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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    #190. Alexandra

    by , 02-25-2011 at 04:58 PM (836 Views)

    I'm Alex and she's Nikita and – shit! I throw myself behind a set of crates as a blaze of gunfire lights up my trail.

    "We have to take the south exit!" she shouts over the noise.

    "They've anticipated your escape route," I shout back, "It's an ambush!"

    "We don't have a choice!"

    Splintering wood and conveniently placed explosives under piles of precariously stacked crates – we make a dash for the exit. Don't stop when you're in the open, I tell myself, sprinting across the lawn, It's when you're most vulnerable, and we dive into the river and Alex closes her eyes.

    Caught in the slipstream, I nudge at Alex/Nikita. Don't hold your breath, I say. Breathe. It won't hurt you.

    Alexandra. Scare Factor: 2.

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