it a bit, trying to unseal its contents safely. Dryad jabbed me with her elbow, a signal we weren't out of the woods yet. I darted from my surroundings and the object as I followed her out. All of a sudden, the orb popped, covering me in grey gunk. No idea what it was, only that it felt uncomfortably tepid.

      We made it to an elevator door, when the dream started collapsing. I did my best to cling onto the environment, to no avail.

      Dream re-entry five minutes later.

      Dream 2 - TOTY Task Attempt - City Sneak and Graveyard Skulk

      Scene 1 - Alleyway Suit-Up

      The visuals were dim. Dream re-entry. I was standing in the middle of a run-down urban street, neon lights blinking under a starless sky. I resume the task, when I remember a crucial mistake from my last attempt: I wasn't in costume. I look to my person, to find I was already in my gear (black leather touring suit, combat boots, gloves, and biker helmet). In this dream, my clothes were also studded with spiky metal rivets, especially at the shoulders and in my glove's knuckles. Anyway, I call out to Dryad, who, appearing as she did above, again accompanied me once again.

      Past an alleyway, I notice an office tower, the largest and least dilapidated site in the area. I make my way there sounding more sneak-theme music along the way. Halfway through, the scene warp.

      Scene 2 - Zombie at the Mausoleum
      Similar visuals. I was at the rusted cast-iron gates of a graveyard during an eerie, foggy night. The branches of dead trees fluttered in a cold wind. Lucky for me, my partner wasn't lost in this transition.

      We continue past crumbling headstones, when, from the mist, a figure shambles towards us. It was a zombie, a long-desiccated husk of its former self, suit in tatters. Wasting no time, I tackle the thing to the ground, which de-animated the undead for good.

      A short distance further, we spot a small mausoleum, the only structure of its kind in this dreary site. We guessed the entrance to an underground lair must be hidden inside. I shuddered to think what horrors would await us beneath. Such uncertainty causes the dream to fade away.

      Dream re-entry attempt, with no luck. WILD attempt, but I doze off roughly ten minutes in.

      Dream 3 - TOTY Task Attempt - Secret Office Basement

      Scene 1 - Another Annoying Awareness
      The visuals were slightly blurred. FA in an altered version of the upstairs bedroom at the far end. The mattress was closer to the door, and there were small tables that didn't belong there.

      While looking around half-asleep, the door suddenly opened. Several relatives barged in succession, pestering me in some way or another. I could only groan in frustration as they chattered and made nuisances of themselves.

      Pondering things further let me realize all these oddities, and thus, the dream state. I waved them goodbye, against some of their protests, as I jumped backwards into the closet. Warp.

      Scene 2 - Office Raider 2 - Underground
      Similar visuals as above. I was in the lobby of an ordinary office building, the walls colored in an unpleasant yellow. Resuming the task, I looked down, and found I was already in costume. I called out to Dryad, who immediately loomed in from behind.

      With the groundwork set up, we went on to explore the site. I arrive at an empty teller's desk, when, suddenly, a commotion from the nearest exit. Two guards, each armed with military arms and faces concealed by balaclavas, were charging towards us.2 In turn, I rushed them Just as they fired, I shrunk myself down to a few inches in height, avoiding their shots. I weaved past their heels behind them, whereupon I restored my size to dropkick one of them at the back of the neck. The other turned to counter, but I shrunk once more. In response, he tried stomping me. I jumped under easily, upon which I restored my size to give a devastating uppercut square in his groin.

      Both security officers were down, but a dozen more or so were arriving. There seemed to be no end to them. I was ready to throw myself into the fray, but Dryad stepped ahead to stop me. "I'll handle them. Now go.", she demanded. With no time to argue, I nodded, and left her behind. I glanced back, to see her arms erupt into tentacle-like vines, the wriggling mass fully constraining the entrance those mercenaries were using. For the time being, I could only hope she'd hold her own.

      At a nearby wall, I noticed an odd looking vent. I flew there, and tried shrinking myself down to be able to squeeze through the grates. It took significantly more effort to reduce myself, at least 30 seconds in all. Anyway, I start running through the ducts, then chose to hover when I found I wasn't picking up much speed.

