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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    #163. Corona

    by , 10-17-2010 at 06:31 PM (1248 Views)


    I'm sitting at a table in the library, across from a stern-looking woman my age.

    "So you want to start a writing group? You realize that you'll be in direct competition with our writing group."

    "Hey," I say incredulously, "I just sent out an email asking who was doing NaNo this year."

    There's a man sitting beside me with his arms crossed. He snorts.

    "Well," says the woman, "Be aware that you won't be able to use the library this week. It's full." She points behind me.

    I turn around, and see that the walls are covered, floor to ceiling, with boxes of Corona. I turn back to her.

    She sighs. "The Kiwanis club is renting the library for a Christian concert."

    Scare Factor: 1/10

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    1. Xaqaria's Avatar
      This dream sounds like its a joke that is a bit too referenced for me to understand but I can still tell its funny.
    2. Requiem's Avatar
      Well well well, it is back. Is that what you drink? Corona?
    3. Samael's Avatar
      Requiem, do we need to have a discussion about pronoun usage? Because I swear to god, I will block your ass.

      Quote Originally Posted by Xaqaria
      This dream sounds like its a joke that is a bit too referenced for me to understand but I can still tell its funny.
      Thanks. It was actually pretty random, but the gigantic wall of beer in a library? Not something you see every day.
    4. Requiem's Avatar
      Oh wow. You swore to God. You must be serious. I'm sorry. I didn't realize my words caused you so much emotional distress. Which do you prefer: he or she? I don't remember you making it explicitly clear.

      It won't happen again.
    5. Mzzkc's Avatar
      She prefers either, if I'm not mistaken. She made mention of it in a discussion with another member who asked for her gender. If you stalked properly, Req, you would know this.
    6. Samael's Avatar
      He/his, she/her, ze/zir, doesn't make much difference to me. "It" is dehumanizing and transphobic, regardless of whatever my real life gender identity happens to be. And that's twice now.

      Quote Originally Posted by Requiem
      It won't happen again.
      Fair enough.

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc
      If you stalked properly, Req, you would know this.
      I'm kind of in love with your comments.
    7. Mzzkc's Avatar
      Careful, Samael. You know better than anyone it could never work between you and my comments.
    8. Samael's Avatar
      Pfft. What do you think stalking is for?