Non-Lucid part: I'm a professional football player and I'm in a street near from the place where the players of my team stay. I'm walking and speaking with two of them. A helicopter passes over us and we start to smile to the camera. I say something funny and we laugh. The dream scene changes and and playing soccer in a hall with a lot of DC's and one guy from a tv show that I like, he is known as "Bolinha" and he is wearing a jacker exactly like one that I have. I make some wrong passes and lose some opportunities of making goals and Bolinha starts to complain to me. He continues to complain and do that for a lot of time. I get very angry and think "I know that I'm dreaming, I'm gonna punch Bolinhas' face right now". I become lucid but the dreams starts to fade very fast. I wake up completely still and remember "my technique" of imagining my dream body moving in the first scenario that comes to my head, it works once again Lucid Part:I "wake up" in "my bedroom" already looking to my brother's bed, but it's not there, there is a mat in its place. I'm always sure that I am dreaming, I decide to look at my hands and bingo. My right hand has about 15 fingers, like three little hands stuck in it. Now I'm sure that I am dreaming, I shout "Stabylize" and it works. My room is on a strange house, the house is completely dark and my window is made of wood and is blocked by a wall. I decid to pass trough the window, I can't do it at first, but I try again saying "pass trough" till I pass the half of my arms. It was the only time that I felt so hard to pass trough a solid object. I start to pass my head trough the window when it is half passed I start to fear the possibility of something coming from behing me. When my mouth gets covered by the window I feel like I can't say "pass trough" anymore and get stuck. I pull my right arm breaking the window and give up on passing trough it. I decide to go to the other side, I start to fly fast and pass trough the other wall of my room, I see a window and finally get out from that house. I'm flying over a soccer field that is near from my church in Catuji (Catuji is the city I used to live). Some kids are playing soccer there. For a while I think about taking their ball but I don't. I fly very fast now passing near from some eletricity wires. I see a big killer whale dead next to the field, its mouth is a little strange. I start to fly more erect to lose speed till I start just hovering in the air, then I wake up. Dream Stats: Went to sleep: 00:00am Duration: ~20min (10 non-lucid / 10 lucid) Woke up at: 8:30 am
Updated 06-13-2012 at 01:17 AM by 54816