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    "This Cellphone Doesn't Do This !" / Semi-Lucid

    by , 06-05-2012 at 09:21 PM (549 Views)
    Non-Lucid part:
    I'm in my house. Walking from the living room to the kitchen. I pass by my sister and my cousin that are going in the opposite direction.
    When I say my house, I mean the house of my parents, the one from where I moved out 2,5 years ago.
    I'm in the kitchen and a song called "Meu Universo" from a brazilian singer known as PG starts to play very loud in there.
    I start to look from where the noise is coming from and find that it's coming from my dad's cellphone that is over the refrigerator.
    I think "This cellphone doesn't play MP3, I must be dreaming"
    He has a Motorola W220 since the cellphone arrived in that tiny city.
    Before I make a RC to confirm that I'm dreaming, my sister appears and calling for me and I go.

    I have to add that I tried to explain about the RC's to my family and they think that it's a little crazy to "ask if I am awake".
    They usually say that they always know if they are awake (even during the dreams, they "know that they are awake" xD).
    So sometimes I feel embarassed of doing a RC in front of anyone of my family. I'm sure that that was the reason for me to give up of doing the RC when my sister appeared.

    Dream Stats:
    Went to sleep: 00:00am
    Duration: ~5min

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