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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    #182. Chupacabra

    by , 01-28-2011 at 06:01 AM (1136 Views)


    It takes fifteen minutes of standing on the train tracks and yelling before the chupacabra shows up and dies and is recorded onto a tape so that its soul is sufficiently trapped for eternity (or until the sequel); I'm late for work and Dean's hit by a train, but we get better.

    Chupacabra. Chupacabras? Scare Factor: 3.

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    1. Mzzkc's Avatar
      So much story in so little space.

      but we get better.
      What do you get better from? Being late for work? Or is this 'we' actually 'you as Dean'?
    2. Samael's Avatar
      I got better when I was Dean after getting hit by a train, and then again when I woke up and still had three hours to get to work.
    3. Mzzkc's Avatar
      Silly Samael, I know better than to follow a link with that URL. At least, now I do. >.>
    4. Samael's Avatar