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    Is it a dream ?

    New Job / Hallucinogen Gas

    by , 05-28-2012 at 05:56 PM (576 Views)
    I have to say that the day that I had this dream I was visiting my family, so I was sleeping in the room that I slept since I was a kid to 2 years ago when I moved to the city that I'm living now.

    Non-Lucid part:
    I'm somewhere with my mom and my best friend D.
    I'm going to an interview for a job related to psychology in few minutes.
    My mom complains about my clothes because they are wrinkled.
    I am using a gold social shirt, that I don't actually have.
    I fix the shirt and go to the factory, I'm there. I'm in the entry of the hangar where I should answer to a questionary.
    From the gate I see one woman inside the building and she tells me that there is a door in the right side of the building.
    I do how she said and enter in the building. There is a computer inside of it where I have to answer the questions and I start.
    I remember of answering some idiot questions like "What is the origin of your name in your opinion ?".
    One cousin of mine appears next to me and start to disturb me and I get worried about don't having enough time to finish my questionary. I tease him calling him "big-headed" but stop doing that because his dad is near. I think "why didn't I come early ?" but I get to finish it and go out from that hangar.
    I go to a square near from there and meet some friends, including D and an aunt of mine. They are near to a bush breathing (not voluntarily or not knowing what was that) a gas that is coming from beneath of the bush that causes visual and olfactory hallucinations. They are all saying things like "what a crazy smell" and "I'm high".
    I knew that was the gas that was causing all of that things, but for some reason I didn't tell anyone and I couldn't feel the effects like them.
    I start flying around like crazy asking why I couldn't feel it.
    It's not the first time that I have this behavion in non-lucids when I get angry.
    D calls me and says "Come here that I will show you why you can't feel it" and goes start to go to outside the square running, I go beside him flying.

    Lucid Part:
    I find myself in a street not too near from that square. I'm lucid that I'm dreaming.
    It was not a high lucidity level.
    I start floating around the streets with not much altitude and the dream starts to fade. I stabilize it.
    I want to go to the top of a building and want to do it by jumping, I jump once but not too high, jump again and almost get it, but before falling to the floor I start swiming and get to the terrace of the building.
    I'm always repeating "It's a dream, It's a dream" this time.
    Over the building the dream fades out very fast and I start spining my body when I couldn't see anything but darkness. It leads me to a FA.

    I wake up in the room of my house feeling "a little of SP", my hand is feeling weird and a big part of my body is dorment.
    Some seconds after I wake for real in a completely different position.

    PS: After writing the dream in my DJ I realized that the square of the dream is very alike to one square wich is in the way of the bus I used to go to work everyday.

    Dream Stats:
    Went to sleep: 00:10am
    Duration: ~30min (25 non-lucid / 5 lucid)
    Woke up at: 4:30 am

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    Updated 06-07-2012 at 09:04 PM by 54816

    lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