      A minute in, I spot an opening to an underground site. By a glance, it look like a poorly lit metro subway station, though I'd sincere doubts such a place would be built directly underneath an office building. Surely, this must've been a secret bunker or such. I fall through a grate, and restored my size. It felt liberating to be away from those ducts. From above, I spotted a guard patrolling a catwalk. I stuck very close to the shadow of the walls as I crept around a corner. A wide set of steps was ahead, atop which was an open space. There, some dining tables were set up, tiki torches decorating the perimeter. A small group of figures were gathered, each wearing expensive dresses and suits. A couple in their late fifties almost spotted me, but I shrunk just in the nick of time to avoid their view. Once they were distracted in conversation, I hurried under their table, then rushed around another corner well away from the diners.

      Now, I found at the entrance of a tunnel, a mysterious blue light glowing in the distance. I took a few steps in, when the dream began vanishing. I awakened shortly after.
      lucid , task of the year
    5. Log 2352 - Palm Dryad's Embrace and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 10-10-2021 at 07:32 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 08 October 2021

      Got three LDs (well, maybe two-and-a-half) plus a dream to note. Quite a haul. Although I'm reluctant to do so, I'm gonna keep the entry practically in its completion No point keeping things bottled up forever...

      Spoiler for NSFW - Implicit naughty things:

      Updated 10-10-2021 at 08:11 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , task of the year
    6. Log 2334 - Task of the Year 2021 Task

      by , 09-22-2021 at 11:55 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Monday 20 September 2021

      Got one LD to share from a few days ago. It took some effort, but it was more than worth it!

      Dream 1 - Task of the Year 2021

      The visuals were initially dim and slightly blurred. I was walking down a wilderness road during late dusk. Old train tracks intersected the dirt path several yards ahead. Further still, far into the horizon, flickered the vibrant, spinning lights of amusement park rides. At least two familiar figures were with me, though I didn't identify them.

      It didn't take long to realize the dream state. I instantly launch myself skywards to begin the next TOTY. This time, I make sure to get my costume. I mutter a quick chant: "Through the Shadow Flames, I am FireFlyMan." It took three times to get results, upon which black fire roiled on my skin, leaving behind my appropriate gear (a black leather touring suit, gloves, etc.).

      I look intently for the Superhero HQ, when the dream starts wavering into a black void. Wasn't easy to tell if I was awake or not. I wait patiently, looking for an opportunity. A minute later, a faint light appears. I force it closer, warping the scene.

      Coming to, I find myself in the courtyard of a building complex, walls made of solid concrete blocks. Great ferns adorned much of the space, dampening a bright sun's beams. Looked kinda like a small college campus. Yet again, this wasn't a place that screamed "superhero", but oh well.

      No one was in the immediate vicinity. I looked around, and stumble upon a white canvas canopy, splayed widely, yet supported by nothing but a single pole. I pass a wall by it, where I find a figure lurching behind a wall: a stout, haggard old woman, weather-worn dress and light hair frazzled under a rag flagrant signs of a destitute lifestyle. Still, I'd a mysterious sense she had a significant role in all this. And so, I asked her where I can sign up for the superhero team. She says nothing, but points back to the canopy. When I look back, I find a simple plastic stall waiting. I thanked her, and hurry there.

      On the stall lay small forms, the fields asking for name, date, and signature. Using a nearby pen, I write as such, but before signing, I notice I put my real name. I glance back at that field, and see it actually asked for a "CoO" name, or "Character of Origin" name (whatever that's supposed to mean). Anyway, I crumpled the form, and got another one, only to see this wasn't the correct type. Worried, I sift through more, but couldn't find the correct form. Eventually, they became blank vertical-format cue cards. I grumbled "screw it", and decided to use that.

      It's then I remembered I needed to finish an initiation. Suddenly, I heard both my brothers speaking over my shoulder, each pointing out other objects on the stall. I then spot a large ticket, bordered black with balloon and confetti patterns. A bunch of text was in the center, including a lot of disclaimers. Of that which wasn't the latter, I skimmed through. Said something like: "Congratulations... something something... thanks for joining... blah blah... ranks of heroes... yadda yadda... bring ticket... murmur... training starts at..." Those last words were confirmation enough: signing up was the initiation.

