FILD Rocks oO / The world of drawings
, 06-13-2012 at 01:58 AM (743 Views)
In the night I tried FILD one time with no success.
In the morning I woke up at 6:10 naturally, wrote in my DJ, drank water, went to the bathroom and performed a SSILD about 6:50. I woke up again 8:30 with no LD yet. I changed of position and put my hand in the middle of my knees. I tough "why don't I try the FILD again ?", I started "playing my piano" and in about 15 seconds I felt the SP coming, heard that loud sound on my ears and there I am, inside my 8th LD ;D
Lucid Part:
I'm in a place where everything is drawn. The people is drawn too.
I feel all my dream powers weak here, and everything is a little scary.
I do a "Kame-Hame-Ha" in the sky and open a passage to the "real world".
I fly and pass trough the passage and it leads me to a building. I fly near to some ATMs. I try to go through a wall but I only knock my head on it.
I have to admit that I felt a little of doubt if I was really able to do that.
I try again saying "pass through" and it works.
There are really big rooms in this building and they look like offices, I continue to go through all the walls in the same direction, after 2 or 3 rooms I start to pass near some people.
I realized after waking up that there were only women in that building.
I get near to two women and give one of them a big kiss. I ask how are they doing.
I can't say why everytime in my lucid dreams that I want to greet a woman I kiss her, I'm sure I was still lucid but don't know what I tought there, I only know that it was a great kiss xD
I start to fly again in the same direction. I pass beside to girls and understand that they are choosing place to some friends of mine to work. I speak with them for a while.
While I was speaking with them I seemed to lose some of the lucidity, I was becoming just a character in the story and not the director, but after the talk I said "it is a dream" to myself sometimes again.
I left them there and start to fly again the same direction. I pass through a huge glass window that is in maybe the 30th floor of that building. I can see the city very far from me. I start to fly fast and just appear over my aunt's house in Catuji.
I jump to a wall and from there I see a cousin of mine when he was 5 years old, and near the wall I see Ruck.
I jump to the floor and start to play with him.
Ruck was dog and died some months ago, I knew that during the dream, but felt happy to be able to "play with him a last time".
I hug him a lot. I felt a reaally huge happiness while doing that.
I am going with him to near of my house and I see 2 more "Rucks".
After playing with him I try to get out from there, but ruck does everything to keep me there, some puppies appear and try to keep me there too.
When I say that they were trying to keep me there, it's cause they were running after me, kiding with and that things that our dogs do with us.
I start to run away from there and a black dog appears and tries to stop me, I start to fly. It almost gets me but I get to "escape", but I wake up.
I am only sure that that was a dream when I was doing the FILD because I woke up in the same position that I slept. I never imagined that FILD could be so powerfull
Dream Stats:
Went to sleep: 00:30am
Duration: ~20min (only lucid)
Woke up at: 9:00am