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    Thursday, April 28

    by , 05-19-2022 at 12:19 AM (278 Views)
    I’m walking outside somewhere with Stella. The area seems unfamiliar. It still looks like Nevada though, with the rolling hills and lack of trees. We ascend a hill that I notice is now a dusty orange slate. It is steep enough to make me question my footing, especially since there are little pebbles all around. Stella runs circles around me in her excitement; I switch the leash between my hands to accommodate it. I’m now at the very top and the whole surrounding area comes into view. It is very pretty-there’s an ethereal-ness to it, so I take some pictures. I think this is the furthest I’ve gone this way and it didn’t take too long.

    I’m in what feels like an underground building. It all seems to be under construction, in an early phase. It’s dim and sparse and it feels like I should not be here. There are several construction workers and I’m trying to not be seen by them. There seems to be a few levels and many rooms. I go into a couple and at times see some creepy scenes. One room in particular has an arrangement of stuffed animals that doesn’t sit right with me. I get creeped out and leave the room. I think I am supposed to be doing something here (but I’m not sure what). Now I am with mom and sorting a black trash bag of things to either keep or throw away. I set aside the reusable things (pens, etc) to keep and want to throw away the rest, like papers and projects.

    I’m outside somewhere unfamiliar and trying to take a nap where I’m lying on some weird edge. It seems like the edge of a truck bed or something? I then end up in a tent. I have an iPad or tablet and put on the Pandora station ‘guitar for sleep’ or something similar. I tried a similar station first but it wasn’t very conducive for me trying to sleep. I now close my eyes and it’s still very bright, though I think I fall asleep for a while. I emerge with the post-nap grogginess and go to be around everyone else (not sure who).

    (fragment) I am somehow holding onto the back end of a bus, what seems like a tour bus. Someone else is doing the same on the right side of the bus. The bus takes off, driving a little too fast for my uncertain grip. I’m not sure why I’m doing this.
    DarkestDarkness likes this.

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