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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    #213. Who's Hunting the Hunters?

    by , 09-07-2015 at 09:19 PM (638 Views)
    I'm a vampire that's hunting vampires.

    Sam & Dean Winchester are hunting me.

    The woman I killed was a vampire preying on the local townspeople, but you can always trust Hunters to not understand nuance.

    Later, I'm using telekinesis on small objects around my grandmother's living room. I'm finding that I can easily lift objects that are within about four feet of me, but to move anything further away, I have to move closer. I find this frustrating, because I know I'm dreaming, and this is all about what I believe I can do.

    It's a rubber band bracelet thingy, for gods' sake! This shouldn't be that hard!
    Mzzkc and Verre like this.

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    Updated 09-09-2015 at 09:40 PM by 31096