      With that settled, I resumed writing. But, as it so happened, the pen ran out of ink. Frantically, I scrambled to get a mechanical pencil nearby. Simultaneously, one of my bros began poking me with such a device to annoy me. That, or to alert me of a line of people that were suddenly waiting behind me. The dream's way of creating a distraction, no doubt. I scribbled down my hero name, a random date, and my signature. Just when I thought I was done, my bro nitpicks me on that the date jotted down ended with "2011". I erase it, then write down another date, which happened to be 03/07/21. Good enough, I thought. I then smashed my form into a drop box nearby.

      I take a long moment to reflect. Upon review, I figure I missed nothing. This gets me to celebrate with a tune. "I did it! I finished the initiation!", I sang petulantly.

      By this point, the dream begins glaring. I hesitate to point the old lady out to my brothers. "Hey, I think there's more to her than meets the eye.", I murmur to them. It seemed my bros were uncertain of such. Before I could hear their full response, the dream collapses.

      Updated 09-23-2021 at 07:17 PM by 89930 (Wrong log number)

      lucid , task of the year
    7. Log 2295 - Cooky Hero Castle

      by , 08-13-2021 at 07:52 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Thursday 12 August 2021

      If I dreamed like this every day, I'd be the happiest guy on Earth.

      Spoiler for Lots of text:
    8. Log 2197 - Department Store Sprawl Loop

      by , 05-07-2021 at 06:31 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Wednesday 05 May 2021

      Got just enough time to post this dream loop from Wednesday.

      Dream 1 - Department Store Sprawl Loop

      Scene 1 - Ineffective Department
      The visuals were slightly dim. WILD transition in bed.

      I roll off the mattress, and walk out of my bedroom. Suddenly, I find myself in a mall's department store, a place illuminated by subdued yellow lights. There wasn't much organization in how things were arranged; products were sprawled out haphazardly in large wire boxes. About twenty or so people were browsing about.

      Soon, I made attempts at conjuring D (a recurring DC), first with a thought, then by trying to reform surfaces in her image. But, nothing came of this. I next tried summoning my super-hero costume as part of the TOTY. I look to and from my person. Again, no results; I was still in my bedclothes.

      Things got unstable. I clung on to surfaces to keep in state, but couldn't keep from slipping out of the dream.

      Scene 2 - TOTY 2021 Task ii
      Similar visuals. I manage a re-entry back in bed. Like before, I walk out into a department store practically similar to the one above, if with slight adjustments. To keep stability, I walk quickly, while also focusing when I make contact on any surfaces.

      Once again, I try conjuring my superhero costume, without effect. So instead, I turn to my surroundings. Certainly, there's worse places to find such a thing than a department store. I reach for a nearby rack, where I happened to pull out a black garbage liner. Not what I was looking for. Still, I wrapped it around my shoulder, expecting it would change later on.

      After some more sifting, I found a pair of black leather touring pants. Perfect. I donned it immediately. I briefly turned my attention to my torso, when I found that, instead of a trash bag, I was wearing a black leather jacket, deep pockets lined at the midsection. Not quite a touring jacket, but close enough. I then look down, and noticed my having black leather low top hiking boots. Again, not exactly what I wore last time, but acceptable. Next was a helmet. By happenstance, my hand was already digging through a nearby rack. I pull out what what I had, and, surprise surprise, it was a black motorcycle helmet. It had no skull print, though I ain't complaining. Despite the dark tint on its visor, wearing it didn't really affect my vision. All I was missing was a set of gloves, but I decided I'd gloss that over for the moment.

      Now, with that settled, I rush off, isolating myself at a far off wall. There, I saw my reflection on a window. To my confusion, the image was of my wearing bedclothes yet again. I look at a different window, and saw my costume, only, it was superimposed on my own form. Thought it best to ignore these illusions.

      As per the task, I call out to the dream to grant me powers. Soon, my own voice echoed in my mind.

      "Uh... you can shrink, and... fly, I guess?", the voice stammered.

      Almost there. Calming my nerves, I try using my super powers. It took only seconds to fly, though for the moment, I opted only to hover a few inches off the ground. I then concentrated to shrink down. Steadily, my surroundings became larger and larger, until I was only inches in height.

