Lucid Dream 8.19.12
, 10-15-2015 at 09:18 PM (555 Views)
FINALLY had a lucid dream after months of a dry spell
I don’t remember much before my “ah ha!” moment when I became lucid. I just remember it was me and a few friends (or complete strangers I thought were my friends) were at this apartment complex/dormitory thing. It had multiple townhouses, upper scale dorm rooms, and little convenience stores that all faced at one particular point, which was like the outdoor common area for it’s residence.
Something was wrong, I can’t remember what, all I knew was that for some reason my friends and I need to get out of this complex but were unable to do so. (I kind of remember monsters or enemies of some kind surrounding the complex) So, we were trying and trying to break through their line and get free, but couldn't come up with a great plan to break out. Me and two other girls were standing beside a car (could have been one of theirs) looking at this huge blockade of men/monsters/barricade that blocked off the entrance to this complex. I can remember thinking “man I wish this was a dream, then I could just blow the fucker up…”
I stopped, thought about where I was for a minute, did my reality check and confirmed that I was in fact dreaming. As soon as I realized it, I busted out laughing as I kicked off the ground and started flying. My friends turned back and were in awe at what I was doing. All I could do was smile and shrug at them, I was so happy to have gained lucidity again. I flew over to the blockade, charged up this huge energy/fire ball and let ‘er fly at the blockade. It exploded, damaging the enemies defenses, allowing some residence to escape. I didn't want to leave the party just yet, so I flew around a bit, shooting energy balls at my enemies, all the while marveling at why I didn't realize I was dreaming before, everything looked and seemed so cartoony now. I fought a couple monsters, hand to hand, which was fun. After a while the scene started to bore me, and I started to experiment with my abilities outside the plot of the dream.
While a bunch of people were being chased by monsters and fleeing for their lives, I decided to try and create a carbon life form just from my mind (a particularly difficult task for me). So, I stopped flying, set myself atop a small grassy hill (which was still being surrounded by the battles and chaos) and tried to grow and bloom a flower on command. I knew that manifesting a separate life was different than manipulating the energies of myself, so I focused not on ME creating the flower, but instead I focused on the energies it would take the earth to create a flower. I put my hand to the earth, sending some of my energies to it through my hand, I imagined a tiny seed sprouting, creating roots to spread about the earth, and finally, I imagined it sprouting, growing, and blooming. Within seconds of me doing this, a beautiful pink, small, daisy-like flower sprouted and grew from the earth where I was focusing. I did it! I created life! It survived until some scared resident trampled it.