, 07-30-2010 at 05:26 AM (561 Views)
key: not a dream non-lucid lucid dream
Okay well I have to write this down, but I didn't have it last night.
I'm standing in the back of the church I went to for most of my life, I moved and never go there anymore, but I don't think about my presence at the church. I see one of my friends, Meaghan, in the church with us and she's wearing a knee-length light blue dress with a flower pattern. I think to myself that her being here is unusual, because she's an atheist. I wonder about it for a little while but don't become lucid. She goes to my dad and shakes hands with him as she starts a conversation that I can't hear.
I can't remember any of that certain part, but I remember this next part in the same dream :
I am standing at the top of a staircase at the church, not a very large one, but a staircase. I am with Meaghan again, but this time we are with our friend Jade. I sit down at the very top of the staircase, my feet on the first step going down. Then suddenly Jade is behind me with her hands on my shoulders, I feel her trying to push me down the staircase.
"You've got to try this, Jesse!" she says, laughing.
All the while both Meaghan & I are yelling "No! Jade stop! Stop!!". I'm grabbing the railing on both sides of the staircase, fighting against Jade, because I don't want to be pushed down the stairs. Then she succeeds, and as I am falling down the stairs the stairs turn into a large red slide, and the scenery around me changes from the church to a playground on the outside of the church. I come off the slide and Jade is standing near the side of the slide (LOL. SIDE OF THE SLIDE.), she's laughing and says "Now that wasn't too bad was it??" I start laughing and say, "No, it wasn't!"
Another remembered part in the same dream:
Me, Meaghan, and Jade are in Wal-Mart. It's nightttime. We pick up random objects although we have no money. We're homeless. I see Christmas objects all around, and I somehow know that it is dark and snowy outside. We run into a woman with a cart and a Wal-Mart vest -- she works there. We tell her we need these things from the store, but we have no money because we are homeless. She starts crying and says how it's only part of the Christmas feeling to help homeless children. She sets us up a large airmattress with warm blankets for us to sleep on in the backroom.
I really enjoyed this dream, I'm not sure why. It was interesting, and memorable.
Again, not sure why...
Missed Dream Signs:
-It's July, not December. The snow and Christmas merchandise made no sense.
-Meaghan is atheist, and she's at church with me.
-I am not homeless..
-The staircase inside the church was not an actual part of the church.
Oh I wish I would of become lucid....perhaps next time...![]()