      At my new size, I could slide through an indent between the floor and wall. Upon doing so, I found myself in a poorly lit bathroom, floating over a pair toilet stalls. The voices of male voices boomed in the distance, their footsteps rumbling louder as they approached. This was my cue to get out of here. I allowed myself to wake up briefly, feeling satisfied at a task well done.

      Scene 3 - Where's Dimwit?
      Similar visuals. Another re-entry, this time starting already in the above-mentioned department store. On a lark, I opted to look around for other DV superheroes. But as I strolled around, I noticed the store was peculiarly empty. I called out for Dimwit (the only hero that came to mind at the moment), though nothing seemed to happen. Ah, well. I casually resumed my jaunt until the dream collapsed again.

      Scene 4 - Willing Bloodbag

      Similar visuals. Re-entry. I was back in the department store, only now, I was in a long hallway much further than where I was in previous scenes.

      I make my way down the corridor, when suddenly, I'm accosted from behind by a figure. Turning around, I find this was a slender Asiatic woman, black hair short, and dressed in a grey sleeping gown. More tellingly, her skin was inhumanly pale.

      "C'mon. This way.", she commands in a curt tone, as if we were already well acquainted. I kinda understood where this was going.

      Anyway, I allow the stranger to sequester the both of us into the nearest exit. Incidentally, this was a cramped bedroom, space only enough for a single-sized mattress and a small cabinet.

      I return my attention to the pale woman, to be met by a desperate gaze and bared fangs. If I weren't aware, I might've actually been flustered. I brushed aside my would-be assailant, leaving her thoroughly confused. I step closer, and spoke.

      "Calm down", I begin saying softly. "Take a deep breath. Now, start again, slowly."

      Tilting my head back, I calmly leave myself exposed. The vampire was initially hesitant, but eventually, she heeds my words to the letter.

      Slowly, subtly, I felt her fangs piercing my throat. Her teeth dug deep, yet I felt no pain. As time draws on, I sensed myself becoming abnormally cold. Still, this experience was oddly soothing...

      The undead lady ends her feast about a minute later, much sooner than expected. She looks up, her eyes bright with satisfaction. As a show of gratitude, she pulls me in a tight embrace.

      I lose awareness. Various unknown scenes after this. Don't recall how this ends.

      Updated 05-07-2021 at 06:53 AM by 89930

      lucid , task of the year
    9. Log 2125 - More TOTY Task 2 Shortcomings

      by , 02-23-2021 at 01:36 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Monday 22 February 2021

      Got two DILDs and a fragment today. There was a lot I'd recalled before my first known awakening, but memory of such decayed quickly.

      Dream 1 - More TOTY Task 2 Shortcomings - Part 1

      The visuals were a bit dull. I was in an unknown apartment suite, twilight overlooking an urban block from out the windows. Many family members and several acquaintances were crowded in the area.

      As the group was chattering, I noticed my niece, Audrey, playing a dangerous game from several windows. She'd climb out, then hang hang on to the sill for a few seconds, before clambering back inside. Seeing as much worried me, not helped that no one else seemed to care. It also made me question my state. Cue remembering my being in bed moments earlier, and thus realizing the dream.

      Through telekinesis, I immediately dragged my niece towards me. She seemed pleasantly surprised at being transported in such a manner. Contrast everyone else, who gave me a bewildered 'what the hell does that guy think he's doing?' look. Ignoring their reactions, I hauled around Audrey solely as a means to keep things stable.

      "Where are we going?", she asks.

      "Oh, uh, we're just getting a snack.", I muttered.

      The girl grinned. "I want cotton candy!"

      "Okay, we'll do that."

      Nearest visible exit was at the far left corner. By happenstance, the opening connected to a ladder, which itself lead straight down several stories into the building's snow-filled yard. After securing my niece on my shoulders, the ladder seemed to have been reduced to a couple of steps. Furthermore, perspective was skewed such that the ground was very close by. Yet, as I poked my leg past the steps, I felt nothing but air. I took matters into my own accord, opting to forego the ladder, then float straight to the bottom.

      I set my niece aside, whereupon I remembered the TOTY. As per the task, I call out to the dream for a response. Soon, my own voice echoes in my mind.

