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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    #193. Objects of Faith

    by , 08-12-2015 at 04:21 PM (724 Views)
    I drive a motorcycle across my hometown, and realize I forgot my helmet. Oh well. I'm also carrying a baked potato in my jacket pocket, and it's falling apart.


    A nest of vampires in an otherwise benign-looking place, like a post office or a government building. S has warned me, but I come back anyway.

    Vampires are repelled by objects of faith (Dresden Files), but unlike the stereotype, they don't need to be Christian symbols. The eldest vampire stalks towards me, and I have my pendant in my hand (the question: does the onyx within it represent me or the people I believe in, because I don't necessarily have faith in myself...) and I strike, pressing the pendant into the vampire's skin. It sizzles and burns, the vampire trying to get away, shrieking.

    It's cries draw the other vampires, and I draw back to swing a fist, my Celtic ring coming into contact another vampire.

    Later, I'll be asked if we can do an empirical test to determine whether the gold of the ring or the silver of the pendant was more effective against vampires.


    "Who's your commanding officer?" demands a formidable looking black man with a military bearing.

    "I don't know yet."

    "Good answer," he tells me. He is my commanding officer.

    When a small group comes to tell me I'll be joining them, I look back to him.

    "Sir?" I ask, and he instructs me to join the group.

    We board a plane. There are more than a dozen seats left when I come in, but one of my squadmates is arguing with a blond, thinner man who's already seated.

    "These are for the paratroopers," says the seated man. "We don't have any seats for you."

    I approach and tell him that we're assigned to this plane, and will be taking some of the seats. He is angry, but we end up seated, anyway.

    I'm sitting next to a superior officer who's played by an actor I can't remember the name of. He's a heavier-set black man and he asks roundabout questions about my place in -- and loyalty to -- our shadowy organization. I tell him I will do what needs to be done.

    The plane is in the air. I stand up and walk down the aisle. "It's time," I say to one of my squadmates as I walk past. She's a darker-skinned woman with long, curly hair.

    We're in the air now. The six members of the squad are gliding towards our destination using wingsuits, flying through the chilled air.

    "We can make it the whole way," the woman I was talking to says over the comms.

    "Negative," I say. "We're losing altitude. Chutes on my mark; aim to land at the planned point."

    I see a red plume of light indicating where we should land.

    "And... NOW!"

    We deploy our parachutes and land on the ice next to an island. Before I know it, we have skates on and are making our way towards the shore.

    A red pickup truck meets us. We put skate guards on our skates and a few of us climb into the cab, the rest getting into the back of the truck. I'm making plans with the driver.

    Scare factor: 5/10. Lots of fun and adventure, felt in control of the narrative the entire time, despite not being lucid.

    EDIT for new rating system (and formatting colour):

    Adventure: 8/10
    Control: 8/10
    Fear: 2/10

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    Updated 08-12-2015 at 11:21 PM by 31096

    non-lucid , memorable


    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
      5/10. Lots of fun and adventure, felt in control of the narrative the entire time, despite not being lucid.
      I always find it interesting when you feel as though you are in control of the narrative despite not being lucid. Though it could be argued that it is some level of semi-lucidity at work there. I would imagine that this sort of thing would happen a lot with writers. (I'm a comic book artist, and I have these same sort of things with dreams.) Are you by chance, a writer yourself?
    2. Samael's Avatar
      In my previous journals, I usually marked semi-lucidity with green text, but I typed this on the go on my phone this morning, so I didn't really format it.

      I absolutely see what you mean on semi-lucidity, though! I usually only classify it as a "lucid" dream if at some point I explicitly realize that I'm dreaming. In a "semi-lucid" dream, I'm simply aware at some level that I control the universe. If I think of it that way, it's perhaps unsurprising that I often have more control in a semi-lucid dream than a lucid one.

      I don't write enough that to call myself a writer, I think, but I'm definitely a storyteller at heart. It's awesome that you do comic book art, though! That's an area that I want to get into, and I need to kick myself to illustrate more, so that I can get to a professional level.
    3. Mzzkc's Avatar
      Saw a notification in my inbox and had to reality check to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

      I'm sitting next to a superior officer who's played by an actor I can't remember the name of.
      Ahh, the layers.

      Not that I have any room to ask--but is this gonna be a regular thing, or a one-off then back to the shadows kinda deal?
      ~Dreamer~ likes this.
    4. Samael's Avatar
      Saw a notification in my inbox and had to reality check to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
      Messing with your sense of reality, Mzzck, it's what I live for.
      Not that I have any room to ask--but is this gonna be a regular thing, or a one-off then back to the shadows kinda deal?
      I can't be 100% certain whether he (or the commanding officer) will show up again. The actor was Michael Clarke Duncan, though.
    5. Mzzkc's Avatar
      I meant journal postings in general, but cool. =)
    6. Samael's Avatar
      I plan to stick around.
      ~Dreamer~ likes this.