3-9-23 Comp Day 8 (WBTB Failed ughhhh) DF#1 - The planting of seeds; they have begun to grow 🙂 DF#2 - There was a guy named Mike who handed us something. I was with a FCD, he had an incredibly good vibe and he remembered my name. D#3 - The Island - I was in a kayak paddling through the water between a couple islands to get access to this other island that I would be camping on later that night. I was checking it out ahead of time so I was a little more prepared and would know what to expect for camping. There was one patch of seaweed that I came across but it wasn’t stopping me from moving forward. There was a hint of a thought that a storm was on the way that evening. But in the dream it did not appear. I ended up going around to the backside and found the beach side of this island. Nice stripe of clean bright sand. I remember looking up into the sky wondering how the sunset and or sunrise would be from here. I was with someone else and we were talking about what we might need to sleep outside during the night here. I really only recall a screen to go over our heads, or mosquito net and something about my clothes. There seemed to be some kind of house on the island as well. And we’d have access to the house if we needed it to cook and to have coffee. There was a box with a key for us to use. WBTB = 2 2 DF = 1 1D = 1 Total 4
3-8-23 Comp Day 7 DF#1 - I was with a few other DC’s and we were going to order some food. As I walked past one table, I saw a FDC sitting there alone with a platter of three very large tacos. They looked so good that’s what I was going to order DF#2 - I was with a MDC and it seemed like he might have liked me. He wanted to know where I got my bra’s? (I think) and I said Macy’s. DF#3 - I was in a dark room, maybe a living room and suddenly the door slid open all by itself. That scared me and I believe I screamed in the dream. Then I looked closer and saw a shadow of a regular sized cat. It was a cat that wanted in. So I got up and went to let the cat in, then made sure I closed the door tight and locked it. DF#4 - I was at a work environment and the FDC was in a colored dress, she was freezing. D#5 - We were standing in line to get a ticket for some type of a huge event, maybe it was a concert or something bigger. The line was moving at first, then as we got closer to the registration area it stopped. I wandered up front to see what was going on. It appeared that they ran out of registration papers. Someone was on it and looked to get some more. Suddenly my sister and Mom showed up out of nowhere. I hugged each of them and asked are you guys really here? I even asked them what day it was. And I believe the date was correct, March 8th. They decided to come for a surprise visit. I was already thinking oh no, the house is not ready for company. They might have to spend the first night in a hotel. The new bed isn’t put together and the other bed needs the sheets washed and to be remade. I thought about how much work that I’d need to do to get the rooms ready. Then I asked how long they were staying, it seemed like I had a vacation planned and it was coming up soon. I wondered if they were going to leave before I had to leave for my vacation. A bit later, I remember being handed a small piece of paper and I had to write my name on it, the ink wasn’t coming out, I scribbled on a blank white piece of paper till I saw a mark, then I attempted to sign my name on a piece of torn paper with colored pattern on it. Tried to find a light colored spot so you could actually see my name when I signed it. I think that was the registration part. Then it had taken so long, that when we went into where we were supposed to sit, we’d never find any seats together. 4 DF = 2 1 D = 1 Total 3