      "Um... so, you can shrink, and fly, I guess...", my ethereal voice stammers. I shrugged. Works for me.

      But hold on. I'd just recalled I needed my costume. I looked down, and saw I was wearing jeans and a black tanktop. Nope, not my uniform. Flicking my arm, I tried conjuring my gear, but got nothing. This went on for over half a minute. At that moment, my niece tugs at my arm.

      "Tio", she begins complaining. "When are we getting my snack?"

      I decided I'll try creating cotton candy first, start with something easy. I had my niece sit in a nearby baby slide as I began the summons. This was initiated by my rubbing my fingers, first in each individual hand, then between each other. No results. It's then I thought to get Audrey involved in this. Grasping her right hand with my own, I start rubbing our palms together, before abruptly letting go. Once again, I rubbed my fingers, and... success! Strings of pink and blue cotton candy were being pulled from nowhere! I steadily tugged out more, until I had just enough to make a tangerine-sized tuft. Didn't seem like it'd be enough to satisfy even a kid's appetite. Yet, against expectation, my niece was delighted. She chortled with glee as she snatched it from my hand.

      Well, that worked. Back to the costume. Once again, I snapped my wrist and, just like that, my attire changed. I was indeed wearing my designated outfit. Or, mostly. I had the right helmet, gloves, and boots. But, my pants and jacket, as opposed to being black like the other pieces, were now a bright lipstick red. Wasn't too thrilled with the look. No matter. I brushed it off as an 'alternate color' costume. Thought it best to move on.

      I was about to call out to the dream once again. Unfortunately, the scenery immediately faded.
      I woke up promptly. Tried re-entering. Dozed off within two minutes.

      Dream 2 - More TOTY Task 2 Shortcomings - Part 2

      The visuals were a bit blurred. I was at home in my bedroom. Although I wasn't (falsely) waking up, I felt groggy.

      I dragged myself in the living room, where I noticed a figure seated on the couch. To my surprise, it was my uncle Ryan. I couldn't fathom how he got here, and so suddenly, no less. Thinking of such made me aware.

      I recalled the tasks once more, when my bro Emil passed by. Taking an opportunity, I seized him by the shoulder, and dragged him away.

      Sudden warp. We ended up in what seemed an abandoned warehouse, sunlight peeking in from a broken window. Anyway, I looked at myself, and noticed I was already in costume (sans chest protector). With that settled, I directed my brother to tell me what my powers are.

      "You have two.", he begins. "You have the powers 'Last Defense', and "Summon Succori." Following that, he began to ramble on like a loon. Meanwhile, I was trying to figure out what the hell he's talking about.

      "Okay, wait. Let's backtrack a bit.", I grumble. "What does it mean to 'Summon Succori?' Can you explain that?"

      "It means you can summon defeated opponents to fight for you. Furthermore..."

      Emil continues babbling nonsensically from that point on. I tried to ignore him, but his droning was giving me a headache. In fact, such discomfort forced me awake.

      Scrap Group 1
      SP in bed. Suddenly, I was accosted by a demon lady in a purple robe, her skin pale with a blue tint, and her twisted fangs innumerous. Speaking in a raspy voice, she politely asked "permission" to drain me completely. In turn, I implored she discern me further before doing such a thing. She glared down, then, upon sensing something within me, her eyes widened in bewilderment. "Are you God?", she gasped. I blurted she was grossly overstating things. The fiend recoiled back, and pleaded for mercy. At this point, I could move. I reached out to grab hold of a dream object (namely, the DC nearby) but the dream suddenly collapsed.

      Updated 02-23-2021 at 01:47 AM by 89930

      lucid , dream fragment , task of the year
    10. Log 2118 - Two Tasks Two Misses

      by , 02-16-2021 at 04:56 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Monday 15 February 2021

      Got a DILD and some fragments. I tried two tasks in today's LDs, as the title indicates, I screwed up at both. Oh well. I had fun regardless.

      Scrap Group 1
      In a wide, darkened area, like an amphitheater. Monsters were lurking the place. I was given psychic powers, which I used to fly around and shoot telekinetic blasts.

