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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    #189. Zippo

    by , 02-24-2011 at 06:15 PM (1211 Views)

    "When can I schedule an appointment for you?"

    Needing a doctor's appointment, but I don't have a day free for a while. I'm working every day this week.

    "Why are we walking to the train station?" I ask the nurse.

    "I need a light. You don't carry a lighter."

    "Only if I'm dreaming," I say, amused, and I snap my fingers. A sliver of bright red flame flares up over my closed fist.

    Zippo. Scare Factor: 1.

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    1. Mzzkc's Avatar
      Sooo. . . The nurse was going to the train station to get a lighter? Or is there some euphemism I'm missing here.
    2. Samael's Avatar
      I suppose that depends how Freudian we're willing to go with the interpretation. (Again, I have to start posting in that forum just to mess with people.) But no, there is no deliberate subtext in the way this was written.