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    Lucid Dreams

    1. A Meditation

      by , 11-05-2010 at 03:30 PM
      While reading Robert Wagonner's Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, he touched on the concept of a dream review committee. This reminded me of an LD I had a few months ago during a nap:

      Weirdest dream I've had in a while. The dream was basically a series of scenes, all of which had me lucid dreaming. I can't remember every scene, but one had me getting into a van next to a car that two guys were robbing, driving off, and them chasing me. Since I was in full control, I started creating things to throw at that, starting small with bricks all the way up to gallon barrels of gas.

      The only scene I remember REALLY well was walking into a magic shop. When I am lucid dreaming, I tend to play along with the dream, then go mega deity on it, but the store clerk knew it. He started talking straight to me saying, "I am the one thing you can't change." I created a sword, stabbed him, and it went through. Then, I turned and this stuffed bird started talking saying it would teach me a lot about real lucid dreaming. I spoke to it, and kept saying I would be more powerful than anyone. Realizing I was losing control, I reigned the dream back, only to have the store clerk fight that and manipulate my manipulations. Finally, he tossed me out of the scene into a series of scary scenes with him somewhere in them (think G-Man walking around). He looked a lot like David Blaine, but I think it was because it was a magic store, and I imagine all Magic Store clerks looking like that--douchey.

      I woke up, terrified. As when I sleep on my back at my parent's house, I get this sense that someone or something is in the room. I ignore it because I didn't want to move out of sheer terror. Eventually, the feeling passed, but I was scared to go back to sleep for a while.

      Weird, weird dream.
      So, here, I was assessed of my dreaming abilities, didn't accept it, and was punished. I didn't take into consideration that this was an assessment of what I can do lucidly. Going to investigate this.
      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. Lucid Dream #2

      by , 11-01-2010 at 01:19 PM

      Lucid Dream #2:

      Per the usual, I'm going to put in red what was lucid, and blue what was non-lucid. Black will be non-dream stuff.

      So, last night, I decided to try to use my REM Dreamer since I was having such poor luck as of late. When using the dreamer, I always have vivid dreams and I wake up a lot. Before the wake-back-to-bed, I had a really vivid dream where I was in a brand new we made. The house had a large kitchen flanking the left side of it, with a cozy looking living room. I didn't get much further than that. I wake up the first of several times and fail several WILD attempts. I know once I checked my clock to be sure I was awake, then within seconds, I see a different clock saying I should be dreaming. Somewhere in this waking and falling asleep, I dreamt of this tiny kid with a basketball. It was in my journal, so I know it happened, but I can only see him in silhouette. Finally, it was close to 6:30 or 6:45 when I went to sleep again. I believe I see the dream form around me, but I am not too sure, until I hear my text tone go off, which is a loud 2 second sound, for some reason, I know that this is a dream and I become lucid. I am a theater with people watching dreams. In the dream, it didn't dawn on me that this was my recreation of the November advanced challenge "Visit an offline DV." As I walk around the theater, I see a girl following me, but my main goal is to get to the lobby to tell death to steal her soul. Again, I am very goal oriented. Instead, I realize I do not have full control over the environment, so I poke my finger through my hand, which succeeded. It was an erie sight. I see my mom in the theater, and I tell her my basic task because I am aware the dream is ending. I tell her I am thankful for learning how to dream properly. Not long after that I can feel the dream fade to the room I was sleeping in, and I wake up.

      My strange penchant for completion, lead me to perform two major dream tasks on the first day of the month, but I still lacked control over my environment. Also stranger is the fact that I became lucid, not by WILDing, but by the external text message sound. I still lack control in my lucidity =\.
    3. First Induced Lucid Dream!

      by , 10-25-2010 at 07:39 PM

      Well, it's been a long ride, but I had my first intentional lucid dream. Per the usual, I'm going to put in red what was lucid, and blue what was non-lucid. Black will be non-dream stuff.

      Going to bed, I repeated the mantra "I lucid dream." When my thoughts wandered, I would chant it louder in my head. During my trying to fall asleep, I could imagine daily things being effected by it (I see a scene from earlier play out, but instead of normal words, it added things like "I loudly dropped..." which followed the same first letter of my mantra. Somewhere in there, I fell asleep.
      I am in an extremely dark house. People are all around, and for some reason, I feel a sense of urgency. I try to turn on lights, but they fail. My first thought is the lights are broken. Somewhere in the dream, I get the notion that it's a dream and try to RC. I try poking my finger through my hands, counting my fingers, but both worked flawlessly. Undaunted, I do the nose test, and it failed. This forces me to realize I am dreaming. Since it's dark, I conjure up a potion, for some reason, and drink it. Within seconds, the room brightens up. I drink another, and the room gets brighter. Eventually, the entire room is dark, but bright enough to make out details. I know the LD is extremely unstable, so I began to think of tasks to do. Yes, this was my first thought because I am goal-oriented. I ask a woman wondering around what are my tasks again, and I remember it's to talk to someone, so I ask her to tell me about lucid dreaming when I try to conjure a fireball for Nomad's class before the most recent one. She explains I need to wait to develop dream control and duration, but it'll come. I start to create the fireball in my hand, but while I feel the heat and hear the sparkling, I lose the visual. Begrudgingly, I wake up. I quickly jot down my dream, then I try to return to the dream, but instead, I have a non-lucid where I see a radio host willing to have his kidney removed for the sake of radio. Later, I am planning a trip to local colleges (day residue) to watch their graduations.

      All in all, good night!