      In a hotel lobby or a similar place. A bunch of of zany cartoon monsters (drawn in a 40's art style) were wrecking havoc. It was left to me and a handful of people to neutralize them. One of the creatures was a huge tree. I was told that it was mom, who had been corrupted into that form. I was conflicted on how to handle this.

      Dreamlet to dream. Various forgotten scenes. Vaguely recall being in a school. I slowly gained awareness. Warp.

      Dream 1 - Two Tasks, Two Misses

      The visuals started rather blurred. I was in a wilderness pathway leading to the gate of a large park, sunlight peeking through the leaves.

      Suddenly, mom suddenly rushed in from nowhere.

      "Hey!", she speaks frantically in Spanish. "How do I change the TV to channel 8?!"

      This only catalyzed my awareness. I turned away, dismissing her request. Ma kept babbling about a number of topics, such as trivial updates about my sister. No doubt the dream's way of distracting me. I claimed I'd attend her soon, but of course, I wasn't going to do such a thing.

      Since the dream felt unstable, I hurried to hold onto an old wooden railing nearby. I rubbed it carefully, as I worried about splinters. Once I was more assured, I seated myself cross-legged, and meditated. As expected, I began ascending, if much faster than intended. It took only seconds to reach the clouds.

      I thought of tasks at this moment. Just then, an ethereal female voice spoke.

      "Here he is!", she booms cheerfully. "He's FireFlyMan! A man of power!" A cheesy fanfare followed as she continued her speech. I listened intently. "With the ability to fly, and shrink himself, FireFlyMan is a hero like no other!"

      "Wait", I interjected. "When you mentioned power, what did you mean? Did you mean, like, super-strength?"

      "Yes.", replied the voice, annoyed. A pause followed before she continued her speech. "So join FireFlyMan as he journeys through the vastness of space...!"

      I interrupted once more. "That's okay, thanks. I'm good now."

      "Ugh. Fine.", the woman grunts.

      Task done (or so I thought; I realized wasn't in costume much later!). With that settled, I flew at sonic speeds to try warping. Suddenly, blue smoke erupted a distance away from me. From it sprang a massive space craft. Much of the ship consisted of glowing blue metal, its light flowing as a stream. Just as soon as it appeared, it vanished.

      But, something else was left behind: a huge portal, cackling with electricity of similar coloration to the craft. What else was there to do, but explore? So, I entered the warp heedlessly. I found myself in a maze-like wormhole. Much like the ship, it resonated with wave-like blue radiance. As I continued, the tunnel narrowed. Eventually, the path forks two ways. I opt to take the left.

      At this interval, thinking of a TOTM gave me a more definite destination: an alien planet. Once this thought occurred, the portal suddenly ended. I was thrust into a dark, foggy cavern of blood-red stone. Eerie violet lights sparked intensely in the distance. Certainly, this wasn't our world any longer.

      Without wasting time, I search for a plant. I soon found a patch of long blades of grass, faded green plants tinted blue at the points and edges. I then begin working at super-speed. First, I smash the leaves between rocks until they become a fine, vibrant purple powder. Then, by will alone, I conjured a campfire, along with a boiling brazier of water. Finally I throw the powder into the pot. The mixture reacted violently, exploding into purple smoke. Only a portion of liquid remained.

      I instantly grab the pot, and almost take an swig. But, fear of getting scalded, let alone of drinking an alien substance, held me back. I drew a deep breath, and tried again. Unfortunately, the dream deteriorated immediately. I wake up with a gasp.

      Updated 02-16-2021 at 05:29 AM by 89930

      lucid , dream fragment , task of the month , task of the year
    11. Log 2109 - Task of the Year 2021 - Task 1

      by , 02-07-2021 at 02:36 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 06 February 2021

      Neat. Got an LD today and a near-LD fragment. There was more I recalled before the morning, but memory of such has since faded.

      Spoiler for Another long one:
    12. Log 1972 - Chao's Containment Vault

      by , 09-22-2020 at 01:40 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Monday 21 September 2020

      Man, this is such a relief. Got a WILD and some scraps today.

      Spoiler for another wordy LD:

      Updated 09-24-2020 at 02:11 AM by 89930

      lucid , dream fragment , task of the year